A 3D ábrázolások lehetőségei és előnyei… Kiss Károly rendszermérnök, építőmérnöki megoldások
Fotó: Dörögdi Ádám And how do we do this? Autodesk provides proven 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software to millions of professionals around the world who use our portfolio of products to help solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. And millions more are unlocking their creative potential with applications that help them turn their most innovative ideas into reality. But what does all that really mean? If you’ve ever driven a stylish car, admired a towering skyscraper, or watched a great film, chances are you may have experienced what Autodesk customers are doing with our software. Fotó: Dörögdi Ádám
A VARINEX Zrt. 1991. FABICAD Kft. 2001. Varinex Rt. AutoCAD alapú fejlesztések, konstrukciós tervezés, gépgyártás- technológia 2001. Varinex Rt. CAD/CAM/CAE - Számítógéppel segített mérnöki tevékenységek FEA - Szimulációs eszközök RPT/RT - gyors prototípus gyártás és szerszámkészítés Térinformatika (GIS), digitális térkép készítés Építőmérnöki tervezés Varinexről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Az Autodesk Alapítva 1982-ben A világ vezető 2D és 3D tervező technológiáját szállító cége 10+ millió felhasználó A legszélesebb termékpalettával rendelkező fejlesztő cég Folyamatos fejlesztés Projekt alapú és objektumorientált szemlélet Különböző szakágak terveinek megjelenítése egyetlen felületen Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Mire (lehet) jó a harmadik dimenzió? Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Mire (lehet) jó a harmadik dimenzió? Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Rajtuk már a 3D sem segít… Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Mire (lehet) jó a harmadik dimenzió? Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Iparági kihívások Rövid, sokszor lehetetlen határidők A legolcsóbb a nyerő Különböző szakági munkák összehangolása Hiányos / összecsapott tervek Kerekített értékék használata, „mert azok szebbek” „EOV-nak látszó”, elmozgatott rajzok A digitális formátum/adatszolgáltatás félreértelmezése A szerzői joggal való „visszaélés” „Majd a helyszínen megoldják” felfogás And how do we do this? Autodesk provides proven 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software to millions of professionals around the world who use our portfolio of products to help solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. And millions more are unlocking their creative potential with applications that help them turn their most innovative ideas into reality. But what does all that really mean? If you’ve ever driven a stylish car, admired a towering skyscraper, or watched a great film, chances are you may have experienced what Autodesk customers are doing with our software.
Iparági célok Megfelelő technológiák kiválasztása Minél pontosabb költségbecslés Pontos és teljesíthető ütemterv Megbízható geodézia Gördülékeny és pontos kivitelezés A tervekben lévő hibák ne kerüljenek ki a terepre Felkészülni az improvizációra? Tisztességes haszon And how do we do this? Autodesk provides proven 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software to millions of professionals around the world who use our portfolio of products to help solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. And millions more are unlocking their creative potential with applications that help them turn their most innovative ideas into reality. But what does all that really mean? If you’ve ever driven a stylish car, admired a towering skyscraper, or watched a great film, chances are you may have experienced what Autodesk customers are doing with our software.
A drága múlt, jelen és jövő (?) A hiányos, pontatlan nyilvántartás néhány következménye: Ismeretlen közművagyon Gyakori és véletlenszerűnek tűnő meghibásodások Lappangó hibák, tervezhetetlen karbantartások Lassú, körülményes, „saccperka” adatszolgáltatás az ügyfelek és a tervezők felé Meglévő vezetékek megrongálása valamilyen kivitelezési munka során Meglévő vezetékek ütközése a tervezett keresztező vezetékkel And how do we do this? Autodesk provides proven 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software to millions of professionals around the world who use our portfolio of products to help solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. And millions more are unlocking their creative potential with applications that help them turn their most innovative ideas into reality. But what does all that really mean? If you’ve ever driven a stylish car, admired a towering skyscraper, or watched a great film, chances are you may have experienced what Autodesk customers are doing with our software.
A jelen és a jövőbeni elvárások Költségek csökkentése Pontos „naprakész” közműleltár Tervezett karbantartások Meghibásodások minimalizálása Valóban pontos adatszolgáltatás az ügyfelek és a tervezők felé And how do we do this? Autodesk provides proven 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software to millions of professionals around the world who use our portfolio of products to help solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. And millions more are unlocking their creative potential with applications that help them turn their most innovative ideas into reality. But what does all that really mean? If you’ve ever driven a stylish car, admired a towering skyscraper, or watched a great film, chances are you may have experienced what Autodesk customers are doing with our software.
Tervezés/ellenőrzés/kivitelezés And how do we do this? Autodesk provides proven 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software to millions of professionals around the world who use our portfolio of products to help solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. And millions more are unlocking their creative potential with applications that help them turn their most innovative ideas into reality. But what does all that really mean? If you’ve ever driven a stylish car, admired a towering skyscraper, or watched a great film, chances are you may have experienced what Autodesk customers are doing with our software.
Tervezés/ellenőrzés/kivitelezés And how do we do this? Autodesk provides proven 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software to millions of professionals around the world who use our portfolio of products to help solve their design, business, and environmental challenges. And millions more are unlocking their creative potential with applications that help them turn their most innovative ideas into reality. But what does all that really mean? If you’ve ever driven a stylish car, admired a towering skyscraper, or watched a great film, chances are you may have experienced what Autodesk customers are doing with our software.
Tervezés/ellenőrzés/kivitelezés Lézeres vezérlés Ultrahangos vezérlés 3D vezérlés Mérőállomás GPS Autodesk has been a market leader since the introduction of AutoCAD® software, nearly 30 years ago. We offer the broadest and deepest portfolio of products in the design world: from basic drafting to Digital Prototyping, from Building Information Modeling to Oscar®-winning visual effects. The line between industries is blurring. Take manufacturing and AEC, for example. When you “manufacture” an elevator, you must also think about how it will fit within the larger context of the building in which it sits. It’s a more holistic way of looking at industries. Interoperable products enable people to work within such a multi-industry framework. Our range of experience across industries enables us to provide our customers with technology they may be unaware of from industries they would never have expected—like architects using our video game technology to help win more jobs. With over 10 million commercial users worldwide and an additional 1.2 million students trained on our products every year, we support a community that spans the globe. And our technology reaches beyond the office, into the home. Our consumer apps bring 3D design to the masses in a fun and accessible way. The same software technology originally built for movie studios, car companies, and architectural firms allows kids, hobbyists and artists to unlock their creativity, while inspiring the next generation of designers, engineers and creative artists. Forrás: http://gepnet.hu
Tervezés/ellenőrzés/kivitelezés Autodesk has been a market leader since the introduction of AutoCAD® software, nearly 30 years ago. We offer the broadest and deepest portfolio of products in the design world: from basic drafting to Digital Prototyping, from Building Information Modeling to Oscar®-winning visual effects. The line between industries is blurring. Take manufacturing and AEC, for example. When you “manufacture” an elevator, you must also think about how it will fit within the larger context of the building in which it sits. It’s a more holistic way of looking at industries. Interoperable products enable people to work within such a multi-industry framework. Our range of experience across industries enables us to provide our customers with technology they may be unaware of from industries they would never have expected—like architects using our video game technology to help win more jobs. With over 10 million commercial users worldwide and an additional 1.2 million students trained on our products every year, we support a community that spans the globe. And our technology reaches beyond the office, into the home. Our consumer apps bring 3D design to the masses in a fun and accessible way. The same software technology originally built for movie studios, car companies, and architectural firms allows kids, hobbyists and artists to unlock their creativity, while inspiring the next generation of designers, engineers and creative artists. Forrás: http://gepnet.hu
Tervezés/ellenőrzés/kivitelezés Folyamatos munkavégzés, nincsen szükség szintjelző karókra Nagy pontosságú munka Csökken a járatok száma, nő a termelékenység Csökken a munkagép üzemóra száma Csökken a különböző hibákból adódó pluszmunka költsége Autodesk has been a market leader since the introduction of AutoCAD® software, nearly 30 years ago. We offer the broadest and deepest portfolio of products in the design world: from basic drafting to Digital Prototyping, from Building Information Modeling to Oscar®-winning visual effects. The line between industries is blurring. Take manufacturing and AEC, for example. When you “manufacture” an elevator, you must also think about how it will fit within the larger context of the building in which it sits. It’s a more holistic way of looking at industries. Interoperable products enable people to work within such a multi-industry framework. Our range of experience across industries enables us to provide our customers with technology they may be unaware of from industries they would never have expected—like architects using our video game technology to help win more jobs. With over 10 million commercial users worldwide and an additional 1.2 million students trained on our products every year, we support a community that spans the globe. And our technology reaches beyond the office, into the home. Our consumer apps bring 3D design to the masses in a fun and accessible way. The same software technology originally built for movie studios, car companies, and architectural firms allows kids, hobbyists and artists to unlock their creativity, while inspiring the next generation of designers, engineers and creative artists.
Út- és szerkezettervezés kapcsolata Bridge Modeler Labs.autodesk.com Revit Structure kapcsolat Digital Prototyping From industrial machinery to consumer products, the Autodesk Simulation solutions help manufacturers bring design innovation to market faster with more profit and superior quality by connecting all phases of the product development process reducing the need for costly physical prototypes. BIM Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions help customers make better decisions, resulting in fewer conflicts, faster delivery, and ultimately better business results. Autodesk solutions expand the power of BIM to provide insight and value throughout the project lifecycle, from design to construction to maintenance. Digital Entertainment Creation Whether in film, video games, or television, Autodesk technologies are redefining digital content creation through integrated production environments that support creativity and improve efficiency. These tools are now used in other industries as well to create virtual walkthroughs of buildings that haven’t been built yet and to market everything from cars to watches to skis with stunning visualizations.
Építészet… Építész Szerkezettervezés Épület gépészet Digital Prototyping From industrial machinery to consumer products, the Autodesk Simulation solutions help manufacturers bring design innovation to market faster with more profit and superior quality by connecting all phases of the product development process reducing the need for costly physical prototypes. BIM Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions help customers make better decisions, resulting in fewer conflicts, faster delivery, and ultimately better business results. Autodesk solutions expand the power of BIM to provide insight and value throughout the project lifecycle, from design to construction to maintenance. Digital Entertainment Creation Whether in film, video games, or television, Autodesk technologies are redefining digital content creation through integrated production environments that support creativity and improve efficiency. These tools are now used in other industries as well to create virtual walkthroughs of buildings that haven’t been built yet and to market everything from cars to watches to skis with stunning visualizations.
Elemzések Digital Prototyping From industrial machinery to consumer products, the Autodesk Simulation solutions help manufacturers bring design innovation to market faster with more profit and superior quality by connecting all phases of the product development process reducing the need for costly physical prototypes. BIM Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions help customers make better decisions, resulting in fewer conflicts, faster delivery, and ultimately better business results. Autodesk solutions expand the power of BIM to provide insight and value throughout the project lifecycle, from design to construction to maintenance. Digital Entertainment Creation Whether in film, video games, or television, Autodesk technologies are redefining digital content creation through integrated production environments that support creativity and improve efficiency. These tools are now used in other industries as well to create virtual walkthroughs of buildings that haven’t been built yet and to market everything from cars to watches to skis with stunning visualizations.
Robot Structure Digital Prototyping From industrial machinery to consumer products, the Autodesk Simulation solutions help manufacturers bring design innovation to market faster with more profit and superior quality by connecting all phases of the product development process reducing the need for costly physical prototypes. BIM Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions help customers make better decisions, resulting in fewer conflicts, faster delivery, and ultimately better business results. Autodesk solutions expand the power of BIM to provide insight and value throughout the project lifecycle, from design to construction to maintenance. Digital Entertainment Creation Whether in film, video games, or television, Autodesk technologies are redefining digital content creation through integrated production environments that support creativity and improve efficiency. These tools are now used in other industries as well to create virtual walkthroughs of buildings that haven’t been built yet and to market everything from cars to watches to skis with stunning visualizations.
Robot Structure Digital Prototyping From industrial machinery to consumer products, the Autodesk Simulation solutions help manufacturers bring design innovation to market faster with more profit and superior quality by connecting all phases of the product development process reducing the need for costly physical prototypes. BIM Autodesk Building Information Modeling (BIM) solutions help customers make better decisions, resulting in fewer conflicts, faster delivery, and ultimately better business results. Autodesk solutions expand the power of BIM to provide insight and value throughout the project lifecycle, from design to construction to maintenance. Digital Entertainment Creation Whether in film, video games, or television, Autodesk technologies are redefining digital content creation through integrated production environments that support creativity and improve efficiency. These tools are now used in other industries as well to create virtual walkthroughs of buildings that haven’t been built yet and to market everything from cars to watches to skis with stunning visualizations.
Tervezés/ellenőrzés/kivitelezés Autodesk has been a market leader since the introduction of AutoCAD® software, nearly 30 years ago. We offer the broadest and deepest portfolio of products in the design world: from basic drafting to Digital Prototyping, from Building Information Modeling to Oscar®-winning visual effects. The line between industries is blurring. Take manufacturing and AEC, for example. When you “manufacture” an elevator, you must also think about how it will fit within the larger context of the building in which it sits. It’s a more holistic way of looking at industries. Interoperable products enable people to work within such a multi-industry framework. Our range of experience across industries enables us to provide our customers with technology they may be unaware of from industries they would never have expected—like architects using our video game technology to help win more jobs. With over 10 million commercial users worldwide and an additional 1.2 million students trained on our products every year, we support a community that spans the globe. And our technology reaches beyond the office, into the home. Our consumer apps bring 3D design to the masses in a fun and accessible way. The same software technology originally built for movie studios, car companies, and architectural firms allows kids, hobbyists and artists to unlock their creativity, while inspiring the next generation of designers, engineers and creative artists.
Általában 7 percre van szükség ahhoz, hogy az ember elaludjon Autodesk has been a market leader since the introduction of AutoCAD® software, nearly 30 years ago. We offer the broadest and deepest portfolio of products in the design world: from basic drafting to Digital Prototyping, from Building Information Modeling to Oscar®-winning visual effects. The line between industries is blurring. Take manufacturing and AEC, for example. When you “manufacture” an elevator, you must also think about how it will fit within the larger context of the building in which it sits. It’s a more holistic way of looking at industries. Interoperable products enable people to work within such a multi-industry framework. Our range of experience across industries enables us to provide our customers with technology they may be unaware of from industries they would never have expected—like architects using our video game technology to help win more jobs. With over 10 million commercial users worldwide and an additional 1.2 million students trained on our products every year, we support a community that spans the globe. And our technology reaches beyond the office, into the home. Our consumer apps bring 3D design to the masses in a fun and accessible way. The same software technology originally built for movie studios, car companies, and architectural firms allows kids, hobbyists and artists to unlock their creativity, while inspiring the next generation of designers, engineers and creative artists.
Békési csónak- és kishajó kikötő tervezése Kettős-Körös Békési duzzasztó megkerülő csatornájában Tervező: Erbo-Plan Kft. Gyula
Meglévő domborzati modell
A 3D nyomterv
Tervezett domborzati modell
Kivitelezés előtt, közben és után
Kivitelezés előtt, közben és után
Így (is) lehet(ne) Autodesk has been a market leader since the introduction of AutoCAD® software, nearly 30 years ago. We offer the broadest and deepest portfolio of products in the design world: from basic drafting to Digital Prototyping, from Building Information Modeling to Oscar®-winning visual effects. The line between industries is blurring. Take manufacturing and AEC, for example. When you “manufacture” an elevator, you must also think about how it will fit within the larger context of the building in which it sits. It’s a more holistic way of looking at industries. Interoperable products enable people to work within such a multi-industry framework. Our range of experience across industries enables us to provide our customers with technology they may be unaware of from industries they would never have expected—like architects using our video game technology to help win more jobs. With over 10 million commercial users worldwide and an additional 1.2 million students trained on our products every year, we support a community that spans the globe. And our technology reaches beyond the office, into the home. Our consumer apps bring 3D design to the masses in a fun and accessible way. The same software technology originally built for movie studios, car companies, and architectural firms allows kids, hobbyists and artists to unlock their creativity, while inspiring the next generation of designers, engineers and creative artists.
Térinformatikai adatok megjelenítése
Térinformatikai adatok megjelenítése
Térinformatikai adatok megjelenítése
Térinformatikai adatok megjelenítése
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés Gravitációs és nyomott hálózatok elemzése Hossz-szelvény készítése tetszőleges útvonalra Számos csőprofil és víznyelő típus alkalmazása Befogadó elemzés, túlfolyók kezelése Tetszőleges intenzitás és gyakoriság alkalmazása Csapadékmennyiség lefolyásvizsgálata
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés Hossz-szelvény két tetszőleges csomópont között Kezdőpont Végpont
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés
3D adatszolgáltatás és elemzés
Üzemeltetés és fenntartás Megtérülés Költség/ Energia Many of the limitations of a traditional transportation project lifecycle occur in the conceptual design through to operations phases of the work flow. To illustrate these limitations, the chart above maps effect, cost, and effort throughout the typical project phases, going from conceptual design, to detailed design, to construction documentation, to construction, and finally, maintenance and operations. Graphic originated by Patrick MacLeamy, AIA/HOK Koncepció Tanulmány Kiviteli terv Üzemeltetés és fenntartás Megvalósulás
Üzemeltetés és fenntartás 1 Megtérülés Költségek és a minőség befolyásolhatósága Költség/ Energia Many of the limitations of a traditional transportation project lifecycle occur in the conceptual design through to operations phases of the work flow. To illustrate these limitations, the chart above maps effect, cost, and effort throughout the typical project phases, going from conceptual design, to detailed design, to construction documentation, to construction, and finally, maintenance and operations. Graphic originated by Patrick MacLeamy, AIA/HOK Koncepció Tanulmány Kiviteli terv Üzemeltetés és fenntartás Megvalósulás
Üzemeltetés és fenntartás 1 2 Változtatás költsége Megtérülés Költségek és a minőség befolyásolhatósága Költség/ Energia Many of the limitations of a traditional transportation project lifecycle occur in the conceptual design through to operations phases of the work flow. To illustrate these limitations, the chart above maps effect, cost, and effort throughout the typical project phases, going from conceptual design, to detailed design, to construction documentation, to construction, and finally, maintenance and operations. Graphic originated by Patrick MacLeamy, AIA/HOK Koncepció Tanulmány Kiviteli terv Üzemeltetés és fenntartás Megvalósulás
Üzemeltetés és fenntartás 1 2 Változtatás költsége Megtérülés Költségek és a minőség befolyásolhatósága 3 Tipikus munkafolyamat Költség/ Energia Many of the limitations of a traditional transportation project lifecycle occur in the conceptual design through to operations phases of the work flow. To illustrate these limitations, the chart above maps effect, cost, and effort throughout the typical project phases, going from conceptual design, to detailed design, to construction documentation, to construction, and finally, maintenance and operations. Graphic originated by Patrick MacLeamy, AIA/HOK Koncepció Tanulmány Kiviteli terv Üzemeltetés és fenntartás Megvalósulás
Megtörtént eset 2011 ITR vs. AutoCAD Civil 3D Késedelmes zászlózás kitűzése CKT-hoz (200-250 méter): 4 db négytengelyes tgk. napi díja: 400 000.- + ÁFA Bedolgozó géplánc napi díja: 600 000.- + ÁFA Összesen: 1 000 000.- + ÁFA ½ nap: 500 000.- + ÁFA Új szoftverlicenc ára: ~4 500 €.- + ÁFA
Megtérülés 67. sz. főút Kaposfüred elkerülő Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Megtérülés 67. sz. főút Kaposfüred elkerülő Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Megtérülés 67. sz. főút Kaposfüred elkerülő Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Megtérülés 67. sz. főút Kaposfüred elkerülő Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál) 69 565 m3 63 747 m3
Megtérülés 67. sz. főút Kaposfüred elkerülő Teljes szerkesztési idő: 11 óra 18 perc Közel teljes 3D modell Tervlapok közötti eltérések kibuknak Módosítás esetén a modell pár perc alatt frissíthető (pl. :helyszínrajzi sugár, hossz-szelvény változása) Bármilyen felület kinyerése ( pl.: földmunka, aszfaltrétegek) Helyszíni improvizáció „támogatása” Autodeskről pár szó, ha gondolod írd át/egészítsd ki (de ne legyen több 1 oldalnál)
Összefoglalás Pontos tervezési LEHETŐSÉG Bárhol bármilyen keresztszelvény felvehető Bárhonnan bármilyen koordináta és magasság leolvasható Elemzések, önellenőrzések, hibák kiszűrése Variációk összehasonlítása Gyors változtatási lehetőség Gyors adatszolgáltatás, szakági társtervező számára 3D modell Kivitelezés támogatása
Nincsen és nem is lesz soha olyan eszköz, ami a mérnöki tudást és gondolkodásmódot helyettesíthetné
Köszönöm megtisztelő figyelmüket kiss@varinex.hu +36-30-585-7045 Civil3d.varinex.hu