/26 Crossbar kapcsoló 2
/26 Optikai kapcsolók sebessége 3
/26 4 Core DWDM Systems Core Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) systems designed for long- haul and ultra long-haul optical networking applications. Management of Optical Networks Unified multiservice, multi-technology, multivendor, end-to-end management for optical networks. Metro WDM Systems Metro Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) systems designed for access, metro and regional optical networking applications. Multiservice SDH SDH-based multiservice metro systems with integrated data-aware features provide multiprotocol aggregation and cross connect functionality. (szinkron digitális hierarchia) Multiservice SONET SONET-based multiservice metro systems with integrated data-aware features provide multiprotocol aggregation and cross connect functionality. (Synchronous Optical NETworking) Optical Core Switching Scalable optical systems for metro core and backbone applications, supporting add/drop multiplexer, broad- and wideband SDH/SONET and L2 switching functionalities from ring to meshed topologies, based on ASON/GMPLS dynamic control plane. Optical CPE Alcatel-Lucent optical customer premises equipment provides optical multiservice access to medium-large businesses. Optical Ethernet Gigabit ethernet MAN products that feature extensive routing capabilities, flexible connectivity options and sophisticated management tools. Packet Transport Multi-service packet transport products support any mix of traffic from 100% circuits to 100% packets. Alcatel 2009
/26 5
6 Optikai csomagkapcsolás
/26 7 Optikai kapcsolók In telecommunication, an optical switch is a switch that enables signals in optical fibers or integrated optical circuits (IOCs) to be selectively switched from one circuit to another. 1. MEMS approaches involving arrays of micromirrors that can deflect an optical signal to the appropriate receiver 2. Piezoelelectric Beam Steering involving piezoelctric ceramics providing enhanced optical switching characteristics 3. Liquid crystals that rotate polarized light either 0 degrees or 90 degrees depending on the applied electric field to support switching; 4. Thermal methods that vary the index of refraction in one leg of an interferometer to switch the signal on or off; 5. Nonlinear methods that vary the diffraction pattern in a medium by taking advantage of the material nonlinear properties to deflect light to the desired receiver; 6. Acousto-optic methods that change the refractive index as a result of strain induced by an acoustic field to deflect light 7. Amplifiers and attenuators in output fibers that adjust the signal to the digital “0” power range (when the fiber is not switched to) or to the normal power range when it is
/26 8
/26 9 MEMS kapcsolók (Lucent 1999)
/26 10
/26 11 Optikai szál mátrix (Fiberguide)
/ xN kapcsolók (Lightech)
/ x2 optikai kapcsoló – OS (2009) CE33942A96BAACC7_ pdf?da=1&id=187205&seq=0
/26 14 Termoelasztikus aktuátor VOA – variable optical attenuator
/26 15 silicon-on-insulator (SOI) deep reactive-ion etching (DRIE) process on a silicon wafer which will be bonded with a glass wafer The measured insertion losses of OS-State-1 and OS-State-2 are about 1.0 dB and 1.1 dB with over 100-time switching cycles The switching time from OS-State-2 to OS-State-1 is about 4 ms
/26 Optikai crossbar kapcsoló - LCD SLM 16
/26 17 Elektro-optikai kapcsoló (Lightech)
/26 Optikai csatolók 18
/26 Multimód interferométer (MMI) csatolók 19
/26 Hullámvezető csatolók 20
/26 Elektro-optikai elven vezérelt csatoló 21
/26 22 MZI (Mach-Zender Interferometer) kapcsolók
/26 Nemlineáris MZI ( All Optical Switching) 23
/26 24 SOA (semiconductor optical amplifier) kapcsolók
/26 25 SOA MZI
/26 26 Kérdések Mit nevezünk crossbar kapcsolónak? Soroljon fel legalább négy optikai kapcsoló megvalósítási lehetőséget. Emelje ki előnyeiket és hátrányaikat. Mutasson be MEMS alapú 3D kapcsolót. Hogyan lehet 1xN optomechanikai kapcsolót készíteni? Hogyan valósítható meg crossbar kapcsoló LCD-vel? Mutasson be néhány optikai szál illetve planár hullámvezető csatolót. Mi a működési elve az MMI csatolóknak? Hogyan valósítható meg hullámvezető elektrooptikai 2x2 kapcsoló? Mi a működési elve a nemlineáris Mach-Zender interferométernek és mire használható? Hogyan valósítható meg SOA segítségével az All Optical Switching?