Zoltán Baracskai In the age of digital natives: fast thinking, experience mining, and rule based behaviour these three metaphors are sufficient to describe.


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2005. szeptember 15. A CEBS CRD-hez kapcsolódó egyéb, előkészület alatt álló anyagai Seregdi László szeptember 15.

Tudásmenedzsment és a Web 2.0
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Köszöntjük a konferencia résztvevőit! Welcome to the participants of the conference!
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Előadás másolata:

Zoltán Baracskai In the age of digital natives: fast thinking, experience mining, and rule based behaviour these three metaphors are sufficient to describe the reality of the human–computer interaction

Zoltán Baracskai These Nobel Prize winners are the most influential scientists in the field of human behaviour But the influence of bounded rationality on teaching is zero.

Zoltán Baracskai „A deeper understanding of judgments and choices also requires a richer vocabulary than is available in everyday language.” (Kahneman)

Zoltán Baracskai We have smart tools! Do we have smart methods? Do we have smart models?

Zoltán Baracskai REDUCTIVE REASONING: Less is more! Now we are able to describe the mindset of an intuitive decision maker (within one decision area)

Zoltán Baracskai I believe in Popper’s process of tentative problem solving This process requires transdisciplinary approach

Zoltán Baracskai Our STM and LTM have limited capacities

Zoltán Baracskai If we have data and text mining, why don’t we have experience mining?

Zoltán Baracskai If we want to model human decision processes, we must find an balance rule-based behaviour with rule-defying misbehaving

Zoltán Baracskai Logic in if-then rules

Zoltán Baracskai Less is more

Zoltán Baracskai Steve Jobs did not need focus groups, because he understood his customers really well. He needs the Design Chief Jony Ive