Olympic games Swimming & water polo. Our most successful sports FencingSwimming Wrestling Water polo Kayaking.

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Az előadások a következő témára: "Olympic games Swimming & water polo. Our most successful sports FencingSwimming Wrestling Water polo Kayaking."— Előadás másolata:

1 Olympic games Swimming & water polo

2 Our most successful sports FencingSwimming Wrestling Water polo Kayaking

3 Swimming Hajós Alfréd was born on 1 st February in 1878 in Budapest and died on 12 th November in 1955 in Budapest. He was a very talented sport’s man: fast swimmer, football player, football referee, the Hungarian national football team’s coach, and journalist. He was Hungary's first Olympic champion. The media named him “the Hungarian dolphin”. 1896 in Athena in 13°C seawater he won the 100 m and the 1200m. They started to swim from the water. That time they didn’t get gold medal they gave silver medal to the winner. He was a Hungarian architect who designed the Szusza Ferenc Stadium, the Millenaries Sport ground, the Gold Bull Hotel in Debrecen, Lőcsey High school in Debrecen, home for the blinds in Szombathely, and many other high schools and pools in the country. He is the Perpetual Hungarian Champion.

4 Gyurta Dániel Darnyi Tamás Székely ÉvaGyarmati AndreaKovács Ági Egerszegi Krisztina Risztov Éva Czene Attila Wladár Sándor Szőke Katinka Cseh László

5 Water polo 1932 Los Angeles: the gold medalist Hungarian water polo team: Ivády, Bródy, Vértesy, Németh, Homonnai, Keserű és Halassy. 1936 Berlin: Bozsi Mihály Brandi Jenő, Halassy Olivér, Hazai Kálmán, Homonnai Márton, Kutasi György, Molnár István, Németh János, Sárkány Miklós, Tarics Sándor,

6 1952 Helsinki: Antal Róbert, Bolvári Antal, Fábián Dezső, Gyarmati Dezső, Hasznos István, Jeney László, Kárpáti György, Lemhényi Dezső, Markovits Kálmán, Martin Miklós, Szittya Károly, Szívós István id., Vízvári György, 1964 Tokio. Ambrus Miklós, Bodnár András, Boros Ottó, Dömötör Zoltán, Felkai László, Gyarmati Dezső, Kanizsa Tivadar, Kárpáti György, Konrád János, Mayer Mihály, Pócsik Déne,s Rusorán Péter,

7 1976 Montreal: Csapó Gábor, Cservenyák Tibor, Faragó Tamás, Gerendás György, Horkai György, Kenéz György, Konrád Ferenc, Molnár Endre, Sudár Attila, Szívós István ifj., Sárosi László, Kemény Dénes 3 times Olympic winner coach.

8 Underwater picture taking by Reuters, Balogh László. As you can see everybody enjoyed the situation and action.

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