Introduction of Szent István University

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1 Introduction of Szent István University
CEEPUS mobilitási program a SZIE-n Gödöllő, február 21. Szent István Egyetem, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1. ,Tel.: , Fax: ,

2 A CEEPUS megállapodást 1993
A CEEPUS megállapodást 1993. december 8-án írták alá a tagországok oktatási miniszterei, így először az 1994/1995-ös tanév második szemeszterében indulhatott meg a hallgató- és oktatócsere a partner intézmények között ben elkezdődött a CEEPUS III. szakasza, melyben a program kiemelt figyelmet fordít a kutatási tevékenységek, közös doktori programok támogatására. Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

3 A csereprogram célja, hogy a felsőoktatás területén együttműködő partner intézmények között lehetővé tegye - hallgatói és oktatói mobilitások lebonyolítását, - speciális kurzusok, nyári egyetemek, valamint - hallgatói kirándulások szervezését, támogassa hosszú távú szakmai együttműködések kialakulását a térségben, ezzel elősegítve Közép-Európa stratégiai szerepének erősödését. Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

4 Jelenleg a következő országok akkreditált felsőoktatási intézményeibe lehet utazni CEEPUS támogatással: Albánia, Ausztria, Bosznia-Hercegovina, Bulgária, Csehország, Horvátország, Koszovó, Lengyelország, Macedónia, Magyarország, Moldova, Montenegró, Románia, Szerbia, Szlovákia és Szlovénia. Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

5 A hallgatói mobilitási pályázatok beadásának határideje az őszi szemeszterre: június 15. a tavaszi szemeszterre: október 31. freemoverként a tavaszi szemeszterre: 2018.november 30. (1 db Letter of Acceptance, 2 db Letter of Recommendation) Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

6 Az ösztöndíj elnyerésének általános feltételei - 2 lezárt félév a kiutazásig, - aktív hallgatói státusz az ösztöndíjas időszak alatt, - CEEPUS országbeli állampolgárság* (a pályázó saját állampolgárságával megegyező országba nem utazhat CEEPUS támogatással), - az adott hálózat intézményi koordinátorának vagy hálózati koordinátorának/ partnerének támogatása,  - a kinntartózkodás alatt óralátogatás, kreditszerzés kötelező az ösztöndíjas időszak alatt egyéb ösztöndíjazásban nem részesül (kettős finanszírozás kizárása). Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

7 A mobilitás típusai Féléváthallgatás (Student mobility) Alap- és mesterképzéses hallgatók ajánlottan 1 szemeszter vagy trimeszter, minimum 3 hónap, maximum 10 hónap a kinntartózkodás alatt kurzusok látogatása, teljesítése és kreditszerzés kötelező, kiegészítheti szakmai gyakorlat is   Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

8 A mobilitás típusai 2. Rövid távú hallgatói mobilitás (Short Term Student mobility) Posztgraduális hallgatók / PhD hallgatók / diplomamunkán dolgozó alap- és mesterképzéses hallgatók minimum 1 hónap, maximum 10 hónap szakdolgozathoz vagy disszertációhoz való kutatás, konzultáció, labormunka   Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

9 A mobilitás típusai 3. Speciális kurzusokon való részvétel: - intenzív nyelvi vagy szakmai kurzus: minimum 5 nap; - hallgatói szakmai kirándulás: minimum 2-3 nap.   Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

10 Az ösztöndíj mértéke Az ösztöndíjat a nyertes pályázó a fogadó országtól kapja, ennek mértéke országonként eltérő. Az aktuális összegekről bővebben a Központi CEEPUS Iroda honlapján ( tájékozódhat, az egyes nemzeti CEEPUS irodák linkjeire kattintva. Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

11 SZIE CEEPUS hálózatai e-bologna for Translation Studies Programmes (AT-119) VetNEST(Veterinary Net for Student and Staff Transfer, HR-107) Agriculture and Environment in the 21st Century (HU-03) New directions for forestry sciences in Central Europe (PL-114) Implementation and utilization of e-learning systems in study area of production engineering in Central European Region (RO-202) Applied Economics and Management (SK-44) Renewable energy resources (SK-405) Rural tourism programs network (SK-505) Engineering as Communication Language in Europe (PL-701) Biology, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (SK-1018) Landscape management - Sustainable land use perspectives in the Central European Region (CZ-311) For Safe and Healthy Food in Middle-Europe (HR-306)

12 Információ https://szie. hu/ceepus-hallgatoi-palyazat e-mail: tarr
Információ Picture of apoteozis? This picture is of a sculpture found in the Aula of our Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. It’s creator, the famous Hungarian sculptor Amerigo Toth, was somewhat of a Renaissance Man, like Leonardo Da Vinci.  He was skilled and educated in many different sciences and crafts. He was a painter, an actor, an auto racer, and sculptor and lived and worked throughout Europe. He was actually in the second Godfather film as Al Pacino’s bodyguard. We like to think of him as a model for our university as we also seek success through being good at many differentthings throughout the world     

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