Alapítva: 1870 ORSZÁGOS METEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT Hungarian Meteorological Service Györgyi Baranka Training Workshop for National Meteorological and Hydrological.


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Alapítva: 1870 ORSZÁGOS METEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT Hungarian Meteorological Service Györgyi Baranka Training Workshop for National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) on Designing Socio-Economic Benefits Studies of Meteorological / Hydrological Services and Products for the Members in Regional Association VI (Europe) (29 th June – 3 rd July 2015, Zagreb, Croatia)

Alapítva: 1870 ORSZÁGOS METEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT Self-introduction a. Mrs. Györgyi Baranka (Ph.D) b. Hungarian Meteorological Service from 1986 c. Current position: Grant Application and Research Management Officer d. Scientific background: air pollution modelling (M.Sc:1986, Ph.D: 2000) including ozone prediction, studying of boundary layer structure, calculation of dispersion parameters and modelling of air pollutants from mobile sources. Project leader at national level: Urban Heat Islands Project, ( )


Alapítva: 1870 ORSZÁGOS METEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT Hungary a. Total area: 93,028 sq km b. Population; 9,919,128 (July 2014 est.) growth rate: -0.21% c. Annual Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in USD: $239.9 billion GDP real growth rate: 2.8% (2014 est.) d. Composition of GDP: agriculture: 3.4%, industry: 31.1%, services: 65.5% (2014 est.) e. Main industries; mining, metallurgy, construction materials, processed foods, textiles, chemicals (especially pharmaceuticals), motor vehicles f. Main climate- and weather-related hazards; flooding, drougth and forest fire, heat waves, smog, UV

Alapítva: 1870 ORSZÁGOS METEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT Hungarian Meteorological Service (1) a. Brief description of the organization: As a National Weather Service it has the following basic tasks: continuous monitoring and evaluation of the state of atmosphere, preparing weather forecasts and alarms, mapping of climate of our country, research of climate change and publication of all these. b. Number of staff: 205 c. Annual budget: EUR (2014) d. Range of products and services provided, and the main sectors that use them; aviation, energy, administration Proportions of incomes

Alapítva: 1870 ORSZÁGOS METEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT Hungarian Meteorological Service (2) e. To the extent possible, the estimated costs of your met/hydro services, f. One sector where you feel your organization is strong: forecasting and climatology and professional investments for observations, one sector where you feel your organization is weak; g. Significant funding gaps: membership fees to international meteorological organizations unrealized pursuits: full membership to ECMWF and new products/service: improving our website

Outreach to wider public improving web-portal and other Internet tools visitors of our Facebook page duplicated in 2 months around people following us on Facebook web-based system (called MET-ÉSZ) developed for amateur observers The input site of the MET-ÉSZ system on a smartphone display METEORA application on a smartphone display

Alapítva: 1870 ORSZÁGOS METEOROLÓGIAI SZOLGÁLAT Thank you for your attention! I can use this knowledge for finding more partners and users for weather and weather related information and products in many sectors of economy and in different levels of society.