Biomarkerek használata és költséghatékonyság az ITO-n Molnár Zsolt Aneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Intézet Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Szepszis - népegészségügyi probléma Molnár Zsolt zsoltmolna@gmail Szepszis - népegészségügyi probléma Molnár Zsolt Aneszteziológiai és Intenzív Terápiás Intézet Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Miért népegészségügyi probléma? Növekvő incidencia: 300/100.000 lakos Kórházi mortalitás: 20-50% Gaieski DF, et al. Crit Care Med 2013; 41: 1167 Többen halnak meg szepszis miatt mint emlő és colo-rectális rákban összesen „Septicemia - the single most expensive reason for hospitalization in the US in 2011” Torio, et al. 2011 [HCUP Statistical Brief No. 160]. Agency Healthcare Research and Quality 57.000 € vs. 3.000 € Brunkhorst F.M. et al., Sepsis congress Weimar 2011
Mi az a „szepszis”?
A szepszis nem definitív betegség „Sepsis-syndrome”: Las Vegas, 1980 Fever or hypothermia (> 38.3oC or < 35.0 oC) Tachycardia (>90/min) Leukocytosis or leukopenia (> 12 000cells/mm3, < 4000cells/mm3, or > 10% immature forms) Hypotension (<90mmHg)
A szepszis nem definitív betegség „Sepsis-syndrome”: Las Vegas, 1980 Fever or hypothermia (> 38.3oC or < 35.0 oC) Tachycardia (>90/min) Leukocytosis or leukopenia (> 12 000cells/mm3, < 4000cells/mm3, or > 10% immature forms) Hypotension (<90mmHg)
Sepsis is not a definitive disease Consensus conference ACCP/SCCM: Infection Bacteraemia Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) Sepsis = SIRS + Infection Severe sepsis (Sepsis + one organ dysfunction) Septic shock (hypoperfusion despite adequate fluid load) Multiple System Organ Failure (MSOF) ACCP/SCCM. Crit Care Med 1992; 20: 864
Sepsis definition – SSC 2012 A „szepszis” nem betegség, hanem „konszenzus”
Sepsis & 16 évvel ezelőt… I n s u l t Endotoxin, Trauma, Sterile inflammation, Operation, etc. Humoral activity Interferon, Complement Sepsis & M a c r o p h a g e s TNF; IL-1,6,10; PAF P M N FR, PAF, Chemotaxis Súlyosság és kimenetel nem elsősorban az inzultustól, hanem a „betegtől” függ Fisiol. reactions Fever, Metabolic changes E n d o t h e l NO, E-selectin, NFkB Sepsis, SIRS MSOF Molnár and Shearer Br J Int Care Med 1998; 8: 12 8
„DAMP SIRS” versus „PAMP SIRS” DAMP = Damage Assosiated Molecular Pattern PAMP = Pathogen Associated Molecular Pattern „DAMP SIRS” versus „PAMP SIRS” G+ Surgery, Trauma, Pancreatitis Isch-reperf. G- SIRS starts with an innate immune response this can be induced by DAMP from the tissue injury during surgery or trauma or necrotic cells or can be induced by PAMP from fungal infection or gram pos or neg bacterial infection The DAMP use the same receptors as the PAMPS The sterile DAMP induced SIRS had an antiinflammatory component as well which could be oversized F
Szeptikus-e a beteg?
Én még soha nem kezeltem „SEPSIS”-t, de…
Van infeckció vagy nincs? Infekció = AB Nincs infekció = Nem kell AB
Az infekció jelei Nem eléggé jó Rossssz! Késő! Klinikai jelek: Legfontosabb Láz (>38oC), FVS (>12 000): Alacsony sens. (~50%) Galicier L and Richet H. Infect Control Hosp Epidemol 1985; 6: 487 Mikrobiológia: Eredmények > 24 h múlva Rossssz! Késő!
Az én kedvencem: procalcitonin (PCT) Biomarkerekre van szükségünk! Legalább 173-at ismerünk! Az én kedvencem: procalcitonin (PCT)
Hyppokrates: Primum nil nocere! 460 BC – ca. 370 BC Ιπποκράτειος όρκος
Antibiotikus kezelés = kétélű fegyver
Túlélési esély óráról-órára csökken... Kumar A, et al. Crit Care Med 2006; 34: 1589-96 Túlélési esély 8 %/óra „sebességgel” csökken Each hour of delay in antimicrobial administration over the ensuing 6 hrs was associated with an average decrease in survival of 7.6%.
Surviving Sepsis Guideline - 2012 Dellinger RP et al Crit Care Med 2013; 41:580–637
Multirezisztens kórokozók száma nő Albrich W, et al. Emerg Infect Dis 2004; 10: 514-517
Van infekció – kezdjek empirikus AB-t? A 3 fő kérdés Van infekció – kezdjek empirikus AB-t? Hatékony-e az AB? Mikor hagyjuk abba?
Van-e infekció?
Relative reduction in AB exposure : 50% No difference in outcome Christ-Crain M, et al. Lancet 2004; 363: 600-7 Relative reduction in AB exposure : 50% No difference in outcome Proven infection: 21% A landmark study waspublishes few years ago, which took place on an accident and emergency department. Patients with acute respiratory complaints were randomized to receive Abs according to conventional signs such as fever, leukocytosis, and so on, and according to their PCT levels. Regardless of the diagnosis, of pneumonia, COPD, bronchitis, asthma or other causes, patients in the PCT group received significantly less Abs. Ther was no difference in outcome, but patients in the PCT group had a relative reduction in AB exposure by 50%. Positive microbiology was only proven in 21% of the cases. Suggesting, that conventional clinical signs are often misleading and the infection may not exist at all, or viral.
The EProK-study Trásy D et al.,(1st revision under submission) Take an example of an everyday case of a young lady who was admitted with respiratory complaints and eventually requires ICU admission. 10 10
Increasing procalcitonin may be a good indicator of starting empirical antibiotic treatment in critically ill patients Infection = 85 Patients with suspected infection = 209 PCT available at T-1 = 114 No-infection = 29
Predicting infection (T-1 – T0) Trásy D et al.,(Manuscript under submission) Kinetics are superior to absolute values Take an example of an everyday case of a young lady who was admitted with respiratory complaints and eventually requires ICU admission. Napi mérések… 10 10
Hatékony-e az AB?
Nemzetközi irányelvek… Rate of weaning failure after a single SBT is reported to be 26–42%(table 2) [17, 22]. This variation in the rate ofweaning failure among the studies may be due to differences in the definition of weaning failure, especially differences in the subjective indexes used to define failed SBT, or variation in the patients studied. For instance, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) appears as an independent risk factor for increased duration of weaning and weaning failure [18]. VALLVERDU et al. [17] reported that weaning failure occurred in as many as 61% of COPD patients, in 41% of neurological patients and in 38% of hypoxaemic patients. Contradictory results exist regarding the rate of weaning success among neurological patients [13, 17]. The study by COPLIN et al. [13] of brain-injured patients demonstrated that 80% of patients with a Glasgow coma score ,8 and 91% of patients with a Glasgow coma score ,4 were successfully extubated. Finally, as shown in table 2, in 2,486 patients from six randomised studies, 524 patients failed SBT and 252 failed extubation after passing SBT, leading to a total weaning failure rate of 31.2%
…helyi protokollok Rate of weaning failure after a single SBT is reported to be 26–42%(table 2) [17, 22]. This variation in the rate ofweaning failure among the studies may be due to differences in the definition of weaning failure, especially differences in the subjective indexes used to define failed SBT, or variation in the patients studied. For instance, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) appears as an independent risk factor for increased duration of weaning and weaning failure [18]. VALLVERDU et al. [17] reported that weaning failure occurred in as many as 61% of COPD patients, in 41% of neurological patients and in 38% of hypoxaemic patients. Contradictory results exist regarding the rate of weaning success among neurological patients [13, 17]. The study by COPLIN et al. [13] of brain-injured patients demonstrated that 80% of patients with a Glasgow coma score ,8 and 91% of patients with a Glasgow coma score ,4 were successfully extubated. Finally, as shown in table 2, in 2,486 patients from six randomised studies, 524 patients failed SBT and 252 failed extubation after passing SBT, leading to a total weaning failure rate of 31.2%
28% BMC Infectious Diseases 2007, 7:21 Egy svájci egyetemi klinikán végzett vizsgálat eredménye szerint a sürgősségi osztályon az első 24 órában indított empírikus AB therápia kicsit több, mint 22%-ban ineffektívnek bizonyult, az indított 539 terápiát 168 esetben módisítani kellett, és még így is 27% azaz 46 beteg terápiája maradt ineffektív. Ez a szám az intenzív osztályokon még magasabb volt a betegek 28%-a kapott ineffektív empírikus antibiotikum terápiát. Ami az előbb említett tényeket figyelembe véve súlyos következményekkel jár a betegek kimenetelét illetően. 28%
The EProK-study Trásy D et al.,(In review) Take an example of an everyday case of a young lady who was admitted with respiratory complaints and eventually requires ICU admission. 10 10
Kinetics of PCT during T0-T16-T24: The EProK-study Trásy D et al.,(In review) Proven infection = 169 Effective AB = 127 (77%) Ineffective AB = 38 (23%) No infection = 44 Patients with suspected infection= 209 Kinetics of PCT during T0-T16-T24: vs. May indicate effective/ineffective AB treatment Take an example of an everyday case of a young lady who was admitted with respiratory complaints and eventually requires ICU admission. 10 10
Mikor hagyjuk abba?
Lancet 2010; 375: 463-74 The next large study was performed on an ICU, and the novelty of this was, that not only the commencement, but the stopage of Abs was assisted by PCT levels.
PRORATA-study (n=630) Mean difference without ABs: 2.7 days Bouadma L, et al. Lancet 2010; 375: 463-74 Mean difference without ABs: 2.7 days Relative reduction in AB exposure: 23%
Surviving Sepsis Guideline - 2012 Dellinger RP et al Crit Care Med 2013; 41:580–637
Nem csak a páciens, de az egészségügy is beteg A 3 „fő válasz” PCT-vel Nincs pénz PCT-re? Van infekció? – Merek nem adni AB-t Hatékony-e az AB? – Időben váltok AB-t Mikor hagyjuk abba? – Le merem állítani az AB-t Nem csak a páciens, de az egészségügy is beteg
Összefoglalás helyett
A legnagyobb tanulság Auguste Rodin, 1880
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