Képek az Auschwitz Albumból


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Képek az Auschwitz Albumból

Megérkezés Birkenauba Women and children on the Birkenau arrival platform known as the “ramp.” The Jews were removed from the deportation trains onto the ramp where they faced a selection process- some were sent immediately to their deaths, while others were sent to slave labor. (FA - 268/10) Megérkezés Birkenauba

Asszonyok és gyerekek a „rámpán” Women and children on the Birkenau arrival platform known as the “ramp.” The Jews were removed from the deportation trains onto the ramp where they faced a selection process- some were sent immediately to their deaths, while others were sent to slave labor. (FA - 268/12) Asszonyok és gyerekek a „rámpán”

Keresztút: élet vagy halál Jews undergoing the selection process on the Birkenau arrival platform known as the "ramp". The people in the background are on their way to Crematorium II. The selection process began immediately after the Jews were taken off the deportation trains. During a selection, women and men considered "fit for work" were sent for slave labor. The rest of the people were sent to their deaths in the gas chambers. (FA - 268/23) Keresztút: élet vagy halál

Jews undergoing the selection process on the Birkenau arrival platform known as the " ramp". The people in the background are on their way to Crematorium II, whose building is just visible on the top center of the photo. (FA - 268/26) A zsidók osztályozása

Women and children on the Birkenau arrival platform known as the “ramp Women and children on the Birkenau arrival platform known as the “ramp.” The Jews were removed from the deportation trains onto the ramp where they faced a selection process- some were sent immediately to their deaths, while others were sent to slave labor. (FA - 268/53) Asszonyok és gyerekek

53-56d Women and children on the Birkenau arrival platform known as the “ramp.” The Jews were removed from the deportation trains onto the ramp where they faced a selection process- some were sent immediately to their deaths, while others were sent to slave labor. (FA - 268/56 Döntésre várva

A dwarf selected for death A dwarf selected for death. In Birkenau, people who were handicapped or suffered from other physical disabilities were almost always sent straight to the gas chambers as they were deemed "unfit for work."  (FA - 268/88 A halálra várva

An elderly man selected for death An elderly man selected for death. In Birkenau, the elderly were almost immediately sent to the gas chambers as they were deemed "unfit for work."  (FA – 268) Úton a gázkamra felé

Az „értéktelenek” egy csoportja Women and children being taken through sector BII of the camp to Crematoria V and VI. In Birkenau, elderly women and children were almost always immediately sent to their deaths in the gas chambers as they were deemed "unfit for work."  (FA - 268/122) Az „értéktelenek” egy csoportja

Még nem tudják, mi vár rájuk… Women and children being taken through sector BII of the camp to Crematoria V and VI. In Birkenau, elderly women and children were almost always immediately sent to their deaths in the gas chambers as they were deemed "unfit for work."  (FA - 268/123) Még nem tudják, mi vár rájuk…

Women and children being taken to Crematoria V and VI by way of the BII sector of the camp. The elderly and the young children were almost always sent immediately to the gas chambers as they were deemed "unfit for work."  (FA - 268/126) Anya és gyermeke

„Munkára alkalmatlanok” Jews who were classified as “not fit for work” waiting in a grove outside Crematoriam IV before they were to be gassed. At this point, the Jews were exhausted and in a state of shock from the horrors of the journey and the selection process that they had just endured. The vast majority had no idea what fate awaited them. (FA - 268/134) „Munkára alkalmatlanok”

A gázkamrára várva a ligetben Women and children waiting in a small wooded area near Crematorium IV. (FA - 268/138) A gázkamrára várva a ligetben

A „szerencsés” kiválasztottak Women who were classified as “able-bodied for work” and whose heads had already been shaved, being sent to the women’s section of the camp known as BI. After the disinfection and registration process was complete, they were sent for long hours of back-breaking labor in different facilities in and out of the camp. (FA - 268/159) A „szerencsés” kiválasztottak

Munkára alkalmas férfiak Men fit for work after the delousing process. The disinfection of those not selected for the gas chambers, and the shaving of their heads was all part of the "registration" process at the camp. After they finished, they were given the striped prison uniforms. (FA - 268/148) Munkára alkalmas férfiak

Women fit for work after the delousing process Women fit for work after the delousing process. The disinfection of those not selected for the gas chambers, and the shaving of their heads, was all part of the "registration" process at the camp. After they finished, they were given the prison uniforms seen in the picture. (FA –268/155) Munkára alkalmas nők

Az újonnan érkezettek holmijai Veteran inmates load the belongings of new arrivals onto trucks. Birkenau functioned as a massive killing and plundering facility during the period that the Hungarian Jews were sent there. (FA - 268/172) Az újonnan érkezettek holmijai

A holmik szétválogatása Sorting out the personal belongings of the recent arrivals at Auschwitz in a special section of the camp known as "Canada." Veteran inmates worked in this section under the constant supervision of their SS guards. (FA - 268/181) A holmik szétválogatása

Sorting out the personal belongings of the recent arrivals at Auschwitz in a special section of the camp known as "Canada." Veteran inmates worked in this section under the constant supervision of their SS guards. (FA - 268/181) Ez maradt belőlük…

A képek forrása: Auschwitz Album http://www1. yadvashem A képek forrása: Auschwitz Album http://www1.yadvashem.org/exhibitions/album_auschwitz Copyright ©2004 Yad Vashem The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authorit