
Hasonló előadás
CASTLE LEGENDS Hungary October-December 2012 BE PART OF THE LEGEND.

A majorsági projektet támogatja a Magyarok Nagyasszonya Ferences Rendtartomány és az FSZK. A MAJORSÁG működésével támogatja a felnőtt autisták munkahelyének.
Winnie the pooh & friends
The Hungarian language
Nyereményjátékok és a Facebook - aki mer, az nyer!?”
Academic English 1 Hallgatói tájékoztató
"Shoes on the Danube Bank” "נעליים בטיילת הדנובה"
Tu B’Av Holiday of Love "הטל ספק בתנועתה של החמה, אך לעולם אל נא תטיל ספק באהבה." ויליאם שייקספיר.
Present Simple Present Continuous
Íráskészség fejlesztő foglalkozás vizsgákra készülőknek
Remembering 2009 The Events of the 140 th Anniversary of Establishing and 50 th Anniversary of Reestablishing Diplomatic Relations between Hungary and.
Nyugdíjreform folyt. köv.? Pension Reform To Be Continued? Bodor András “PENSION REFORM IN HUNGARY: DO WE NEED ONE (PILLAR) MORE?” symposium Washington.
The man the boy and the donkey A férfi a fiú és a szamár.
Dreams. How much does our dream cost? If we plan something or dream about somthing we hope them to come true. If we plan something or dream about somthing.
Les meilleures photos de L'année 2005 D'après NBC A life for two, full of tenderness, obtains happiness as they get closer to heaven. Az élet kettesben.
What is the Mission Situation in Hungary?. Dr. György KOVÁCS What Is The Mission Situation In Hungary? Presentation Design by Ed Nickle – United World.
Az Audi Hungaria elvárásai és részvétele a magyar regionális repülőterek fejlesztésében Chicfarm Green Manifesto: -Do you have a farm in your house? -Can.
Saint Laszlo I, King of Hungary. Questions - Kérdések 1.In which century did he rule in? – Melyik században uralkodott? 2.What does his name mean? – Mit.
Kortárs diagnózisok helyzetfelmérés.
Basics A few things one must know. Slides Insert a title slide Put a title on it.
What did you see? It was about ten in the morning, and I was sitting in Maxi’s Café near City Park. I was having a cup of coffee, and I was watching the.
Comenius school partnership Together for our planet! project Orosháza Város Általános Iskolája és Pedagógiai Szolgáltató Intézménye Orosháza, HUNGARY.
Kliensoldali Programozás
Elektroanalitikához segédábrák Az ábrák több, részben szerzői jogokkal védett műből, oktatási célra lettek kivéve. Csak az intranetre tehetők, továbbmásolásuk,
Null Hypothesis (H 0 ) is true He truly is not guilty Alternative Hypothesis (H 1 ) is true He truly is guilty Accept Null Hypothesis Acquittal Right decision.
EGEE-II INFSO-RI Enabling Grids for E-sciencE EGEE and gLite are registered trademarks P-GRADE Portal gyakorlat ismertető Gergely.
Love is a burning thing And it makes a fiery ring Bound by wild desire I fell into a ring of fire A szerelem egy lángoló dolog És egy égő kört alkot.
House of the Rising Sun There is a house in New Orleans They call the Rising Sun And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy And God I know I'm one A.
OPUS CONTRA NATURAM Major Gyöngyi. Az emberélet útjának felén egy nagy sötétlő erdőbe jutottam, mivel az igaz útat nem lelém. Ó, szörnyü elbeszélni mi.
Tanulni, tanulni, tanulni Értékesítői képességek, a személyzet képzése.
Könyvtár, csomag és alprogramokVHDL Könyvtár, csomag és alprogram n Library és use n Package n Alprogramok –Procedure –Function –Resolution function Egy.
3. lesson made by Gönczi Zsófia. You can sit down only, if you say the following words correct!
Music: Don Mclean - Vincent (Starry Starry Night)
BETISZK Belvárosi Térségi Integrált Szakképző Központ Belvárosi Regional Integrated Vocational Training Centre.
Olympic games Swimming & water polo. Our most successful sports FencingSwimming Wrestling Water polo Kayaking.
A varázslat világába lépsz be... Enter the world of magic …
Sándor Sándor Weöres poet, literary translator, writer.
1 KÖZÖSSÉG AZ ÚJ TESTAMENTUMBAN Romans 12:10Romans 12:10 Romans 12:16Romans 12:16 Romans 15:14Romans 15:14 1 Corinthians 11:331 Corinthians 11:33 2 Corinthians.
Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee The Committee about 1000 members in Hungary 4 Local.
ügyviteli, irodatechnikai, kommunikációs ismeretek
Csak olvasd el… Angol szöveg, magyar fordítással.
Simple Past Egyszerű múlt idő.
Beginner Dialogues - In a motel / hotel Getting a room for the night - Good evening. Can I help you? - Yes, please. I'd like a room for the night. - Would.
Winnie the pooh & friends
Virgo Augustus 24. – September 23.. Virgo Symbols.
The official language of our country is Hungarian.
(Резьба по яичной скорлупе)
FAZEKAS ANDRÁS ISTVÁN PhD c. egyetemi docens
Zoltán Baracskai In the age of digital natives: fast thinking, experience mining, and rule based behaviour these three metaphors are sufficient to describe.
D2A Pathway 2: End of Life Care – Home (usual place of residence)
(Резьба по яичной скорлупе)
Elmech Standards Workshop Content
Sponge: Case study Write down your responses and then discuss as a class. Scenario: There is a drought. Your crops are dying, and the economy is getting.
That plows on through the storm I have found a joy
No Christ on the Cross No Christ in the Tomb
will will predictions Future : will We use will to make .
OCT. 31 – NOV. 3, 2016 Ms. Crouse and Mrs. Leverence First Grade
This presentation is brought to you by Grammar Bytes
U.S. HISTORY ON THIS DAY: Illinois was admitted as the 21st state of the union Andrew Jackson was elected president of the.
Poetry Friday Period 4 & 5.
What would x have to be in order for the mean to be 8?
Today’s Scripture: Morning Message: Psalm 71:1-6 “Our Daily Manna”
MusicNet East: ‘Changing Tunes’ Stevenage Musical Inclusion Project
Using the Conversion Factor
This table is avarage! Read instructions below!
Honors Español IV íOlé!.
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Képzése: alany + létige jelen idejű alakja (am, is, are) + ige + -ing

Ige + ing 4. a többi say  saying go  going 3. -e végződés : az –e kiesik come  coming live  living 2. –ie végű igék lie  lying die  dying 1. mgh. + egy msh. a szóvégi msh. megduplázódik swim  swimming get  getting swimming getting getting lying dying coming living saying going

Nem képezzük az –ing-es alakjukat: „gondolkodást” kifejező igék: think (hinni jelentésében), believe, agree, understand, know, remember, forget, mean, doubt érzelmeket kifejező igék: wish, love, hate, like, dislike, imagine, want, fear, envy, mind birtoklást kifejező igék: have, own, belong, want „közlést” kifejező igék: say, tell, answer, report elvont igék: be, cost, seem, appear, need, weigh, prefer, recognise, taste think (hinni jelentésében), believe, agree, understand, know, remember, forget, mean, doubt wish, love, hate, like, dislike, imagine, want, fear, envy, mind have, own, belong, want say, tell, answer, report be, cost, seem, appear, need, weigh, prefer, recognise, taste

Állító mondatok: -I am reading a book at the moment. - She is watching TV now. - Look! They are playing football. -I am reading a book at the moment. She is watching TV now. - Look! They are playing football.

Tagadó mondatok: -I am not reading a book at the moment. (I’m not reading ….) -She is not watching TV now. (She isn’t watching …) - Look! They are not playing football. (Look! They aren’t playing…)

Kérdőmondatok a) Eldöntendő kérdések

(Am I reading a book at the moment?) Are you reading a book at the moment? Yes, I am. I am reading a book at the moment. No, I am not. segédigealanyige + ing (Am I reading a book at the moment?) Are you reading a book at the moment? Yes, I am.

ige + ing She is watching TV now. Is he watching TV now? Yes, he is. No, she isn’t. segédigealany Is she watching TV now? Yes, she is.

They are playing football. Are they playing football? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. segédige alanyige + ing Are they playing football? Yes, they are.

Kérdőmondatok b) Kiegészítendő kérdések

I am reading a book at the moment. W ho is reading a book at the moment? I am reading a book at the moment. hat are you doing at the moment? I am reading book at the moment. hat are you reading at the moment? I am reading a book at the moment. hen are you reading a book? I am reading a book at the moment. I am reading a book at the moment.

She is watching TV now. -She is watching TV now. Who Who is watching TV now? She is watching TV now. What What is she doing now? She is watching TV now. What What is she watching now? She is watching TV now. When When is she watching TV? She is watching TV TV now

They are playing football. Who Who is playing football? They are playing football. What What are they doing? They are playing football. What What are they playing? They are playing football. football.

Használata: Kifejezi, hogy valami most, ebben a pillanatban történik (a beszéddel egy időben) 1.MOST

2. MOSTANÁBAN Kifejezi, hogy valami a beszéd pillanata körül zajlik (lehet, hogy a beszéd pillanatában éppen nem történik). Gyakran a „this second”, „today”, „this month”, „this year” stb. kifejezések mellett áll.

3. KÖZELJÖVŐ Olyan cselekvések kifejezésére, melyek a közeljövőben fognak megtörténni, eltervezett cselekvésekre. Többnyire időhatározóval.

4. BOSSZANTÓ „ALWAYS” Ismétlődő, idegesítő, bosszantó cselekvés leírásakor. Többnyire az „always” és a „constantly” határozók mellett. Ilyenkor negatív értelemben használjuk. „always”„constantly”

Időhatározók: now at the moment, at this moment this year, this week, this century today tomorrow, next week (közeljövő)

Examples: He (read) a newspaper. He a newspaper. is reading

Peter ……………………… (swim) at the moment. Peter is swimming at the moment. is swimming

Susan ……………………… (sit) in the sun. Susan is sitting in the sun. is sitting

Tom ………………………… (do) his homework now. Tom is doing his homework now. is doing

Look! Anne ………………………………… (sing). Look! Anne is singing. is singing.

My father ………………………………… (drive) home. My father is driving home. is driving

HOMEWORK Take your umbrella! It …………… (rain). Be quiet! Children ………………… (sleep). Justin ………………… (write) a book now. She ………………… (wear) earrings. We …………………… (walk) to school. I …………………… (study) at the moment.