CASTLE LEGENDS Hungary October-December 2012 BE PART OF THE LEGEND.


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CASTLE LEGENDS Hungary October-December 2012 BE PART OF THE LEGEND

ITALIAN MEETING IN SEPTEMBER Lucca, 22nd to 26th September 2012

We started reading European legends on 2 October First students collected reading material online

Students revised their literature studies during Literature classes They collected material and discussed the following topics:  Types of literature: fiction, prose fiction, poetry, drama  Types of prose fiction: novel, novella, short story  Types of poems: ballad, epic, ode, sonnet, epigram, lyric poetry  Types of drama: tragedy, comedy, tragicomedy.

The Participants’ Legends Students found out more about genres Legend  An old, well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events Tale  Story about exciting imaginary events that happened long ago, children's story in which magical things happen (e.g. folk tales, fairy tales, etc.) Story  Description of how something happened, that is intended to entertain people, and may be true or imaginary Myth  Idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true; ancient story, especially one invented in order to explain natural or historical events Fable  Traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially a story about animals Anecdote  Short story based on your personal experience (etymology: Latin anecdota ‘things not published’; from ‘ekdidonai’=‘to publish’) Epic  Book, poem, or film that tells a long story about brave actions and exciting event Saga  Long and complicated series of events, or a description of this; stories written about the Vikings of Norway and Iceland Fiction  Books and stories about imaginary people and events.

Our students collected examples to distinguish between the types of stories Legend: the legend of the Holy House in Loreto (Italy)  An old, well-known story, often about brave people, adventures, or magical events Tale: Hans the Lucky (Germany)  Story about exciting imaginary events that happened long ago, children's story in which magical things happen (e.g. folk tales, fairy tales, etc.) Myth: the ancient Finnish myth about the origin of the world  Idea or story that many people believe, but which is not true; ancient story, especially one invented in order to explain natural or historical events Fable: Aesop’s The Tortoise and the Hare  Traditional short story that teaches a moral lesson, especially a story about animals Anecdote: an anecdote about Chopin  Short story based on your personal experience (etymology: Latin anecdota ‘things not published’; from ‘ekdidonai’=‘to publish’) Urban legend: the Falling Cow story  Story about an unusual event which happened recently that a lot of people believe although it is probably not true Epic: The Odyssey  Book, poem, or film that tells a long story about brave actions and exciting events Saga: Eirik the Red’s Saga  Long and complicated series of events, or a description of this; stories written about ancient Scandinavian and Germanic history Fiction  Books and stories about imaginary people and events Story  Description of how something happened, that is intended to entertain people, and may be true or imaginary.

2nd to 15th October 2012

After so many different stories we realized that Geography should be revised … Students have come across the following geographical names and places: Germany Italy, Loreto (we found that there are at least 2 Loretos in Italy) Poland, Poznań, Rydzyna, Leszno, Gniezno, Kraków Finland, North Pole Scandinavia, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland Dalmatia, Croatia The Czech Republic Paris, France Egypt Nazareth Greece, Turkey, Troy (Ilion or Ilium) Siberia, Russia.

It took our students several weeks of English classes to read and translate the Polish legends and the texts that accompanied the stories but the time was well worth and often extremely enjoyable. 8th to 25th October 2012

Some examples in students’ notebooks 8th to 25th October 2012

Translation of the Polish legends into Hungarian Poznań legendája Egy este 1551-ben Bartlomiej Wolf mester végül úgy döntött, hogy bemutatja a városi tanácsnak és a polgároknak poznań új műtárgyát - a toronyórát. Minden nemest, valamint a városatyákat és a polgárokat is meghívták a különleges megnyitóra. Sajnos, az ünnepi vacsorára főzött hús beleesett a tűzbe, és teljesen elégették! A kuktának azt mondták, hogy találjon húst a vacsorára. De már túl késő volt: az összes hentes zárva volt, és nem volt több hely Poznańban, ahol húst lehetett volna vásárolni. Az utolsó pillanatban a fiatal asszisztens látott két kecskét a zöld legelőn. Megfogta őket, és rohant velük a konyhába. A kecskék megértették, hogy mi történik és nem akarták a fazékban végezni, ezért kifutottak a konyhából, felmásztak a lépcsőn és kiugrottak egy ablakból egyenesen a Városháza építési területére, onnan a magas óratoronyba. Amikor a vajda látta, hogy a kecskék az óratorony tetején szórakoznak nevetni kezdett, és a körülötte lévő nemesek, városlakok és a városatyák is. A séf megkönnyebbült, hogy minden jóra fordult és mindenki jókedvű. Az ünnepségnél levő hús hiánya fölött átsiklottak és a vajda rendelt egy szerkezetet, amit azért építettek, hogy emlékeztessen mindenkit a vicces eseményre. És ma az óratorony 12 órakor nagy tömegeket vonz..

Translation of the Polish legends into Hungarian … A fehér hölgy Rydzyna várából Egyszer volt, hol nem volt, volt egyszer egy nő, aki két gyermekével élt Rydzyna várában. A férjét megölték a háborúban. Megint meg akart házasodni, de a gyerekek ezt lehetetlenné tették, ezért megölte és befalazta őket a várba. E tette miatt a mai napig bűnhődik, hosszú évtizedek óta az ítélet tölti. A legenda szerint minden évben Mindenszentek Napján, éjfélkor megjelenik a fehér lepelbe öltözött asszony a régi kápolnában. Egy szellem, egy fehér leplet viselő női test látható a kápolnában. Társa, egy pap - aki egy csontváz, tartja a misét. Van még két csontváz ministráns fiú is. A mise után a fehér asszony imádkozik és megy gyónni. Elmondja minden bűnét és kéri a feloldozását. A pap azt válaszolja, hogy az idő még nem jött el - nem ebben az évben. Hirtelen a gyertya kialszik és az egész jelenés eltűnik. De lehet hallani kiáltásokat és csendes lépteket a várban..

Patrik Pál from Class 9 found Lech’s story … Lech founded Poland – Lech Lengyelország alapítója Az egyik szláv törzs, a polánok államának egyik fontos vára volt Gniezno. A város alapításának legendája: három testvér, Lech, Cseh és Rusz áthatolt a rengetegen helyet keresve, ahol letelepedhetnek. Hirtelen egy halmot vettek észre, ahol egy magányos tölgyfán egy sas ült. Ekkor Lech azt mondta: "Ez a fehér sas lesz a népem címere, a tölgyfa köré várat építek és a sas fészkéről Gneizdonak nevezem". (Gniazdo lengyelül fészket jelent) A többi testvér tovább ment helyet keresni népüknek, Cseh délre ment, Rusz keletre. A legutóbbi időkig úgy vélték, hogy a VIII. sz. végén a félig legendás Popiel-dinasztia uralkodása alatt épült fel Gnieznoban a polan hercegség vára és a váraljai település, melyet fából és földből épült fal vett körül. Ezzel szemben a legújabb dendokronológiai vizsgálatok azt mutatták, hogy a gnieznoi vár csak 940. körül épült, vagyis Siemomysł Lestkowic alatt, a Piast-dinasztia idején. Gnieznonak, mint a hercegség megerősített székvárosnak ilyen késői datálása mindazonáltal nem zárja ki egyáltalán, hogy a helyén nem működött a VIII. és IX. század fordulóján a polánok kultikus központja, melynek területén valószínűleg a törzsi hercegek uralkodtak. A X. században Gniezno lett a Piast állam egyik székvárosa Poznań és Giecz mellett. (Székvárosból, vagyis olyan helységből, ahol hercegi palota állt, több is volt, azonban a "Dagome iudex" szerint a lengyel állam formális fővárosa Gniezno volt.) 1000-ben zajlott le a gnieznoi kongresszus, melyen Vitéz Boleszláv és III. Ottó német-római császár vett részt. A kongresszuson alapították a gnieznoi érsekséget. Ez volt az első érsekség a lengyel történelemben, amellyel a lengyelek a függetlenségüket szerették volna biztosítani a Német-római Császárságtól ben Gnieznoban koronázták Vitéz Boleszlávot Lengyelország első királyává ban a várost I.Břetislav cseh herceg támadta meg, felgyujtottaaz alsóvárost, rombadőlt, kirabolt katedrálist hagyva maga mögött. Látva a pusztítást, Megújító Kázmér herceg a fővárost áthelyezte Krakkóba..

Legends on the corridor wall newspaper 25th October 2012

Preparing one of the results and outcomes with the help of Classes 11 and 12 8th to 21st November 2012 Creating Simplified Readers in Class 11

We simplified 3 of the Polish legends One example is the White Lady: Once upon a time a woman with two children was living in the castle of Rydzyna. Her husband had been killed in a war. She wanted to get married again but the children made it impossible so she killed them and immured them in the castle. For that act she was punished and has still been serving the sentence. As the legend says every year, on the eve of All Saints Day, you can meet the White Lady in an old chapel at midnight. A ghost of a woman in white shroud can be seen in the chapel. The priest – a skeleton starts saying the mass. There are also two skeleton altar boys. During the mass the White Lady prays and goes to confession. She mentions all her sins and asks for absolution. The priest replies that the time has not come yet – not in this year. Suddenly the candles extinguish and the whole apparition disappears. But you can hear cries and quiet footsteps in the castle. ..

Another example is the legend of Poznań: One evening in 1551 the clock master Bartlomiej Wollf finally decided to show the city council and the people of Poznań his new work of art - the tower clock. All the nobles as well as the city fathers and citizens were invited for the special opening ceremony. Unfortunately, the meat being cooked in the kitchen for the ceremonial dinner fell into the fire and was burnt completely! The assistant chef had to find new meat quickly as the dinner was just about to begin. But it was too late: all the butchers were closed and there was no place in the whole of Old Poznań to buy any meat. At the last moment the young assistant saw two goats in a green field nearby. He grabbed them and ran to the kitchen. The goats understood what was happening and did not want to end up in the pot so they ran from the kitchen, climbed the stairs and jumped out of a window right onto the building work on the Town Hall and to the high clock tower. When the Voivode saw the goats pleased with themselves on the top of the tower he began to laugh, and so did the nobles around him along with the people of the city and the city fathers. The chef was relieved that everything had turned well and everyone was in a good humour. The lack of meat at the dinner was overlooked and the Voivode ordered a mechanism built to remind everyone of the funny event. And today the 12 o'clock opening of the clock tower and the two goats always draws a crowd. ..

We also simplified Hungarian legends: the legend of Hollókő Once upon a time there was a man who lived in a very large house in the north of Hungary in the middle of Europe. The man’s name was András Kacsics. He was rich and his house was in the centre of his land. There were large forests, beautiful mountains, smaller and bigger hills on his land. Today this area is called Cserhát. András Kacsics, the landlord once kidnapped the beautiful daughter of a nobleman who lived in the neighbouring village. When the girl was already in his house, András called a lot of workmen to build a castle. Soon the castle was ready and there was a keep in the centre of it. András locked the beautiful girl in this large strong tower of his castle so she couldn’t escape. But András didn’t know that the girl’s nanny was a witch. People said she could do magic and she was a really good friend to the devil. She wanted to free the girl from her prison. So she talked to the devil about the girl on a dark night. The devil sent his two sons to free the girl. His sons became ravens night after night and carried away all the stones of the castle to put them on the top of a rocky hill. The girl kidnapped by the landlord was released, and on the peak of the huge tor you can now see the castle. Grammar needed: Genitive ’s There is / are / was / were … Past SimplePassive (Present and Past Simple) Infinitive of purposePlace and TimeAdverbials. Match the words with the same meaning or their explanations: release strong tower in the castle keepwoman who takes care of children in a family tortop nannylarge shiny black bird peak (let somebody go) free raven rocky hill

The legend of Sárospatak simplified: There are lots of legends about the old castle. Most of them are about the ‘Great Reigning Prince’ Rákóczi Ferenc the Second, the leader of the Hungarian war of independence at the beginning of the eighteenth century. According to one of these legends Rákóczi Ferenc II led successful raids against the Austrian army from this castle. Once when the Austrian soldiers were chasing him on horseback, he deceived them by having the horseshoes fixed on the bottom of his horse’s feet on the wrong way round. The Reigning Prince was already at a safe place when the enemy soldiers saw the traces of Rákóczi’s horse and rode away in exactly the opposite direction. Grammar needed:  Quantifiers (lots of... / most of … / one of …)  Past Simple  Past Continuous  by + Gerund  Causative (have + Object + Past Participle). Match the words with the same meaning or their explanations: reign trick, make someone believe something that is untrue centuryshort attack to cause damage raid a small sign showing that someone or sth was present deceive the time when somebody is king, queen or emperor trace one hundred years

Our pupils filled in Questionnaire Year 2 26th to 30th November 2012

Students filled in Questionnaire Year 2 Results of Questionnaire Year 2 Page One Qnaire Y2 YES NO YES % NO % Remarks Number % of the students answered 'Castle Legends' in English, 'Várlegendák' in Hungarian or both languages. Number % of pupils know the exact number of the participating countries. Number % of the students can name all or most of the partner countries. Number % like the idea of working in the project. Number % of the students can name all or most of the Hungarian legends. Number % have participated in at least one of the tasks. 76% have participated in several tasks. The Questions of Questionnaire Year 2 1 What is the project title? 2 How many countries are there in the project? 3 Could you list all the project participating countries? 4 Do you like the idea of the project (working together on the same topic, about castles, legends and tales)? 5 How many legends and tales of your own country have you learnt about during this project? Can you name them, please? 6 Have you participated actively in any of the tasks so far? If yes, in how many and which ones?.

Students filled in Questionnaire Year 2 Results of Questionnaire Year 2 Page Two Qnaire Y2 YES NO YES % NO % Remarks Number % of the students can name most or all of the participants’ legends they have learnt about so far. Number % of the students have seen either the castles or some pictures of them. Number Students expect to travel more with the school to castles, and to get to know more about the legends. They expect to practice English, good contacts, money for the school and more legends and knowledge. Number Students like to hear about foreign countries, legends, funny activities, their own chance to participate. Number Students would like to go on study trips to castles and see the castles in participants’ countries. The Questions of Questionnaire Year 2 7How many tales/legends of the partner countries have you learnt about during the project till now? Can you name the legends please? 8Have you seen the castles or the pictures of the castles that the tales/legends are in connection with? Can you name the cities…? 9What do you expect from the project? 10What do you like more about the project? 11 Is there anything that should be changed in the project? If yes, what? The total number of our students who filled in Questionnaire Year 2: 78 students..

3rd to 7th December 2012

We prepared for the Finnish meeting in Saarijärvi between 12th & 17th December EU:Finnish version  Hi! Teidät tervetulleiksi lämmin! Bitte?Mitä hän kertoi minulle ruova? Cześć!Hölökynpä hyvinnii kölkyn! Scusi…Pyydän anteeksi kauniisti … Keep peace!Terveydelle tullut hyvin! Bye! Näkemiin kuumassa saunassa! Come…Nopeasti tuo sylinterit itse….