Is the general geomorphology of Alpokalja related to the basement structure? between Styrian and Pannonian Basin due to Neogene tectonics Gábor Kovács.


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Előadás másolata:

Is the general geomorphology of Alpokalja related to the basement structure? between Styrian and Pannonian Basin due to Neogene tectonics Gábor Kovács – Tamás Telbisz– Balázs Székely Junior research assistant Dept. of Geophysics and Space Sciences Eötvös Loránd University The research has been supported by Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA NK 83400; 104811) Németújvár Lapincs Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5th April 2013

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Study area Vienna A U S T R I A Little Hungarian Plain _ Eastern Alps + Budapest Styrian Basin H U N G A R Y Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 2/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Study area: surface morphology Hilly landscape character, three types Steep scarps, slightly tilted blocks Borostyánkői-hegység Répce Kőszeg Kőszegi-hegység Rohonc/Rechnitz Felsőőr/Oberwart Szombathely Lapincs Pinka Németújvár/Güssing Rába Szentgotthárd Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 3/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Study area: geology Bernstein Mts. Miocene sediment, partly covered by loess Outcropped uplifting metamorphic units on surface Different aged Pleistocene gravel terraces Kőszeg–Rechnitz Mountains Gyöngyös Pinka Vas Hill Lapincs Strém Pascher 1999 Geologische Karte des Burgenlandes Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 4/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Study area: basement structure South Burgenland Swell 0-500 m Eastern Styrian Basin 2500-3000 m Western Pannonian Basin Buried antiforms Neogene faults Q2 Pl2 M3 H Q1 M3, H: Kosi et al. 2003 Q2: Nebert 1979 Q1, Pl2: Kovács & Telbisz 2013 Flügel 1988 Steirisches Becken – Südburgenlandische Schwelle Kilényi & Šefara 1989 Pre-Tertiary Basement Contour Map of the Carpathian Basin beneath Austria, Czechoslovakia and Hungary Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 5/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Aims Relationship between basement and surface morphology Geomorfometry Neotectonics Impacts on surface Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 6/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Methods: surface classification Hipsometry Concavity Different rate of incision Highlighted scarps Surface types Young erosion Relative uplift Young erosion Plateau position Relative uplift Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 7/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Methods: surface classification Hipsometry Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 8/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Results: classification Mode of slope Pinka Pinka Highlighted scarps Difference among units Anomalies within units Similarities among subunits Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 9/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Results: upwarping and/or active tilting a e b d e c c d b a Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 10/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Results: classification Mode of slope Q2 Pl2 M3 Q1 Q2 Pl2 M3 Q1 Normal faults as unit borders Effect of buried antiforms Interior structure Pleistocene rivers Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 11/12

Meeting of Young Geoscientists Kovács et al.: Neogene tectonics, Alpokalja Conclusions Correspond to the basement morphology BUT! Exceptions: older, stable forms subsequent erosion Neogene surface alteration warping normal faults Uplifting South Burgenland Swell BUT! faulted bordered by faults and… (?) Designation of smaller scale investigations Importance of geomorphometry Q2 Pl2 M3 Q1 Thank you for your attention! Meeting of Young Geoscientists 5-6. April 2013 12/12

MTA-VEAB – F-Bmb, MFT – KÉDt TSz előadóülés Kovács et al.: Neogén tektonika, Alpokalja Eredmények: jellemzők Hipszometria Konkavitás Heterogén kép Lapos területek Hegységek hatása? MTA-VEAB – F-Bmb, MFT – KÉDt TSz előadóülés 2012. március 14. 13/12

MTA-VEAB – F-Bmb, MFT – KÉDt TSz előadóülés Kovács et al.: Neogén tektonika, Alpokalja Eredmények: felhajlás és/vagy billenés billenés a b c billenés MTA-VEAB – F-Bmb, MFT – KÉDt TSz előadóülés 2012. március 14. 14/12

MTA-VEAB – F-Bmb, MFT – KÉDt TSz előadóülés Kovács et al.: Neogén tektonika, Alpokalja Eredmények: felhajlás és/vagy billenés a b c d MTA-VEAB – F-Bmb, MFT – KÉDt TSz előadóülés 2012. március 14. 15/12
