Innováció az egészségügyben


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Innováció az egészségügyben Blazsevácz Péter Philips Magyarország Kft. 2016.09.19

Az innováció elengedhetetlen a fejlődéshez, egy jobb és egészségesebb jövő eléréséhez

Az egészségügyi technológia lehetőségei; összefüggések az egészségügy és a fogyasztói piacok között Recovery Treatment Recovery Diagnosis Home Care Prevention Healthy Living Gyógykezelés Diagnosztika Egészségügy és Otthon Megelőzés Egészséges Életmód Rehabilitáció Hozdozható egészségügy Népegészségügy Eredmény alapú kezelés Otthoni ellátás

Az egészségügyi innováció kiemelt területei Eredmény alapú kezelés Holisztikus kép a páciensekről Esély a proaktív, személyre szabott kezelésre és terápiára Népegészségügy Fókusz a megelőzésen Költséghatékony egészségjavítás meghatározott betegpopulációkra Otthoni ellátás Kórházi ellátás költségének töredéke Otthon gyógyulás előnye, távfelügyelet Hozdozható egészségügy Mobil szenzorok fejlődése Személyes, valós idejű nyomon követés

Innovációnk 4 alappillére A társadalmi szükségletek új igényeket teremtenek Hozzáférés az egészségügyi szolgáltatásokhoz Krónikus és ”modern” betegségek Idősödő társdalom Biztonság, szennyezettség és energia Üzleti startégiák, Indulási pozíciók Képességek Eszközök A már létező megoldások fejlesztése Új modellek és megoldások

Állami-privát partnerkapcsolatok Nyílt innováció A külső és belső fejlesztések és források kombinációja OEM / ODM-k Öko- rendszerek Egyetemek Tudás intézetek Konzorciumok Crowd sourcing Beszállítók Állami-privát partnerkapcsolatok Üzleti szövetségek NGO szövetségsek IP felvásárlás Start-upok Innováció közvetítők Philips Research Klinikai partnerek 19

Példák az innovációra

Új képvezérelt terápiás alternatívák Támogató valós idejű adaptív tervező szoftver MR-HIFU MR vezérelt Ultrahang abláció High field MR-Linac Precíziósan irányított sugárnyaláb EmboGuide 3D képi vezérlés a precíziós tumor embolizációhoz Kutatási prototípus Kutatási prototípus

HealthSuite Digitális Egészségügyi Platform a lehető legteljesebb egészségügyi monitorozás, és otthoni ellátás érdekében.

Életminőség javítása Minicare Home A kemoterápia alatt a beteg bevonásával segíti az otthoni monitorozást. Költséghatékony Azonnali adatátvitel * In development. Not currently available for sale Philips is developing the Minicare Home monitoring service to support patients during chemotherapy. We want to empower patients to be actively involved in the testing of their own white blood cell levels, at home to enable remote monitoring. With the results of a simple finger prick test being sent regularly and safely to a remote care team, any progression towards adverse events due to abnormal cell count or temperature can be monitored, enabling reassuring feedback very quickly. In some cases, laboratory confirmation of a patient’s condition can be administered, followed by treatment (such as antibiotics to fight infection), or medicine to stimulate white cell growth. This medical help can possibly limit the severity of adverse events or even prevent them. Tracking potential adverse events and giving speedy feedback can help to significantly minimize some patients’ emotional stress during chemotherapy. What is it? In between treatment sessions, chemotherapy patients are often isolated with their disease, not knowing if they have responded to the treatment, or if they have recovered enough to receive the next treatment session. In some cases, patients could even develop an infection as a consequence of the treatment, because chemotherapy not only kills the tumor cells: it also reduces the number of white blood cells – cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against both infectious disease and foreign materials – of the patient. Left untreated, a low white blood cell count could become life-threatening. We know that around 5 out of 100 patients taking chemotherapy suffer from adverse events, emergency admissions or lengthy hospital stays. To prevent adverse events, it is essential to monitor the white blood cells levels and body temperature of the patient. These blood tests, however, are currently only available in a clinical setting. With Philips Minicare, patients can self-test their white blood cell levels at regular intervals with a simple finger-prick, just as diabetics do for blood glucose levels. The drop of blood is channeled into a disposable cartridge, which is then inserted into the blood analyzer. The blood data, together with body temperature and questionnaire results, are sent automatically to the care team in the hospital. The managing healthcare professional can remotely monitor the white cell count and temperature results investigate any suggestion of progression towards adverse events, and provide feedback to the patient. What is innovative about it? Patient involvement: Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy can become actively involved in the testing of their own white blood cell levels at home, using a finger prick of blood. Remote monitoring: The care team can remotely monitor the progress of the patient condition. Ease of use: The patient is guided throughout the self-testing process using a pictorial interface. New business service model: An oncologist prescribes a Minicare system for Chemotherapy Cycles as appropriate (e.g., normally involving a six-month period for Breast Cancer Therapy). The oncologist schedules the number of tests that the patient will be prompted to perform, and sets threshold levels for ‘fast-track’ warning flags (for example: in line with local or national guidance). Philips has direct contact with the patient for provision of the Technical Service (non-clinical) support, and after six months the system will be sent back to Philips, refurbished, tested and made available for shipment to the next customer. What is the benefit of this innovation to ‘you’? Based on interviews with over 300 patients, 80 oncologists and 15 payers in the USA and EU, two unmet needs have been identified in cancer chemotherapy that could be addressed with remote monitoring: Prevention of adverse events: Adverse events, such as infections as a side effect of the therapy, cause emergency hospitalizations (5%), lengthy bed stays (9 - 20 days), and significant mortality (10%). More efficient treatment scheduling: Sometimes cancer patients have not recovered enough to receive the next part of the treatment, which leads to missed clinics (20% of patients), wasted hospital resources, or even mortality issues.   Home monitoring of the progress of the chemotherapy and recovery of the patient could potentially: Minimize patient discomfort by reducing the number of hospital visits for blood testing. Timely detect/intervene cases of adverse events, thereby reassuring the patient, and avoiding costly emergency hospitalization. Optimize hospital resources by only scheduling patients who have recovered sufficiently for next treatment. How did we do it? A small engaged entrepreneurial team has worked closely with a UK University on retrospective data analysis, and with a leading oncology center to define unmet needs and develop a total service solution. The project has been co-funded with NHS to accelerate clinical trials in order to get the Minicare service to market fast. Did you know? 50% of cancer patients may have chemotherapy. With a 21-days cycle for breast cancer, for example, treatment is repeated five to six times. 5% of cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy suffer from adverse events leading to emergency admissions and lengthy hospital stays. 20% of cancer patients expecting next treatment are sent home as they have not recovered enough. With chemotherapy, there is a less than 20% chance for survival if the dose is below 65% of the optimal dose. Points to note about the project Initial customer tests reconfirmed good correlation between a prototype of the Philips finger prick white blood cell (WBC) tester, which patients could use unaided with finger-prick blood, versus the standard central laboratory tests using patient venous blood . The UK Department of Health granted Philips a Technology Strategy Board (TSB) award to scale up clinical testing of the Philips Minicare system at Leeds University Hospital. Philips Minicare will be introduced in the UK market in 2015.

Minicare Acute Döntéshozatal a sürgősségi ellátásban. Pillanatokon belüli labor minőségű Tropolin vérteszt . Waiting on conclusive blood test results can cause anxiety for patients and delay physicians’ decision for treatment. Most of the diagnostic decisions are based on information provided by blood tests, but it often takes an hour or more to get the results from a hospital central laboratory. In threatening conditions like acute myocardial infarction, every moment counts. Philips is developing a Minicare Cardiac Troponin-I (cTnI) blood test that will give doctors lab-equivalent results for on-the-spot patient diagnosis and treatment decision making. The Minicare devices are easy to use. A drop of blood is all that’s required to get accurate and quick results - within minutes - at the point of care, such as emergency departments, critical care centers and ambulances. What is it? In threatening conditions like acute myocardial infarction every second counts. Troponin testing is the gold standard test for diagnosis of myocardial infarction, but current laboratory test results take often over an hour. Because of this, Philips is developing a quick finger-prick test that gives results within minutes. The Minicare cTnI test helps you to quickly identify or rule out NSTEMI2. Accurate, portable, robust and reliable, Minicare is designed for use right at the bedside. This latest Philips innovative solution in cardiology gives you the results you need fast, enabling on-the-spot decisions when the pressure is on. Physicians could now directly identify patients with life-threatening STEMI1 using Philips ECG systems, and NSTEMI2 by additionally using the Minicare Acute blood test. 1 STEMI (ST elevated segment myocardial infarction 2 NSTEMI (non ST elevated myocardial infarction)   Minicare Acute is a fully-automated handheld rapid diagnostic testing solution that can measure target molecules in very low concentrations (picomolar) in blood in a matter of minutes. Based on its proprietary Magnotech biosensor technology, the Minicare handheld diagnostic test can perform a wide variety of assays including hormones, drugs and proteins. The platform allows multiplexing capabilities making it possible to test for multiple markers from the same droplet of blood at the same time. The first application for acute care is cTnI (cardiac Troponin I). Philips aims to offer a full range of markers for the acute care setting. We develop new markers and work with partners to expand the test menu in the Acute Care setting as well as other clinical applications. What is innovative about it? Breakthrough innovation in biosensor nanotechnology Magnotech invented by Philips: All assay reagents are located in the disposable cartridge. The entire assay process within the cartridge is executed by controlled movement of the magnetic nanoparticles within the cartridge using magnetic fields. After a short incubation stage the amount of bound nanoparticles are detected optically. Smart technology, at the point of care: results within minutes, lab-equivalent accuracy, small sample volume, easy to use, requires minimal training only. High robustness and reliability is ensured by the absence of moving parts in the system. State-of-the art connectivity: integration of test results with clinical patient information available in the electronic patient file. Open platform model enables partners to expand test menu in healthcare. Moreover, the technology is not limited to healthcare and opens opportunities in pharma, food analysis, and veterinary care. Member of the Minicare family: Minicare comprises a range of in-vitro diagnostics systems that can be applied throughout the continuum of care in home setting, GP offices or hospitals. What is the benefit of this innovation to ‘you’? Waiting at least an hour for results can cause fear and anxiety for the patient. And when a patient’s condition becomes critical, this is time they just may not have. Point-of-care testing can change this. With a simple finger prick test, handheld devices give the doctor results within minutes. So wherever the patient is, healthcare professionals have the ability to test and monitor and always know their status. Point-of-care blood testing helps physicians to make decisions on-the-spot and quickly get the right treatment to patients when their need is greatest and rapidly rule out NSTEMI2, thereby reducing time to discharge and preventing overcrowding of the emergency department How did we do it? Philips has invented and developed Magnotech in Philips Research. The technology was then brought into Handheld Diagnostics, a venture within the Philips HealthTech Incubator. Here a team was formed by experienced entrepreneurs in in-vitro diagnostics, combining expertise in (immunoassay) technology, marketing and business development to grow the business. Partnerships leveraged internal and external expertise to create the first prototype in 2013. Did you know? More than 65% of clinical diagnosis is supported with a blood test. Acute myocardial infarction is a major cause of death and disability. 67% of myocardial infarctions are NSTEMI (while 33% is STEMI), demanding additional diagnostic tests of the Troponin I biomarker. Magnotech is based on Philips competencies in magnetics (compact cassette), optics (DVD), and nanotechnology. Points to note Philips is performing various field trails in cooperation with Catharina Hospital in the Netherlands in 2014 and a consortium of several key hospitals in Europe. Philips announced that it has entered into a multi-year development agreement with Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V. (Janssen). The collaboration aims to develop a new handheld blood test to provide doctors with a novel tool to improve the care of patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. Commercial launch for the cardic Troponin I test on the Minicare Acute product I-20 analyser, is planned for Early 2016 in Benelux, shortly followed by the rest of Europe

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Innovációs motivációk és lehetőségek Motiváció az egészségesebb élethez Növekvő igény az egészségügyi ellátásra Összekapcsolódás mindenhol Az embereket egészségük megőrzésére ösztönző, támogató eszközök Hatékony szűrés és hozzáférhető ellátás biztosítása Több információ a követéshez és döntéshozatalhoz