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A Windows 7 automatizált telepítése Windows AIK használatával

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1 A Windows 7 automatizált telepítése Windows AIK használatával
In this module we will cover the introduction of Windows AIK with an overview of the tools inside of Windows AIK. This module will also cover Windows SIM in detail including how to create an unattend file, catalog, and the phases of a Windows 7 Deployment. Pellek Krisztián Microsoft

2 Témáink: Windows AIK áttekintése Windows AIK Scenarios
Windows SIM használata A Windows 7 testreszabása és telepítése AIK segítségével

3 Windows AIK Dokumentációk és speciális eszközök gyűjteménye az operációs rendszer testre szabásához és automatizált telepítéséhez Támogatott operációs rendszerek Windows 7 Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Windows Server 2008

4 Eszközök amiket a Windows AIK tartalmaz
Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) ImageX Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) User State Migration Tool (USMT)

5 Windows AIK Image (WIM) Katalógus file Distribution Share
Fájl alapú Windows 7 erről települ WIM (install.wim) Sysprep és Imagex segítségével hozhatók létre Katalógus file A beállítás és csomaglistákat tartalmazza a WIMhez Distribution Share Local folder that contains additional files needed for deployment (Drivers, Patches) Konfigurációs beállítások Minden fájlra és könyvtárra szükség van a telepítéshez Válasz fájl(Answer File) XML file format Before we get into the scenarios we should define the terms that the AIK uses: There is a great definition of the Windows Imaging format (WIM) here: Windows Catalog A catalog file provides a list of all of the settings and packages within a Windows image. Distribution Share A distribution share is a local folder that contains the additional source files, such as drivers and applications, that you will need as part of your Windows installations. You can create this folder manually or by using Windows SIM. Configuration Set After you have defined your answer file, you will create a configuration set. A configuration set is a Windows SIM feature that packages your answer file and any source files defined in your answer file into a single folder structure. You will copy this folder structure onto removable media or a network share and use it, along with a Windows product DVD, to complete your installation. Answer File You use an answer file to customize Windows installations so that the versions of Windows you deploy to each destination computer are the same. There are two kinds of Windows installations: attended and unattended. In attended installations, you respond to Windows Setup prompts, selecting options such as the partition to install to and the Windows image to install. In unattended installations, which offer many additional options, you automate this process to avoid the installation prompts. Before you begin, for example, you should identify all of the requirements of your environment. Consider the following possible requirements: Hard drive partitions Support for Windows BitLocker™ Drive Encryption or a recovery solution Additional out-of-box drivers Support for multilingual configurations Other modifications to Windows after installation, such as installing additional applications

6 Windows AIK Scenarios Telepítés adathordozóról
telepítés hálózatról Network Telepítés serverről Offline Image szolgáltatás Online Image szolgáltatás Mindegyik „forgatókönyvhöz” szükségünk van válasz fájlra. This is an intro slide that shows all of the scenarios that Windows AIK supports. This module will cover the Deploy scenarios. The Service scenarios will be covered by the Image Engineering module. The lab in this module will cover how to create/modify an answer file. It is important to point out that each one of these scenarios require a configured answer file

7 1.lehetőség: telepítés adathordozóról
Before you begin, make sure you have the following: A technician computer with the Windows AIK tools installed Windows installation media, such as a Windows product DVD An assembled destination computer The following lists, in the typical order they are executed, the tasks required to deploy a Windows operating system from media onto a new computer. Identify your requirements Create a Windows catalog file Create a distribution share Create an answer file Add applications and drivers Create a configuration set Install Windows with your configuration set

8 Lépésről lépésre: Követelmények meghatározása
Windows katalógusfile létrehozása Telepítési megosztás létrehzoása Válaszfájl létrehozása Alkalmazások és driverek hozzáadása Konfigurációkészlet létrehozása Windows telepítése Feladat Leírás További információk Követelmények meghatározása Vegye sorra a Windows-lemezkép testreszabásának különböző lehetőségeit. Győződjön meg róla, hogy a testreszabás megfelel a licencfeltételeknek. Egyéb Windows-beállítások konfigurálása Windows katalógusfájl létrehozása A válaszfájl létrehozása előtt készítenie kell egy Windows katalógusfájlt a Windows Rendszerképkezelő segítségével. A katalógusfájl tartalmazza a Windows-lemezképben található összes beállítás és csomag listáját. Katalógus előszöri vagy ismételt létrehozása Telepítési megosztás létrehozása A telepítési megosztás egy helyi mappa, amely a Windows telepítéséhez szükséges illesztőprogramokat, alkalmazásokat és más forrásfájlokat tartalmazza. A mappa manuálisan és a Windows Rendszerképkezelő használatával is létrehozható. Válaszfájl létrehozása A Windows katalógusfájl és a telepítési megosztás létrehozása után elkészítheti a válaszfájlt a Windows Rendszerképkezelő segítségével. Válaszfájlok használata Gyakorlati tanácsok válaszfájlok írásához Alkalmazások és illesztőprogramok hozzáadása Az egyszerű válaszfájl létrehozása után hozzáadhatja a telepítéshez az egyéni alkalmazásokat és illesztőprogramokat. A forrásfájlokat hozzá kell adnia a telepítési megosztáshoz, hogy a válaszfájlban hivatkozhasson rájuk. Alkalmazások, illesztőprogramok, csomagok, fájlok és mappák hozzáadása Konfigurációkészlet létrehozása A válaszfájl definiálása után hozzon létre egy konfigurációkészletet. A Windows Rendszerképkezelő a konfigurációkészlet segítségével a válaszfájlt és a válaszfájlban definiált többi forrásfájlt egy mappastruktúrába foglalja össze. Ezt a mappastruktúrát kell a cserélhető adathordozóra vagy hálózati megosztásra másolnia, és ezt fogja használni a Windows DVD-terméklemezzel együtt a telepítés végrehajtásához. Forgatókönyv: Konfigurációkészlet készítése A Windows telepítése a konfigurációkészlet használatával Indítsa el a DVD-meghajtóban a Windows telepítő adathordozót és egy külső meghajtón a konfigurációkészletet tartalmazó számítógépet. A Windows automatikusan észleli a válaszfájlt, és azt használja a telepítéshez. Forgatókönyv: A Windows központi telepítése DVD-ről

9 2. telepítés hálózatról Before you begin, make sure you have the following: A technician computer with the OPK tools installed Windows installation media, such as a Windows product DVD A reference computer A blank CD-ROM The following list describes the tasks you must complete to deploy an image. Identify your requirements Create bootable Windows PE media Build a configuration set Deploy an image from a network share

10 Feltételek: Referencia pc Telepítéskezelő pc Válaszfájl
Konfigurációs készlet Windows katalógus Rendszervizsgálati mód ImageX Windows PE Célszámítógép

11 Folyamat áttekintése:
Windows Sim segítségével egy konfigurációs készletet hozunk létre USB meghajtóra másoljuk Telepítjük a referencia gépre Ellenőrizzük,hogy minden megfelelően működik. Ha minden jó sysprepeljük és elkészítjük a végleges image-t ImageX és Windows Pe segítségével Felmásoljuk a lemezképet a hálózati tárolóba

12 3. telepítés serverről The process of creating the image begins by creating a configuration set using Windows System Image Manager (Windows SIM) and storing the configuration set onto a removable media device, such as a USB flash drive (UFD). You then insert your removable media, containing the configuration set, and a Windows product DVD into the reference computer. Start the computer, and Windows Setup will apply any settings specified in the answer file contained within the configuration set. When Windows Setup is finished, you will restart the system in Audit mode, where you can make additional customizations as well as verify that specific customizations were applied. When you are satisfied with the installation, you will prepare the image for duplication using the System preparation (Sysprep) tool, the ImageX tool, and Windows PE. Once you have captured the image, you will store the image onto your Windows Server. The process for deploying the image begins with booting a destination computer from the network. Windows Deployment Services will provide a list of images to install. Select an image from the list and Windows Deployment Services will install the image onto the destination computer using Windows PE and Windows Setup.

13 Feltételek Referencia pc WDS server Válaszfájl Konfigurációs készlet
ImageX Windows Pe Központi windows telepítési szolgáltatások

14 Feladat Követelmények meghatározása
Ellenőrizzük, hogy a cél számítógép alkalmas PXE boot-ra Referencia pc létrehozása Lemezkép rögzítése Windows központi telepítése WDS használatával.

15 Windows System Image Manager (SIM
This is just a transitional slide. We will now discuss how to use Windows SIM to create an answer file Windows SIM provides the following benefits that enable you to: Create an unattended answer file quickly. Validate the settings of an answer file against a Windows image (.wim) file. View all of the configurable component settings in a .wim file. Update an answer file easily. Create a configuration set that contains a complete set of portable folders with Setup files. Add third-party drivers, applications, or other packages to an answer file.

16 Windows SIM Új answer file létrehozása Windows Imagehez
Meglévő válasz fájl(Answer f)szerkesztése Driverek hozzáadása válasz fájlhoz Alkalmazások hozzáadása a válaszfájlhoz Updatek hozzáadása az image-hez Konfigurációs beállítás létrehozása Csomagok importálása megosztott tárolókból The following sections describe common Windows SIM scenarios. Create a New Answer File for a Windows Image Windows SIM enables you to create an answer file to be used during Windows Setup. You can view all of the components available in a Windows image, add component settings to your answer file, and choose when to apply a component setting by adding it to a particular configuration pass. After component settings are added to an unattended answer file, you can view and customize the available settings for each component. Edit an Existing Answer File Windows SIM enables you to add components, packages, or other updates to an existing answer file. You can also validate an existing answer file against a Windows image to ensure that the settings in that answer file can be applied to a specific Windows image. An answer file is typically associated with a specific Windows image. By using Windows SIM, you can open the Windows image, open an existing answer file, and then make changes to the answer file. Windows SIM validates the component settings in the answer file against the settings available in the Windows image. Add Additional Device Drivers to an Answer File You can add device drivers during Windows Setup by using Windows SIM. Three types of drivers are used in setup: In-box drivers In-box drivers are handled the same as packages. Out-of-box drivers You can add additional .inf-based, out-of-box device drivers during Windows Setup by using Windows SIM. Typically, these out-of-box drivers are processed during the auditSystem configuration pass. Your .inf-based, out-of-box drivers must be in a distribution share subfolder called Out-of-Box Drivers. In-box drivers installed with a Windows Installer file. In-box drivers requiring a Windows Installer file are added by the same method as applications. Note: Using the Microsoft-Windows-PnpCustomizationsWinPE component, you must add boot-critical device drivers required for installation during the windowsPE configuration pass. Add Applications or Additional Drivers to an Answer File You can add additional applications or drivers to be installed during Windows Setup with Windows SIM by using a distribution share. You use a distribution share to store all applications, device drivers, scripts, or other resources that you make available during Windows Setup. You can add additional applications, scripts, and other binary files by using a data image. A data image is packaged in a way that is similar to a Windows image. By using the ImageX tool, you can capture a folder structure that contains the resources that you must add to Windows (or another partition on the computer) during Windows Setup. You can specify where the data image is applied by using the DataImage setting in the Microsoft-Windows-Setup component. You can also use $OEM$ folder structures to place binary files and other applications in specific locations during Windows Setup. Applications are added from distribution shares through subfolders called $OEM$ folders. You must also add a RunSynchronous setting to the answer file to launch the Windows Installer file or the .exe file that installs the application. Add Updates to a Windows Image Offline Windows SIM enables the addition of offline updates to a Windows image, including software updates, device drivers, language packs, and other packages, which Microsoft provides. Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM.exe) is the tool you use, with or without an answer file, to apply packages to Windows. Any package installation, removal, or modifications in the answer file is applied to the Windows image. Create a Configuration Set A configuration set is a subset of files that are available in a distribution share that is explicitly called in an answer file. When you create a configuration set, any files in a distribution share that are referenced in the answer file are saved to a specific folder. Paths to these files are updated in the answer file to point to the specific folder. Configuration sets are smaller, more portable versions of a distribution share. A configuration set is ideal for installations that cannot access a distribution share. Import Packages to a Distribution Share Windows SIM imports packages that are not part of a Windows image (.wim) file to an optional set of folders called a distribution share. The packages can then be added to an answer file from the distribution share. To import a package to a distribution share, you must use the Windows SIM tool or the CPI APIs. You can also import a package directly into an answer file. The answer file includes a pointer to the path of the package.

17 A Windows 7 konfiguráció lépései
You should spend a few minutes on this slide and go over each of the Passes in detail. Here is a breakdown of each of the Configuration Passes windowsPE In this pass you can configure: Windows PE options These options can include specifying the location of the Windows PE log file, enabling networking or a Windows PE page file. Windows Setup options These options can include specifying the Windows image to install and configuring a disk on the destination computer. During this configuration pass, the Windows image is copied to the destination computer after the settings in the windowsPE configuration pass are processed. If your installation of Windows PE requires boot-critical drivers to access the local hard disk drive or a network, use this configuration pass to add drivers to the Windows PE driver store and to reflect the required boot-critical drivers Configuration Pass runs when: One of the following takes place: Booting the Windows Setup media Starting Windows Setup from a previous Windows installation The Windows PE options are applied only when you are running Windows Setup from a Windows PE environment. The Windows Setup options are applied when running from both Windows PE or a previous Windows installation. offlineServicing This configuration pass is used to apply updates, drivers, or language packs to a Windows image. During Windows Setup, the Windows image is applied to a hard disk and any settings in the offlineServicing section of an answer file are then applied to that image before the computer reboots. During this configuration pass, you can add drivers to a Windows image before the image starts. This enables you to install and process out-of-box device drivers during Windows Setup. This configuration pass is also used to apply updates to a Windows image during servicing scenarios. Automatically after the windowsPE configuration pass and before the computer reboots. During servicing scenarios when you specify an answer file with the Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool (Dism.exe). specialize This configuration pass is used to create and configure information in the Windows image, and is specific to the hardware that the Windows image is installing to. After the Windows image boots for the first time, the specialize configuration pass runs. During this pass, unique security IDs (SIDs) are created. Additionally, you can configure many Windows features, including network settings, international settings, and domain information. Automatically when the Windows image boots for the first time. On the next boot after running the sysprep command with the /generalize option. generalize During this configuration pass, computer-specific information is removed from the Windows installation enabling you to capture and reapply the Windows image to different computers. For example, during this pass, the unique security ID (SID), unique device drivers, and other hardware-specific settings are removed from the image. This configuration pass enables you to minimally configure the sysprep /generalize command, as well as configure other Windows settings that must persist on your master image. After the generalize pass completes, the next time that Windows image boots, the specialize configuration pass runs. If you want to retain the unique device drivers that are installed to your Windows installation, you can use the Microsoft-Windows-PnpSysprep | PersistAllDeviceInstalls setting. If this setting is configured, unique device drivers are not removed from the installation. For more information, see the Windows® Unattended Setup Reference (Unattend.chm). The following setting is configured: Microsoft-Windows-Deployment | Generalize. -Or- Run the sysprep /generalize command. auditSystem During this configuration pass, settings are processed while Windows is running in system context, before a user logs onto the computer in Audit mode. This pass is typically used to make additional configurations to an installation, such as installing out-of-box device drivers. This pass runs only when a computer is configured to boot to audit mode. auditUser This pass processes unattended Setup settings, after a user logs onto the computer in Audit mode. This pass is typically used to run custom commands or configure Windows Shell options. oobeSystem During this configuration pass, settings are applied to Windows before Windows Welcome starts. This pass is typically used to configure Windows Shell options, create user accounts, and specify language and locale settings.

18 Windows 7 deploy Windows AIK használatával
Use Windows SIM to do the following Create an answer file Create a Distribution Share Configure the answer file Add a Language Pack Add device drivers Add an application Create a Configuration Set

19 4/4/2017 8:20 AM © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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