Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee The Committee about 1000 members in Hungary 4 Local.

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2 Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee The Committee about 1000 members in Hungary 4 Local Committees (Debrecen, Budapest, Pécs, Szeged) Full member of We Build Health!

3 Give & Get HuMSIRC has got two main profiles: Prevention and health education Professional and research exchange Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!

4 Prevention and health education Sexual Education Cardiovascular and Tumor Prevention Drug, Alcohol, Smoking Prevention Teddy Bear Hospital Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!

5 Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee Prevention and health education Presentations in High Schools and Elementary Schools (age 12-18) Festivals and Health Days Kindergartens (age 3-6)

6 Sexual Education 400 presentations by med students in 2011 By this we could reach more then 12000 teenagers „… a szexualitásról és nemi úton terjedő betegségekről” elective course for 2 credits (I. semester) Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!

7 Cardiovascular and Tumor Prevention Teaching how to live a healthy life More then 200 presentations in 2011 „Cardiovascularis és tumorprevenció” elective 1 credit (II. semester) Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!

8 Drug, Alcohol, Smoking Prevention Draw the attention of the risks More than 300 presentations in 2011 „... az egészségnevelésről és a drogokról” elective 1 credit (II. semester) Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!

9 Teddy Bear Hospital Don’t be afraid of the doctors! Healing the toys Age 3-6 Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!



12 What can you get for all this work? Professional Exchange Research Exchange 1 month of practice abroad but exchange is not just about practice of course… Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!

13 Spain, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Turkey, Tunisia, Taiwan, Japan, Brazil, Mexico just a few countries to mention

14 It’s organized The hosts are also medical students New experience New friends Lots of parties Magyar Orvostanhallgatók Egyesülete Hungarian Medical Students’ International Relations Committee We Build Health!

15 How can I become a member??? Registration is 1500 HUF for one academical year Our office is in the 3rd Dormitory (Auguszta) ground floor Consulting hours: Wednesday 16-18 h More info: MOE Debreceni Helyi Bizottság HuMSIRC Local Committee Debrecen

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