Department of Applied Mechanics – Budapest University of Technology and Economics Magas röptű robotok a mennyezeten Magas röptű robotok a mennyezeten Stépán.

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Az előadások a következő témára: "Department of Applied Mechanics – Budapest University of Technology and Economics Magas röptű robotok a mennyezeten Magas röptű robotok a mennyezeten Stépán."— Előadás másolata:

1 Department of Applied Mechanics – Budapest University of Technology and Economics Magas röptű robotok a mennyezeten Magas röptű robotok a mennyezeten Stépán G, Kovács LL, Zelei A, Bencsik L, Tóth A*,… Műszaki Mechanikai Tanszék *Gyártástudomány és -technológia Tanszék Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem

2 Department of Applied Mechanics – Budapest University of Technology and Economics High-flying service robot: a ceiling based approach High-flying service robot: a ceiling based approach Stépán G, Kovács LL, Zelei A, Bencsik L, Tóth A*,… Department of Applied Mechanics, *Department of Manufacturing Science and Technology Budapest University of Technology and Economics

3 Department of Applied Mechanics – Budapest University of Technology and Economics SU prototype #1 with large ducted fans CAD Prototype #1 Prototype #1with lateral fans 3 cable winding motors (controlling orientation) 2 large thrusters with variable blade pitch (symmetric) impellers (large diameter => low noise) lateral fans are needed to increase the manoeuvrability and to avoid singularity at zero nutation

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