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WAP, WML Felhasznált források: Developer’s Guide v1.2 (Nokia WAP Toolkit) WML Reference v1.1
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán2 WAP network protocol structure The WAP is similar to a Web model, and operates as follows: 1 The user presses a phone key that has an URL request assigned to it. 2 The user agent sends an URL request to a WAP gateway using the WAP protocol. 3 The WAP gateway create an conventional HTTP request for the specified URL and sends it to the web server. 4 The HTTP request is processed by the web server. The URL may refer to a static file or to a CGI or other script application. In the first case, the web server fetches the file and adds an HTTP header to it. If the URL specifies a script application, the web server runs the application. 5 The web server returns the WML deck with the added HTTP header or the WML output from the CGI or other script application. 6 The WAP gateway verifies the HTTP header and the WML content and encodes them to binary form. The gateway then creates a WAP response containing the WML and sends it to the user agent. 7 The user agent receives the WAP response. It processes the WML response and displays the first card of the WML deck to the user.
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán3 Content MIME type extensions Before creating your own WML and WMLScript services, configure your web server to support the following MIME types: Content MIME type Extension WML source text/vnd.wap.wmlwml Wireless bitmaps image/vnd.wap.wbmp wbmp Compiled WML application/vnd.wap.wmlcwmlc WMLScript source text/vnd.wap.wmlscript wmls Compiled WMLScript application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc wmlsc
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán4 Disadvantages of HTML/HTTP/TCP HTML content and HTTP headers are textual, their encoding is not size- optimal TCP is too general for browsing-type applications. It sets up a two-way general stream with sequence numbers in both directions. Browsing requirement is only request-reply. It could be done with one transaction identifier and a less general protocol. HTML is optimized for large-screen devices, it can be rendered quite inefficiently on small screens (frames) HTML is quite complex, an acceptable browser takes a lot of application space. Characteristics of mobile network/devices Bandwidth is restricted (9.6KBaud on GSM) Device memory is small (2MByte total code for a 6110) Device display is small and generally only black&white
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán5 Expectations towards WAP It should be traffic and size-optimized It should use whatever mobile network we have (SMS, CDMA, IS-136 …) It should be open standard It should be integrated with the Internet WAP and Internet will merge as soon as phones are powerful enough and mobile networks have sufficient capacity
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán6 Overwiev of the WML
WML Structure The first line specifies the XML version number. The second line specifies the SGML public document identifier. The third line specifies the location of the WML document type definition (DTD). The DTD can be located in the network, or you can store it locally to make accessing it faster. The Nokia WAP Toolkit includes the DTD file wml.xml, found in the directory \dtd. The fourth line is the root element of the XML document of which there may only be only one and it must match the root element name as indicated in the first argument of the document type. All WML documents must begin with a tag. The following lines define a card containing a start and an end tag and text to be displayed to the user. All WML decks must end with a tag.
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán8 The elements of WML Text Formatting Anchors, Images, Timers Events Tasks Variables User Input
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán9 Character entities and special characters (see: specchars.wml)
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán10 Formatting text emRender with emphasis. strong Render with strong emphasis. i Render with an italic font. b Render with a bold font. u Render with underline. big Render with a large font. small Render with a small font. Use the strong and em tags where possible. It is not recommended to use the b, i and u tags except where explicit control over text presentation is required.
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán12 Feladat „Hello World” oldal elkészítése, formázással
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán13 Text formatting elements brbeginning of a new line pparagraph(see: multicard.wml) –alignleft, right, center –modewrap, nowrap tabletable element (see: weather.wml) –titletitle of table –alignalignment –columnsnumber of columns
Table example (weather.wml)
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán15 Feladat Készítsen egy táblázatot, mely tartalmazza a barátai nevét, telefonszámát és e-mail címét! Az egyes sorokat és oszlopokat különböző módokon formázza!
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán16 Anchors, images and timers anchor (see: readme.wml) image (see: weather.wml) timer (see: multicard.wml)
Anchor example
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán18 Feladat Készítsen egy deck-et, két card-dal. Az első card-ról egy “<anchor...” segítségével jussunk el a második card-ra A második card-ról egy képre kattintva juthassunk vissza az első card-ra
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán19 Tasks go: prev: noop:
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán20 Card and Deck task override deck level: template card level: card (see: deck2a.wml)
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán21 Events (1/4) do –type: accept, prev –label –name (see: deck2a.wml, deck2b.wml)
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán22 Events (2/4) ontimer, timer (see: multicard.wml)
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán23 Feladat Készítsünk egy olyan deck-et, mely 2 card- ot tartalmaz: Az 1. card-on egy do-accept-go-val juthassunk el a 2. cardra A 2. card-ról egy timerrel jussunk vissza az 1. card-ra
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán24 Events (3/4) onevent: –onenterforward onenterbackward:
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán25 Feladat Készítsünk egy 3 card-ból álló deck-et: Az 1. card-on do-accept-go-val juthassunk el a 2. card-ra A 2. card-ról egy onenterforward-dal jussunk át a 3. card-ra, egy onenterbackward-dal vissza az 1-re A 3. card-on egy do-accept-prev-vel juthassunk el a 2. card-ra
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán26 Events (4/4) onpick
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán27 Variables Set: (go, prev, refresh) – Read: –$var_1, $(var_1) (see: deck1.wml)
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán28 Feladat Készítsünk olyan card-ot, melyen két do- accept-go-setvar-ral egy változót módosítunk: a választástól függően vagy az „a” vagy a „b” betűt fűzzük össze a változóval
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán29 Input elements input –namename of the variable –valuedefault value –typetext | password –formatA,a,N,X,x,M,m,*f,nf –maxlengthmaxiumum number of characters –sizesize of the input area –emptyok –title
Input elements example
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán31 Feladat Az első card-on kérjük be a felhasználó vezeték- és keresztnevét, a második card-on teljes név szerint üdvözöljük! A card-ok közötti mozgás során hozzunk létre egy „teljes_nev” nevű változót, amibe a megadott vezeték- és keresztneveket összefűzzük! A kiiratáshoz használjuk ezt a változót!
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán32 Select, option, optgroup elements select (see: deck3.wml) –multiplemultiple selection –name, valuename & default value of the variable –iname, ivaluename & default value of the index variable –titletitle of select element option –title –value –onpick option group –title
2003.02.20BMF-NIK Ladányi Zoltán33 Feladat Készítsünk olyan deck-et, melyen a select- option-ből kiválasztott állathoz (kutya, macska, ló) kapcsolódó card-ra juthatunk el!
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