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A digitális dokumentumok nyilvántartása az OSZK-ban és azon túl. Káldos János OSZKDB 2005. január 18.
Minták Neumann-ház (Közgyűjtemények digitalizálási adatai) URL: http://www.neumann-haz.hu/kozgyujt_digit/index.htmlhttp://www.neumann-haz.hu/kozgyujt_digit/index.html MINERVA MICHAEL (Inventories of digitised contents) URL: http://www.michael-culture.orghttp://www.michael-culture.org RSLP Collection Description (UKOLN) URL: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/rslp/http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/metadata/rslp/ Inventory of Canadian Digital Initiatives (A Canadian Initiative on Digital Libraries URL: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/initiatives/index-e.html (!)http://www.collectionscanada.ca/initiatives/index-e.html PANDORA - National Library of Australia and partners URL: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/index.htmlhttp://pandora.nla.gov.au/index.html Archives HUB (A national gateway to descriptions of archives in UK universities and colleges) URL: http://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/descriptions universities and collegeshttp://www.archiveshub.ac.uk/ Catalogue des fonds culturels numerisés URL: http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/mrt/numerisation/fr/f_02.htm (!)http://www.culture.gouv.fr/culture/mrt/numerisation/fr/f_02.htm OSZK-EPA-KI (2004. október) OSZK felmérési kísérlet (2002) OSZK digitalizálási adatbázis
MINERVA – MICHAEL Multilingual Inventory of Cultural Heritage in Europe Történet –2004. jún. 14. Róma – alakuló ülés Résztvevők –Olasz Kulturális Minisztérium –Francia Kulturális Minisztérium –Angol intézmények http://vernier.gamsau.archi.fr:9000/sdx/anum_portal/index. xsphttp://vernier.gamsau.archi.fr:9000/sdx/anum_portal/index. xsp A technikai specifikáció a MINERVA NRG Parmaban tartott összejövetelén alakult ki (Nov. 2003)
Minerva megállapodás Elfogadja a digitális tartalom létrehozásának adatmodelljét OAI-PMH, XML Dublin Core Culture (DC.Culture), opcionálisan a teljes RSLP metaadatrendszert használja Terminológiai egyeztetés
A digitális tartalom létrehozásának modellje
RSLP – Modell (A) Research Support Libraries Programme - UKOLN
RSLP – Modell (B)
Elemek (Item) és halmazok (Collection) A a001 B b001 Projekt Digitális Gyűjtemény a002 a…n Szolgáltatás
Elemek (Item) és halmazok (Collection) a001 n 10 0908 07 06 05 04 03 01 02
Elemek (Item) 01 02 06 ? 01010101 01110001 10011001 10110111 10010000 11111001 0101000100100101110001000010000 0010101011101010111110010110101 Elem (Item)? (Object ?) = file
Javaslat Elem (Item) Halmaz (Collection) Intézmény SzemélyProjekt Termék/ Szolgáltatás
Nyilvántartási szintek Intézményi szint Elem (Item) Halmaz (Collection) Intézmény SzemélyProjekt Termék/ Szolgáltatás Központi szint Intézmény Projekt Termék/ Szolgáltatás Halmaz (Collection) MINERVA szint OAI
Definíciók Program – Nincs definiálva Project – Név Collection – RSLP: A Collection is an aggregation of physical and/or electronic Items. Item – RSLP: Item is the concrete (incorporating physical and electronic) realization of Content. … Item has been chosen as the most neutral term in preference to other terms which have been used such as 'Document' or 'Document-like Object'. Item can most easily embrace all of the concepts of physical and electronic, text and non-text, and human and natural creations. Content – Content is an intellectual creation, without reference to any particular instantiation. Item is the concrete (incorporating physical and electronic) realization of Content. Note that, in so far as the model is concerned with collections, the entities Content and Item are considered only to the extent that their types and attributes impinge upon Collection Description. In the vast majority of cases, too, the Items will coincide with what FRBR calls Items, not Manifestations. Item has been chosen as the most neutral term in preference to other terms which have been used such as 'Document' or 'Document-like Object'. Item can most easily embrace all of the concepts of physical and electronic, text and non-text, and human and natural creations. A Collection is an aggregation of physical and/or electronic Items. A Location is the place (identified physically or electronically) where a Collection is held. Note that it is important to distinguish between the place and the institution responsible for the place; the latter is represented in this model by the term Administrator. A Creator is responsible in some way for the existence of the intellectual Content of an Item. A Producer is responsible for the existence of the physical or electronic form in which an Item is realized. A Collector gathers Items together. An Owner is the Agent who has legal possession of a Collection. An Administrator has responsibility for the physical or electronic environment in which a Collection is held. The model separates Agents (Creator, Producer, Collector, Owner and Administrator), shown on the left-hand side, from Objects (Content, Item, Collection and Location), shown on the right. Agents are people or organizations. Agents initiate actions, for example they create Content, produce Items, gather Items into Collections and administer Locations. Agents have rights. Agents can have many roles at the same time, for example the Collector of a collection may also be its Owner. Agents also control the usage of the collections. They determine who has access rights to the Collection and its Location and who holds copyright and ownership.
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