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Shifts: Architecture After the 20th Century Authors: Powerhouse Company and Hans Ibelings Language: English Publisher: The Architecture Observer ISBN: 978-90-819207-0-4. Price: € 18,00 Year: 2012
Teaching Award Winners Beloved by generations of students, he has been one of the preeminent educators of architectural history over the past half century.
HAT KLASSZIFIKÁLÓ SZEMPONT topográfia morfológia fenntarthatóság anyagszerűség lakás közfunkciók (középületek, közterek)
„míg a ’topográfia’ és a ’fenntarthatóság’ olyan gyakorlatokra utal, amelyek bizonyos mértékig ellenállnak a környezet instrumentalizálásának, a ’morfológia’ és az ’anyagszerűség’ ezzel szemben expresszív kifejezésmódokat jelent, amelyeket vagy önkényesen határoznak meg a természet biomorf folyamatai vagy az alkotók a felület kifejező erejét hangsúlyozzák. Mindkét tünetcsoport gyakran a tér, szerkezet és funkció fogalmaiban felfogott építészeti forma megfelelő artikulációjának kárára érvényesül.”
PETER BUCHANAN Born in Malawi and schooled in Zimbabwe, he studied architecture at the University of Cape Town, graduating in 1968. He has worked as an architect, urban designer and planner in various parts of Africa, Europe and the Middle East. He is also a writer and critic, curator and consultant. Through the 1980s he was Deputy Editor of The Architectural Review, publishing prolifically in that journal and others. Since 1992 he has freelanced: curating exhibitions (including Renzo Piano Building Workshop: selected projects and Ten Shades of Green - both were initiated by The Architectural League of New York and have toured widely), writing the four volumes of Renzo Piano Building Workshop: Complete Works and Ten Shades of Green, and consulting on urban design and green issues. His interest in the latter originates from his early years in practice in Cape Town, before he moved to London in 1972 where he still resides.
THE BIG RETHINK 1.Towards a Complete Architecture 2.Farewell to Modernism - and modernity too 3.Integral Theory 4.The Purposes of Architecture 5.Transcend and Include the Past 6.Learning from Four Modern Masters 7.PLACE AND ALIVENESS: Pattern, play and the planet 8.Transcend and include – Lessons from living masters
TRANSCEND AND INCLUDE (3 + 1 RÉSZ) - the past (The Pattern Language, the vernacular, history, time (+ PLACE AND ALIVENESS) - learning from four modern masters (Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, Alvar Aalto, Louis Kahn) - lessons from living masters (Herman Herztberger, Renzo Piano, Emilio Ambasz, Peter Zumthor)
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