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Mobile Voice Communication Project Review-. 2005 •Cooperating partners: Cisco and T- Mobile, HTTP Foundation •Aim: new course on Cisco WLAN and Mobile.

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Az előadások a következő témára: "Mobile Voice Communication Project Review-. 2005 •Cooperating partners: Cisco and T- Mobile, HTTP Foundation •Aim: new course on Cisco WLAN and Mobile."— Előadás másolata:

1 Mobile Voice Communication Project Review-

2 2005 •Cooperating partners: Cisco and T- Mobile, HTTP Foundation •Aim: new course on Cisco WLAN and Mobile Voice Communication integrated into one learning package

3 5 HUN Academies involved –Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar (Debrecen), –Kossuth Zsuzsanna Műszaki Szakközépiskola és Gimnázium (Hódmezővásárhely), –Mechwart András Gépipari és Informatikai Szakközépiskola (Debrecen), –Szent György Biztonságvédelmi és Számítástechnikai Szakközépiskola (Budapest), –Újpesti Két Tanítási Nyelvű Műszaki Szakközépiskola és Gimnázium (Budapest).

4 The project 1.Instructors’ training by the companies involved 2.Defining the content of the course 3.Learning material development 4.Pilot courses at 5 sites through video-conferencing 5.Feed-back and discussion on experience for further steps to take

5 Instructors’ training •Implemented in 2005. nov •30 hours, 6 instructors, 3 days, in Budapest

6 2. The Content •Basic GSM •Radio transfer technologies •Basic GPRS and UMTS •Basic Mobile Internet technology + Cisco WLAN!

7 3. Learing material •Slides, approx. 2000 in English (ready) •Instructors’ Guide in Hungarian (under preparation)

8 3. Who did what Összhang, kontroll DE GSM Mechwart KI Rádiós átvitel Újpesti KI GPRS, UMTS Kossuth KI Mobil Internet Szent Gy. KI

9 3. First pages of the new course material •Please see some sample pages of the new course below... •„Mobil Hangkommunikációs Hálózati Ismeretek” - 1.0 Version







16 4. 1st pilot... •The 1st pilot course was implemented at Debrecen University after the FWLAN training in 30-hours. •2nd phase of pilot is coming soon with the involvement of 4 secondary schools.

17 Next steps and ideas to continue... •Lab exercises? •National distribution of the course? •International distribution of the project? •eTwinnning? •Exams and qualifications? •eLearning?

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