Az előadás letöltése folymat van. Kérjük, várjon

Az előadás letöltése folymat van. Kérjük, várjon

- based on the association experiment

Hasonló előadás

Az előadások a következő témára: "- based on the association experiment"— Előadás másolata:

1 - based on the association experiment
A cross-cultural comparison of Russian and Hungarian pre-school children's verbal consciousness - based on the association experiment

2 PhD, Associate Professor Sechenov University Moscow, Russia
MEGJEGYZÉS: A dián szereplő képek módosításához jelölje ki, majd törölje a képet. Ezután kattintson a Kép beszúrása ikonra a helyőrzőben a saját képe beszúrásához. Orsolya Endrody-Nagy PhD, Associate Professor Eotvos Lorand University Budapest, Hungary Istvan Lenart PhD, Associate Professor Sechenov University Moscow, Russia

3 UNKP-17-4 New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities
MEGJEGYZÉS: A dián szereplő képek módosításához jelölje ki, majd törölje a képet. Ezután kattintson a Kép beszúrása ikonra a helyőrzőben a saját képe beszúrásához.

4 Introduction

5 A cross-cultural - interdisciplinary research
Russian-Hungarian cross-cultural comparison Psycholinguistic-pedagogical approach

6 Interdisciplinary Research
Psycholinguistics Childhood Studies

7 Childhood as a social construction
Childhood is to be considered as a social construction Childhood is a variable of social analysis, to be considered in conjunction with others (class, gender, ethnicity) Children must be seen as active in determining their own lives and the lives of people around them. (James, A–Prout, A., 1997)

8 The Moscow School of Psycholinguistics
Inception: 1966, Leontiev's lectures in Moscow Verbal (linguistic / language) consciousness (языковое сознание) (Tarasov) ‘‘a complex of verbally externalized mental images of consciousness which contain concepts of man and his activities as well as of objects and phenomena of the world developed by members of a certain culture’’ (Tarasov 1996) Lacuna theory (Markovina 1983)

9 Methods

10 The Association Experiment
60-60 pre-school children Russian and Hungarian pre-schools Year of birth: (4-5 years old) Urban families 15-20 minutes / interview

11 The Association Experiment
10 word-stimuli 27 questions Shoulder-to-shoulder method Modified, mixed format: associations & extra qualitative questions

12 Layout of the questionnaire
MEGJEGYZÉS: A dián szereplő képek módosításához jelölje ki, majd törölje a képet. Ezután kattintson a Kép beszúrása ikonra a helyőrzőben a saját képe beszúrásához.

13 Results

14 Results, no.1: FRIEND

15 Results, no.2: CHILD

16 Results, no.3: FAMILY

17 Results, no.4: WATER

18 Results, no.5: BLACK

19 Results, no.6: TOY

20 Results, no.7: DEVIL

21 Results, no.8: HOME

22 Results, no.9: FOREIGNER

23 Results, no.10: ANGEL

24 The concept of CHILDHOOD in view of the analysis
A child is a small version of an adult / small animal (eg. bunny, bearcub). Childhood historians believed in a similar theory for centuries. A child is good and beautiful. – In the discipline of History of childhood it is a core dilemma: Are children diabolic or divine? A child plays. (It is a statment: Adults don’t play.)

25 Conclusions

26 Conclusions I. A./ Universalistic features: “a foreigner speaks, lives, and travels”; “a family is about mother, love, and good. B./ Culture-/Language-bound characteristics: друг-дружить; чёрт-чёрточка-чёрный-чертить (sound) C./ Globalization and its effects: tablets, cartoons, brand names (lego, Duplo, Trudi) D./ Translation anomaliae: the Lacuna Paradox: ördög-дьявол-чёрт-бес- сатана

27 Conclusions II. E./ Elaboration: the questionnaire made an opportunity to elaborate their problems, regarding their problems at home (e.g. father has died, parents are divorced) F./ Fiction vs. Reality: children seem to be not sure whether angels and devils exist or not G./ Confirmation: We need more research - children have vast knowledge about the world surrounding them, they understand a lot more then we expect

28 Future plans

29 1. Expanding the scale of the study. From 60 to100 respondents
1. Expanding the scale of the study From 60 to100 respondents Adding a 3rd group of Russian children attending Hungarian pre-schools 2. Expanding the scope of the study Geograpically/culturally: Japan, Italy, Vietnam, Laos Methodologically: corpus linguistic analysis 3. Dissemination of the results Hungarian, Russian & other international journals

30 Some fun... The members of a family: “mother, father, children, cat and monkey” A foreigner: “someone with green skin and 4 eyes” Devil: “a person who haven't had a shower for a long time” Family: “when Mom goes to party” Water: “it contains the vitamins” Angel: “the one that jumps in when the devil gets sick”

31 Orsolya Endrody-Nagy endrody.orsolya@
Istvan Lenart -Pre-school “Samson” -Pre-school named after MarinaTsvetaeva “no. 1619” -Hungarian pre-schools Orsolya Endrody-Nagy MEGJEGYZÉS: A dián szereplő képek módosításához jelölje ki, majd törölje a képet. Ezután kattintson a Kép beszúrása ikonra a helyőrzőben a saját képe beszúrásához. Thank you for your attention!

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