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Meshing Media heti MT: DK, UK – 77% DE – 73% ES – 56%
71% MT prime time-ban (17:30-21:00) DigiMix Media Meshing Media Multi-tasking Report
Meshing Media A lehetőség: - multi-tasking mainstream
- alacsony nemek szerinti eltérés (gy. vs t.) korosztály 90%-ban multi-tasker - a hétvégéken kétszer gyakoribb - aktív offline és online vásárlók - 29% MT használ mobilt webes célokra DigiMix Media Meshing Media Multi-tasking Report
Meshing Media A kihívás: - e-mail – 75% - általános surf – 64%
- közösségi média – 49% - azonnali üzenetküldés – 39% - tudatos tartalomfogyasztás – 37% DigiMix Media Meshing Media Multi-tasking Report
Tartalom Kommunikáció
Tell us your real-life experiences of being a mom: first words, first steps, carpools, crazy schedules and balancing it all.... we invite you to share your parenting stories and become a part of our "In The Motherhood" community! In this comedic web series we watch how Kim, Heather and Maria deal with real motherhood problems. Each talk about real life situations from moms who have sent their stories in to be shown.
Tell us your real-life experiences of being a mom: first words, first steps, carpools, crazy schedules and balancing it all.... we invite you to share your parenting stories and become a part of our "In The Motherhood" community! In this comedic web series we watch how Kim, Heather and Maria deal with real motherhood problems. Each talk about real life situations from moms who have sent their stories in to be shown.
MSN, MSNBC, Fox Sports, Hotmail
Discovery Networks MSN, MSNBC, Fox Sports, Hotmail Xbox in-game MSN mobile, Windows Live mobile Tell us your real-life experiences of being a mom: first words, first steps, carpools, crazy schedules and balancing it all.... we invite you to share your parenting stories and become a part of our "In The Motherhood" community! In this comedic web series we watch how Kim, Heather and Maria deal with real motherhood problems. Each talk about real life situations from moms who have sent their stories in to be shown.
MSN mobile, Windows Live mobile
ABC TV MSN, Windows Live Xbox in-game MSN mobile, Windows Live mobile Tell us your real-life experiences of being a mom: first words, first steps, carpools, crazy schedules and balancing it all.... we invite you to share your parenting stories and become a part of our "In The Motherhood" community! In this comedic web series we watch how Kim, Heather and Maria deal with real motherhood problems. Each talk about real life situations from moms who have sent their stories in to be shown.
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