23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 1 Energy Efficiency in Buildings Requirements after 2013 Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete.


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Előadás másolata:

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 1 Energy Efficiency in Buildings Requirements after 2013 Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 2 International building certification systems in Hungary EU’s GreenBuilding Certification Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 3 Green Buildings in Hungary Source: HuGBC Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 4 BREEAM projects in Hungary (examples) Officium offices The Quadrum office Corvin II officesV48 office Váci GreensK3 office building Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 5 LEED projects in Hungary (examples) Millennium Office Building Green House Office Building Népliget Center Skanska Office Infopark E+F Office Building Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 6 Commitment to Green Buildings Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 7 Impact of the EPBD Push and Pull Source: EuroAce Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 8 Implementation of the EPBD in Hungary  Mininsterial Order 7/2007 was issued in May 2006  Mininsterial Order has been in force since the 1 st of September 2006  Covered by: Article 3 : National calculation methodology. Article 4 : Setting standards for the overall energy performance of new and existing buildings. Article 5 : Encouraging greater use of Low and Zero Carbon energy sources. Article 6 : Improvements during major renovations Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 9 Implementation of the EPBD in Hungary  Governmental Order 176/2008 was issued on the 30 st of June 2008  Governmental Order 176/2008 has been in force since the 1 st of January 2009  Covered by: Article 7(1) and (2) : Energy Performance Certificates only for new buildings Article 7(3) : EPCs–display requirement for public buildings. Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 10 Implementation of the EPBD in Hungary  Governmental Order 264/2008 was issued on the 30 st of June 2008  Governmental Order 264/2008 has been in force since the 1 st of January 2009  Covered by: Article 8 and 9 : Regular plant inspection Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 11 Implementation of the EPBD in Hungary  Governmental Order 104/2006 has been in force since the 28 st of April 2006  Governmental Order 244/2006 has been in force since the 5 th of December 2006 (both orders were parts of GO 176/2008)  Covered by: Article 10 : Qualified and accredited assessors/inspectors Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 12 Implementation of the EPBD in Hungary National Information and Communication Campaign  TV and radio interviews  Printed guidelines for architects and engineers  Energy Club web pages-basic concept (renewable energy source, sustainability, certification etc.  Special attention for the younger generation Source: Status report November 2010 Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 13 Implementation of the EPBD in Hungary National incentives an subsidies  National Energy Saving Program (NEP) Individual renovation for family and multi-family residential houses (3,5-7 MEUR/year)  Panel Program Whole building application for renovation (70 MEUR/year)  Climate Friendly Home Program Similar than Panel Program (positive discrimination of different materials)  Environment and Energy Operative Programme Support for public and commercial buildings % non-refundable grants (290MEUR/2010) Source: Status report November 2010 Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 14 Development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012  Starting from January 2012, all existing residential and non-residential buildings need to be certified, when sold and rented  Starting from January 2013 first inspection of boilers and AC systems that were installed before 1 st of January 2007  Starting from January 2015 first inspection of boilers and AC systems that were installed after 1st of January 2007 Source: Status report November 2010 Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 15 Development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012  New Energy Efficient Construction Program will be introduced flats/ year 60% average saving Planned development of yearly project numbers Source: Status report November 2010 year average traditional flat panel public building56, ,5 3,25 new flat ,5 Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 16 Possible technical development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012 Source: Suggested development of the structural element between Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 17 Possible technical development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012 Energye electricity2,5 electricity out of peak1,8 gas1 oil1 coal0,95 district heating1,2 cogeneration ’ s district heating 1,12 Biomass, wood0,6 Geothermic, wind etc:0 Factor for primer energy source 2011 Energye electricity2,3-2,6 electricity out of peak1,8 gas1 oil1 coal0,95 district heating1,16 cogeneration ’ s district heating 1,06-1,2 Biomass, wood0,6 Geothermic, wind etc:0 Possible development after 2013 Source: Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 18 Possible technical development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012 Source:  Indoor environment based on the MSZ EN I.High expectation (Hospitals) II.Average expectation (new and reconstructed buildings) III. Low expectation (Existing buildings) Building categories CategoriesAir quantity Air quantity per sqm Total air quantity 10 sqm/personPPDCO 2 level Relative Humiditylux 0,8 m Operative temperature in winter Operative temperature in summer l/s/personl/s,m 2 l/s%PPM%luxCoCo CoCo I10120< ,5-25,5 II70,714< III40,48< Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 19 Possible development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012 Source:  Using condensing boilers  Weather dependent automatical system above 100sqm  Using category for SPF value at the fans (limit is 2 kW/(m3/s)  Air tighteness of air ducts (test procedure is necessary)  Fully commissioning  Considering about using renewable energy  Life Cycle Cost analisys Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 20 Development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012 Government incentive Source:  Green Investment System (ZBR-EH)  Green Investment System(ZBR-Panel)  Green Investment System(ZBR-HGCS)  Green Investment System(ZBR-bulbs)  Application by the residential area (NEP)  Energy Efficiency Credit Found (EHA)  New Széchenyi Plan Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 21 Development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012 EU incentive Source:  Environmental and Energy Operative Program (KEOP) start from years, complex targets  LIFE natural protection and environmental policy, information  IEE NCP energy efficiency, renewable energy, transport, developing of countries, integrated initiatives for consortium only Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 22 Development of the EPBD in Hungary after 2012 International incentive Source:  GEO.POWER for all buildings, ecourage using geotermal energy, start from November 2010 (24 month)  4BIOMASS ecourage using biomass Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)

Conferences Workshops Expertise discussions Road-show 23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 23 HuGBC Main Activities JOGSZABÁLYOK Recommendations on national building regulations Recommendation on the national Energy Strategy EPBD & EPBD Recast recommendations RENDEZVÉNYEKKÉPZÉS Education of professionals BREEAM LEED CAP® (certified accredited professional) Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC) LEGISLATIONEVENTSEDUCATION

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 24 HuGBC Appearance WWW Facebook TV & RADIO NEO FM (GBW ) MTV 1 ( & 20.) DUNA TV (05.10) National Radio MR1 Regional TV sajtó OCTOGON METSZET (every 2 months) Daily Newspapers (eg.: Népszava) Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC) MEDIA

23/09/2011prepared by András Schmidt board member of HuGBC 25 The Future is in our hands! Magyar Környezettudatos Építés Egyesülete Hungary Green Building Council (HuGBC)