Made by: Pápai Ádám Dobozy Dániel. „Because of our language difficulties we can communicate with foreign nations only using arts" In the course of history,


Hasonló előadás
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(Резьба по яичной скорлупе)
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(Резьба по яичной скорлупе)
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O5 AgroTeach 4.0 further training program for VET teachers
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Made by: Pápai Ádám Dobozy Dániel

„Because of our language difficulties we can communicate with foreign nations only using arts" In the course of history, a lot of great artists worked, among them there were famous painters as well.

Ádám Mányoki Károly Markó Viktor Madarász Bertalan Székely Gyula Benzcúr Pál Színyei Merse Tivadar Kosztka Csontváry Adolf Fényes Victor Vasarely

Two saint women – Maria and Elizabeth

Our adresses: Pápai Ádám: Dobozy Dániel: