Body Art Készítette: Buzogány Anna, Cseri Zsuzsanna, Medveczky Márton Kurzus: A művészet és a design szociológiája Oktató: Nagy Edina 2011. 03. 29.
VALIE EXPORT, Tapp und Tastkino
Valie Export: Genitalpanik, 1969 - Remake made by Marina Anbramovic, 2005
Rebecca Horn (1944-)
Rebecca Horn, Finger Grove, 1972
Ana Mendieta (1948-1985)
Ana Mendieta, Earth Body Sculpture, 1972
Gina Pane (1939-1990)
"Escalade non anesthésiée", 1971
"Escalade non anesthésiée", 1971
"Vér, meleg tej", 1972, "Fehér nem létezik"
Rózsatövis és penge-"The Sentimental Action", 1973
"Pszyché", 1974
Death Control, 1974
Marina Abramovic
M. Abramovic - Rhythm 0, 1974
Marina Abramovic, Rhythm 5, 1974
"The lips of Thomas", 1975
M. Abramovic & Ulay, Imponderabilia, 1971 and MoMA, 2010
Marina Abramovic & Ulay 1976-1988
"Expanding in Space", 1977
"Nude with skeleton"
"Rest Energy", 1980 Marina Abramovic & Ulay
"Rhythm 10"
Marina Abramovic, The House with the Ocean view, 2002
"Seven Easy Pieces", Guggenheim Múzeum, 2005
"The Conditioning" (Gina Pane) by Marina Abramovic
Joseph Beauys: "How to explain pictures to dead Hare?", 1965
"Lips of Thomas", 1975
Marina Abramovic - "Art must be beautiful. Artist must be beautiful"
"The Artist is Present", MoMA, 2010
Yayoi Kusama (1929-)
Yayoi Kusama, Horse Play Happening, 1965
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