M. smegmatis Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. bovis M. africanum


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Előadás másolata:

M. smegmatis Mycobacterium tuberculosis M. bovis M. africanum M. leprae Photochromogens: M. kansasii M. simiae M. marinum Scotochromogens Non-chromogens: M. avium M. intracellulare M. ulcerans (toxin) M. paratuberculosis Rapid growers: M. chelonae M. fortuitum M. smegmatis

Év Meghaltak száma tbc miatt nem tbc-ben együtt 1990 125 643 768 1995 165 732 897 1996 131 641 772 1997 136 424 560 1998 85 296 381 1999 102 349 451 2000 122 328 450 2001 91 290 2002 76 264 340 2003 84 245 329 2004 79 236 315 2005 54 238 292

Estimated TB incidence and mortality, 2003   Number of cases (thousands) Cases per 100 000 population Deaths from TB (including TB deaths in people infected with HIV) WHO region All forms (%) Smear-positive All forms Number (thousands) Per 100 000 population Africa 2372 (27) 1013 345 147 538 78 The Americas 370 (4) 165 43 19 54 6 Eastern Mediterranean 634 (7) 285 122 55 144 28 Europe 439 (5) 196 50 22 67 8 South-East Asia 3062 (35) 1370 190 85 617 38 Western Pacific 1933 (22) 868 112 327 Global 8810 (100) 3897 140 62 1747

isoniazid (INH), rifampicin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, streptomycin Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) 1908-1920 (>230) 1929 Lübeck (252; 71)

2009. MIC values for b-lactams in the presence of 2 2009. MIC values for b-lactams in the presence of 2.5 mg ml–1 clavulanic acid. The XDR strains were a subset of those previously reported (18). Strain b-lactam MIC value (mg ml–1) Erdman Meropenem 0.5 H37Rv Amoxicillin >10 H37Rv Ampicillin 5.0 H37Rv Cefotaxime 1.25 H37Rv Cephalothin 0.94 H37Rv Imipenem 0.16 H37Rv Meropenem 0.32 XDR-1 Meropenem 0.94 XDR-2 Meropenem 0.625 XDR-3 Meropenem 0.625 XDR-4 Meropenem 0.625 XDR-5 Meropenem 0.625 XDR-6 Meropenem 0.625 XDR-7 Meropenem 0.625 XDR-8 Meropenem 0.94 XDR-9 Meropenem 1.25 XDR-10 Meropenem 0.47 XDR-11 Meropenem 0.23 XDR-12 Meropenem 0.625 XDR-13 Meropenem 0.32

March 24th                                                                             March 24th is 25 days away!                                    

I Am Stopping TB is more than slogan I Am Stopping TB is more than slogan.It is the start of a two-year campaign that belongs to people everywhere who are doing their part to Stop TB. This year's World TB Day is about celebrating the lives and stories of people affected by TB: women, men and children who have taken TB treatment; nurses; doctors; researchers; community workers--anyone who has contributed towards the global fight against TB.

Tuberculoid leprában a szervezet sejtközvetített immunválasza korlátozza a baktériumok szaporodását. Az elváltozásban csak néhány saválló baktérium található. A lepromin bőrpróba pozitív. A lepromás leprában szenvedőkben a bőr- és nyálkahártya-elváltozásokban nagyszámú baktérium található. A lepromin bőrpróba negatív. A suppressor CD8+ sejtek dominálnak nem a CD4+ T lymphocyták.

tuberculoid lepromatous dapsone, rifampicin, clofazimine


(5000; 182; 29) erythromycin