Organic Animal Breeding, Conditions, Data, Facts, Plans (Examples from Central Europe) Zootechnie ecologică, condiţii, date, realităţi, planuri (Exemple.


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Előadás másolata:

Organic Animal Breeding, Conditions, Data, Facts, Plans (Examples from Central Europe) Zootechnie ecologică, condiţii, date, realităţi, planuri (Exemple din europa centrală) SEREGI J., KOVÁCS Á., ZSARNÓCZAY G., HOLLÓ I., HOLLÓ G., FERENCZY F. TIMISOARA,

The organic animal breeding has got a significant importance in the world. The consumption of animal- products, the need for safety foods are the most important reasons for the development of animal breeding. The 96% of the consumption of food of animal origin finds its way in EU and USA.

A hús telített zsírsavakat tartalmaz A telített zsírsavak egészségtelenek A húsfogyasztás (a zsíros hús) növeli a koleszterinszintet és terheli a zsíranyagcserét A húsfogyasztás növeli a szív és keringési megbetegedések rizikóját A Mediterrán táplálkozás kevés hússal csökkenti a koronáriás szívbetegségek előfordulását A hús zsírtartalmának 55-65%-a telítetlen zsírsav A húsban lévő sok telítetlen zsírsav enyhén koleszterin csökkentő hatású Az optimális n-6/n-3 arány (2-3:1) csökkenti a rizikót Mérsékelt húsfogyasztásnál a zöldségek aránya magas A hús CLA tartalma rákellenes Az infarktusrizikó szempontjából az LDL/HDL arány a döntő (Ender, 2006.) The meat covers less than 20% of the calories from food contains easy digestible proteins, high amounts of B 12 -vitamin and iron The meat covers less than 20% of the calories from food contains easy digestible proteins, high amounts of B 12 -vitamin and iron

A konjugált linolsav (KLS) aránya (%) intenzív extenzívkontroll lenmagdarás

A költség és hozamok alakulása vegyes legeltetési módoknál

Az állateltartó kapacitás adatai Magyarországon *számos állat/ összterület

First of all, regarding Hungary, we will talk about the meadows. In 2000 more than one million hectares were designated to animal breeding. This will increase by about 20% in 2010, to almost 1.3 million hectares. Regarding the animal housing capacity of these territories, they could be the base for million large animal farming. If the actual organic production (0.1%) can be increased by 10% in 2010, the production of bio meat and other products (e.g. milk, eggs) would be about 8,750 tons.

The Hortobágy Nature Conservation and Gene Preservation Company is Hungary’s biggest organic-region with almost 100 employees. The goal of the Company is the keeping of the old, indigenous animal species – ‘Hungarian grey cattle’, ‘Hortobágy Racka sheep’, ‘Mangalica pig’, domestic buffalo – preparing traditional raw materials and foods. The Hortobágy Nature Conservation and Gene Preservation Company is Hungary’s biggest organic-region with almost 100 employees. The goal of the Company is the keeping of the old, indigenous animal species – ‘Hungarian grey cattle’, ‘Hortobágy Racka sheep’, ‘Mangalica pig’, domestic buffalo – preparing traditional raw materials and foods.

Their own bio shop offers about ten different types of bio-quality organic meat products made of raw materials. They plan the introduction of their products to the capital’s restaurants, too. Their own bio shop offers about ten different types of bio-quality organic meat products made of raw materials. They plan the introduction of their products to the capital’s restaurants, too.

Deer Farm Bőszénfa This farm has a territory of hectares, where about red deer, 300 roe deer and wild boars are extensively reared. The farm has its own slaughterhouse, too

Family Farm of Csöde in the main interesting region (Őrség) in the EU

The organic production of Romania is performed on hectares (data from 2006) and is planned to increase to one million hectares up to The quantity of bio food products exported in 2006 was over tons.

BIO PRODUCTS and quantities BIO Milk (raw material) ~ 6,300,000 l/year BIO FETA type sheep milk ~ 160,000 kg/year BIO Milk 1% and 3.5% fat ~ 1,100,000 l/year BIO butter ~ 25,000 kg/year BIO Emantaler cheese ~ 150,000 kg/year BIO Smoked Yellow Type Cheese ~ 70,000 kg/year GORDON plans to have BIO products in the future also

Austria’s organic territories are as high as 13% ( hectares, in 2006) of the entire farming. Some data of 2006: laying hen, 111 million eggs, cattle, pigs and 398 million kg of butter.

There are 8 organizations with eco activities The direct marketing reaches 21% in Germany There is a direct contact with: Prof. G. Brem, Larezhausen

The direction is set up, let’s start and step along! Thank you for your attention! Vă mulţumesc pentru atenţie! Thank you for your attention! Vă mulţumesc pentru atenţie! Acknowledgment Gencsi Z., Boda M., Molnár R, Kemény E., Schaur W., Csapó J., Pusztai P., Führer F., Magyari Á., Brem G. Acknowledgment Gencsi Z., Boda M., Molnár R, Kemény E., Schaur W., Csapó J., Pusztai P., Führer F., Magyari Á., Brem G.