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KiadtaRegina Juhász Megváltozta több, mint 9 éve
1 From building roads to building society Federation for the Development of Community Participation 2012
Made by a workgroup Bényei Andrásné – Nonprofit Humán Szolgáltatók Országos SzövetségeBényei Andrásné – Nonprofit Humán Szolgáltatók Országos Szövetsége Dönsz-Kovács Teodóra – Magyar Természetvédők SzövetségeDönsz-Kovács Teodóra – Magyar Természetvédők Szövetsége Giczey Péter – SZÖVETSÉG a Közösségi Részvétel FejlesztéséértGiczey Péter – SZÖVETSÉG a Közösségi Részvétel Fejlesztéséért Márton Izabella – Magyar Szegénységellenes HálózatMárton Izabella – Magyar Szegénységellenes Hálózat Móra Veronika – Ökotárs AlapítványMóra Veronika – Ökotárs Alapítvány Péterfi Ferenc – Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete/SZÖVETSÉG a Közösségi Részvétel FejlesztéséértPéterfi Ferenc – Közösségfejlesztők Egyesülete/SZÖVETSÉG a Közösségi Részvétel Fejlesztéséért Koordinátor: Korondánné Ferenczi Gabriella 2
Foreword The experience of EU development programs 2004-2007 and 2007-2013: –Employment has not increased sufficiently –Poverty spreads and deepens –Our society remained non cohesive and non inclusive –Low level of trust and civic activity – Organizations of the civil society are weak – there is low level of social capital.
Foreword Thus: –It is insufficient putting to the focus on infrastructure, economic and jobs –It essential to develop human resource and the society is needed more resources – and different approach and attitude.
Foreword Successful social development and community programs: –To achieve change, real and lasting solutions are just with comprehensive and systematic interventions –Where macro - larger central support programs which are coming from outside - –parallel to micro-level ones to find solutions, will be implemented in coordination with –complemented by community workers to assist community collaboration.
Foreword The most important first steps in community development and for community supporters: –Raising the need for change, community change and –to detect, identify community initiatives, initiate them and help them flourish. –Another essential element of a successful intervention is the interprofessionalism that is coming from several areas of cooperation - can develop an action program.
Summary Development policies and programs needed to initiate and support the society in which they are capable of forming communities through co- operation to resolve themselves, handle most of the troubles encountered during the operation.
1. Strengthen local communities, civil society development Support for community initiatives (run nationally to support large-scale program of interventions, which brings capacity to the local level position). Development of professional networks and organizations to support community initiatives. To establish an Institute of Social Development and seven professional center in the regions to support local social development. Support citizens' participation programs and campaigns. Volunteering, community service development. Development local, regional NGOs.
2. Strengthen partnership and dialogue Preparation of non-governmental organizations to participate effectively in social dialogue: –Institutional development of NGOs play an important role –Sectoral and cross-sectoral, cross- sectoral and regional civil partnership, cooperation, networking development
3. Measuring the impact of social, community development interventions In order to measure the impact of the above interventions, examination of the indicators are met: –Social capital research; –Measuring the impact of social, community development interventions.
Thank you for your attention! Giczey Péter executive vice chairman - FDCP giczey.peter@polgarz.hu
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