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What is the Mission Situation in Hungary?
Dr. György KOVÁCS What Is The Mission Situation In Hungary? Presentation Design by Ed Nickle – United World Mission – Eastern/Central Europe emcnickle@enternet.hu HUNGARY
God “... wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. I Tim. 2:3 “Then Jesus came to them and said,... therefore go and make disciples of all nations...” Matt. 28:18-19 “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” Mark 16:15 “Jesus went through all the towns and villages.” Matt. 9:35
Questions To Which We Are Seeking Answers
1. P reaching the gospel to all people? 2. M aking disciples of all nations (people groups) ? 3. G oing through all the towns and villages to plant churches all over Hungary ? Today In Hungary Are We
1. Is 1. Is Hungary a Christian country? 2. Are 2. Are there Christians in Hungary in Hungarian society? 3. What 3. What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Yes – because Yes – because Hungary adopted Christianity 1,000 years ago No – because No – because Hungary is very secularized and materialistic in thinking where Christianity has little impact Is Hungary a Christian country?
Yes – because Yes – because At present, 90-95% of the Hungarian population say they are Christians No – because No – because Of the population in Hungary only 6% attend church 2% born-again Christians Is Hungary a Christian country?
Yes – because Yes – because Culturally we belong to the so-called Judeo-Christian culture. No – because No – because A way of thinking that is incompatible with Christian values Is Hungary a Christian country?
1. Is Hungary a Christian country? 2. Are there Christians in Hungary in Hungarian society? 3. What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Are there Christians in Hungary in Hungarian Society?
85%< 71-85% 41-70% 21-40% <20% Percentage of Villages and Towns Where There Are Reformed Churches
85%< 71-85% 41-70% 21-40% <20% Town Without Any Existing Reformed Church Rétság Csorna Kapuvár Fertőd Csepreg Vasvár Herend Devecser Zalaszentgrót Héviz Lenti Lentye Zalakaros Lengyeltóti Mórahalom T h e r e a r e 1 5 i n H u n g a r y !
41%< 25-40% 10-25% 5-9% <5% Percentage of Villages and Towns Where There Are Small Denominations Baptist, Methodist, Pentecostal, Free Christians, etc. and Individual Independent Churches
41%< 25-40% 10-25% 5-9% <5% Small local mission station or individual church planted in the past 10 years Lenti Körmend Kőszeg Szombathely Zalaegerszeg Veszprém Pápa Zirc Sárvár Sopron Bóly Tolna Bicske Kiskunmajsa Szentes Téglás Elek Mezőkövesd Gyöngyös Füzesabony Pásztó Bátonyterenye Esztergom BUDAPEST Békéscsaba Debrecen T h e r e w e r e c h u r c h e s p l a n t e d i n 2 8 t o w n s !
Mórahalom Rétság Csorna Kapuvár Fertőd Lengyeltóti Devecser Herend Héviz Zalaszentgrót Zalakaros Letenye Csepreg Vasvár Keszthely Ajka Balatonalmádi Tapolca Sümeg Balatonboglár Balatonlelle Balatonföldvár Fonyód Marcali Nagyatád Tab Dunaföldvár Bátasazék Celldömölk Pécsvárad Sásd Sellye Szigetvár Siklós Szentlőrinc Polgárdi Sárbogárd Enying Gárdony Pilisvörösvár Budaörs Százhalombatta Dunakeszi Ráckeve Dabas Abony Nagykáta Nagymaros Bácsalmás Izsák Solt Szabadszállás Lajosmizse Tiszakécske JászfényszaruJászapáti Jászárokszállás Kunhegyes Tiszaföldvár Martfű Kunszentmárton Mezőhegyes Gyomaendrőd Kiskunfélegyháza Csongrád Mindszent Tiszafüred Püspökladány Nádudvar Hajdúdorog Balmazújváros Nyíradony Vásárosnamény Baktalórántháza Nagyecsed Ibrány Máriapócs Tiszalök Tiszavasvári Nagykálló NagyhalászSzikszó Felsőzsolca Mezőcsát PutnokEdelény Encs Sárospatak Szerencs Tokaj Pétervására Heves Lőrinci Szécsény Balassagyarmat Tata Nyergesújfalu Dorog Gyál Kunszentmiklós Harkány Town without any church of small denomination or individual independent church 41%< 25-40% 10-25% 5-9% <5% There are 101 of these! without
1. Is Hungary a Christian country? 2. Are there Christians in Hungary in Hungarian society? 3. What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
The drive of missions is every healthy, evangelizing and growing local church is armed with a mission strategy What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Church planting everywhere and for all people groups where there is no local church yet What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Research and training giving basis to missions What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Training, sending,and supporting devoted mission workers called by God What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Prayer chain and network of prayer groups interceding for the advancement of missions What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Opening financial resources HUF What are the most important elements of the renewed mission?
Let us devote ourselves For Prayer! For Missions! We are awaiting a moral-spiritual awakening and revival of missions in Hungary!
“..therefore go and make disciples of all nations...”
What is the Mission Situation in Hungary?
Dr. György KOVÁCS What Is The Mission Situation In Hungary? Presentation Design by Ed Nickle – United World Mission – Eastern/Central Europe emcnickle@enternet.hu HUNGARY
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