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URBACT City Lab – Metropolitan Governance Managing Metropolitan Areas Across Boundaries & Frontiers 12 February 2010 - Lille
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 2 Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund Dr. István FERENCSIK executive director
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 3 Background › The Solidarity Fund (SF) was established 12th June 2008 by the Municipality of Esztergom. › The background of the SF was that the enterprises registered in Esztergom employ not only local inhabitants but commuters from neighbouring settlements. Consequently the tax from business activity remains in Esztergom instead of the resident municipalities and even the commuters are not able (or limited) to participate in the cultural life of their residence.
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 4 Source/scope › Esztergom decided to establish a Fund from the 1% of the business tax and in a tender structure redistribute it between the municipalities lack of own development financial sources. › The territorial scope of the SF is the municipalities of Ister-Granum EGTC, Slovakian and Hungarian communities. › According to the evaluation process and the decision of Esztergom, 14 projects won altogether 19.5 million HUF (app. 71.000 EUR) in (2009).
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 5 The Region
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 6 Fund and project administration › The administrative task of the Fund management is contracted with Ister-Granum Euroregion Development Agency. › The formal check of the proposals is completed by the Agency while the concept (content) is evaluated by two independent experts. › The evaluation process pays specific attention on the principle of solidarity. Therefore following the formal check the next indices give the final rank: Number of inhabitants Local expenditure per inhabitant Tax income per inhabitant Number of active enterprises per 1000 inhabitants
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 7 Supported municipalities Annavölgy Község Önkormányzata Garamkövesd Község Önkormányzta / Sámospráva Obce Kamenica (2) Garampáld Község Önkormányzata / Sámospráva Obce Pavlová Ipolypásztó Község Önkormányzata / Sámospráva Obce Pastovce Karva Község Önkormányzata /Sámospráva Obce Kravany Kesztölc Község Önkormányzata (2) Máriahalom Község Önkormányzata Muzsla Község Önkormányzata / Sámospráva Obce Mužla Pilisszántó Község Önkormányzata Szokolya Község Önkormányzata Verőce Község Önkormányzata Zalaba Község Önkormányzata / Sámospráva Obce Zalaba
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 8 Data › 30 submitted project › 14 successful (12 municipalities) › Min. support 137.000 HUF (510 EUR) › Max. support 2.900.000 HUF (10.750 EUR)
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 9 Supported projects
Ister-Granum Solidarity Fund I Saturday, 30 January 2016 I Page 10 Number of projects
ferencsik.istvan@istergranum.hu www.istergranum.hu
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