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3 THE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Today we are covering the following: Special educational needs Types of special educational needs Legal background Minorities in education Our school

4 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Every child is different „Only the educated is free” Epictetus 55 AD – 135 AD Discourses

5 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS (SEN) The term 'special educational needs' (SEN) has a legal definition, referring to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn or access education than for most children of the same age.

6 SEN Common include: challenges with learning communication challenges emotional and behavioral disorders physical disabilities developmental disorders

7 SEN This process involves: teaching procedures adapted equipment and materials accessible settings and other interventions

8 SEN Different approaches to providing special education services: Inclusion Mainstreaming Segregation Exclusion

9 SEN Inclusion Students with special educational needs spend all, or at least more than half of the school day with students who do not have special educational needs.

10 SEN Mainstreaming It refers to the practice of educating students with special needs in classes with non-disabled students during specific time periods based on their skills. Students with special needs are segregated in separate classes exclusively for students with special needs for the rest of the school day.

11 SEN Segregation In a separate classroom or special school exclusively for students with special needs. Students with special needs spend no time in classes with non-disabled students.

12 SEN Exclusion: A student who does not receive instruction in any school is excluded from school.

13 SPECIAL EDUCATION IN HUNGARY Centrally regulated. Supported by the government. Act of 1993 on Public Education. Act of 2006 Act of 2007

14 HUNGARY Today’s education policy in Hungary identifies integration as a political, social and pedagogical aim. It pays special attention to financing special needs education. The regulatory framework favours the integration of students with special educational needs.

15 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS STUDENTS (ACCORDING TO HUNGARIAN LAW) HAVE: Physical disability Sensorial disabilities Mental retardation Speech disability

16 S PECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS STUDENTS (ACCORDING TO HUNGARIAN LAW) HAVE: Autism Difficulties in the learning process Behavioural difficulties Disadvantages

17 ACCORDING TO THE EDUCATION ACT Weekly lesson schedule for special educational needs students Grade Numbers of lessons per week Mentally retarded Visually impaired Disabled, blind, hard of hearing Deaf, autist 15%35%40%50% grade 1-320 lessons3 lessons7 lessons8 lessons10 lessons grade 4-622.5 lessons 3.375 lessons 7.875 lessons 9 lessons 11.25 lessons grade 7-825 lessons3.75 lessons8.75 lessons 10 lessons 12.5 lessons grade 9- 10 27.5 lessons 4.125 lessons 9.625 lessons 11 lessons 13.75 lessons grade 11 or upper 30 lessons4.5 lessons10.5 lessons12 lessons 15 lessons

18 CATEGORIES OF SEN STUDENTS They form categories: Category A: determined by doctors Category B: learning and behavioral disorders, hard of learning Category C: problems caused by social, cultural or lingual disadvantages.

19 CATEGORIES AND THEIR POSSIBILITIES Entitlement of complementary (classification, diagnoses) Organic disabilities Learning/behavioral disorders Social/ethnical disadvantages Segregation/Integratio n (placement/schooling) A category children in special schools A category children in normal schools B/C category children in normal schools Inclusion (terms educational services) Special educational terms (habilitation rehabilitation) Differentiated education supportive school environment Individual supplementary development Minority programs, social benefits, etc.

20 In the beginning of the 60’s minority schools were gradually either closed down or incorporated into Hungarian schools according to an Education Act which stated that the language of education was to be Hungarian. The Education Act I. of 1985 gave an opportunity for the minority schools to educate children in their native languages. In the minority schools along the border the closest neighbourhood country’s language is taught. MINORITIES’ RIGHTS

21 MINORITY SCHOOLS IN HUNGARY Type A: native language is taught as a foreign language. Type B: bilingual schools teach history, literature, geography in their own language. Science subjects are taught in Hungarian. Type C: literature and grammar are taught in Hungarian, the other subjects in native language.

22 THE DIVERSITY OF MINORITIES IN HUNGARY IN THE 2010-2011 SCHOOL YEAR Rusyn Romanian Slovenian German Chroatian Gipsy German Chroatian Slovakian German Gipsy

23 BUDAPEST Budapest is a little bit different. There are more minority schools with native language teachers, there are some bilingual schools, there are schools for minors without own language teaching. German Croatian Greek Slovakian Serbian Gipsy Bulgarian

24 MINORITIES Most of the schools teach their own language, but mainly in primary schools In middle schools we have to integrate, apart from of their skills Therefore there are some schools without theaching of the own language.

25 BILINGUAL SCHOOLS The bilingual schools teach minorities’s language in primary schools In the middle schools and in the high schools other languages are taught.

26 IN OUR SCHOOL: Statistics: Ademic year of 2011-2012 Foreign nationality students: 2 Romanian, 1 Ukrainian, 1 Chinese student 8 SEN students (7 students have integration difficulties, behavioural problems, challenges with learning, and only 1 student suffers from long-term, serious disorders.) We provide special education services to the identified students and provide individualised education, addressing specific needs. Our specialist teachers working with the school psychologist help to develop our students. We also have a responsible teacher for children and youth protection. She identifies students who live in difficult circumstances and monitors these students and give them regular support.


28 Source: 1. Inkluzív nevelés Ajánlások sajátos nevelési igényű gyermekek, tanulók fejlesztéséhez Bevezető az életpálya-építési kompetenciaterület ajánlásaihoz Czibere Csilla, Faragóné Bircsák Márta Készült a Nemzeti Fejlesztési Terv Humánerőforrás-fejlesztési Operatív Program 2.1 intézkedés Hátrányos helyzetű tanulók esélyegyenlőségének biztosítása az oktatási rendszerben központi programjának „B” komponense (Sajátos nevelési igényű gyerekek együttnevelése) keretében. 2006 2. Inkluzív nevelés Ajánlások sajátos nevelési igényű gyermekek, tanulók kompetencia alapú fejlesztéséhez Bevezető a szövegértési-szövegalkotási kompetenciaterület ajánlásaihoz Jenei Andrea Készült a Nemzeti Fejlesztési Terv Humánerőforrás-fejlesztési Operatív Program 2.1. intézkedés Hátrányos helyzetű tanulók esélyegyenlőségének biztosítása az oktatási rendszerben központi programjának „B” komponense (Sajátos nevelési igényű gyerekek együttnevelése) keretében. 2006. 3. A sajátos nevelési igényű tanulók ellátásának új törvényi szabályozása Dr. Magas Lászlóné, GYMS MPI 2009. április 29. 4. oktatasanak-iranyelve.html oktatasanak-iranyelve.html 5. 6. 7. Metzger Balázs:A sajátos nevelési igényű gyermekek integrált neveléséről – fenntartó önkormányzatoknak 2004. március 8. 8. 9. 10.

29 Viktória Gacsó Judit Nemes Andrea Szobotin Vásárhelyi Pál Secondary Trade School Budapest MMXII


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