Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 1 Julia Horváth.

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1 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 1 Julia Horváth –Éva Fekete Szabó- Ágnes Mátyási Kiss

2 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 2

3 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 3

4 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 4 Professor András Pető 1897-1967

5 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 5 Dr Maria Hari 1923-2001

6 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 6 Petö's basic ideas, CE philosophy The disintegrated functions and the lack of co- ordination are the main characteristics of the motor-disordered persons whose problems were caused by the damage of CNS, the dysfunction is not static and local, a way of better co-ordination can be taught and learnt, disability (dysfunction) is seen as a learning problem, there is an indirect way via the cognitive and perceptive levels to overcome, The primary aim is not motor or functional improvement - in the strict biological sense of the word- but the development of the whole personality

7 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 7 CONDUCTION (latin) the conductor's structured educational work, leads the individual's active learning, helps the build up new co-ordination of the nervous system through complex activities, supports existing functions, is a mediator to achieve the necessary goals, guides to form the internal, organisational method of functions, leads to problem-solution If someone cannot find the proper way on his own, to form his/her own strategy, to find a solution to act, then conduction will lead (conduct) him there Conduction

8 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 8 Historical milestones 1. The initial phase: the pioneering period to put CE to the map, the exploration of possibilities, looking for its own identity, very broad range of symptoms (from Heine-Medine's syndrome to asthmatics) this phase of development extends from kinetic therapy - practical activity enhanced by Pető's basic principles - to the emergence of conductive education

9 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 9 Historical milestones 2. Internal development 1980-1990 the character of conductive education practice took shape, changing demands, expectations and parental attitudes new, more flexible and relevant forms of care (daytime nursery and school, Parents' School, Aftercare, the shift towards the lower age- groups) internal process of differentiation within the conductors profession, specialisation Hungarian CE network

10 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 10 Historical milestones 3. External development: from 1990 Opening up: from Hungary to the international community foreign charges in Budapest for CE CE in different countries provided by Hungarian conductor-teachers (missing quality assurrance in CE!) CE provision by the countries own conductor-teachers, trained in Hungary transfer of the higher educational training in CE to different countries development of a world-wide CE network (TQM)

11 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 11 Structure of the Institute The Practising base where the CE of motor disabled takes place.It also serves as a practical training base for the College At the Conductor’s College where the students are trained and research work related to CE is carried out.they employ 37 full time lecturers and 5 departments teaching 220 trainees, maintain the advisory system to the practising base Apparatus of the employees( consultans, assisting the related research, other professionals

12 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 12 Structure of the practice Practice institute counselling, early CE nursery schoolinternational dept adults network organisation dept special service

13 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 13 International Internationalproject 170 -180 no/year London Pető UK continuous summer camp Ulm continuous Grand Rapids continuous Linz continuous Cairo camp Tromso intervallum Birmingham intevallum

14 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 14 Conductors’ network in Hungary 2004 Conductors in the Pető Institute approx. 240 Conductors in Budapest: 49 Conductors in the country: 172

15 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 15 System of services in the Pető Institute to support Hungarian CE provision 1. INFORMATION SERVICE Leaflets, publications, mailing lists, newsletters, statistics on institutions providing CE 2. COUNSELLING, SUPERVISION Egyéni szakmai tanácsadás, utazókonduktori ellátás 3. MANAGEMENT SERVICE Provision of information on changes in legislation, support of sectors maintaining CE centres, assistance to new graduates 4. PEDAGOGICAL EVALUATION Gathering, systematization and publication of measurement tools used by conductors in the network. Support of quality management 5. PROMOTION AND ORGANISATION OF TRAINING FOR CONDUCTORS AND EDUCATORS Workshops, conferences throughout the country 6. ORGANISATION OF NATIONAL COMPETITIONS Competitions for pupils with motor disorders

16 Common Voice 15-17 September 2005 Budapest Júlia Horváth - Éva Fekete Szabo -Á.Mátyásiné International Pető Institute Budapest, Hungary 16 Summary of achievements Conductor as a profession is recognised and acknowledged both in Hungary and abroad Conductive education has become well- known and available nation- and worldwide. The national and international network of CE has been set up. Regulation related to CE within the Hungarian legislation is continuously developing.

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