General Motors Powertrain – Magyarország Kft. Dátum: Április 16

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1 General Motors Globális Gyártási Rendszer General Motors Global Manufacturing System
General Motors Powertrain – Magyarország Kft. Dátum: Április 16 Előadó: Kovács János Minőségügyi Igazgató

2 Második előadás témái:
Cél: Minőségügyi alapelvek alkalmazásának bemutatása a GM Globális Gyártási Rendszer ismertetésén keresztül Első előadás témái: A vevő fogalma, vevői elégedettség Termékminőségi követelmények Termelési folyamat jóváhagyás Második előadás témái: Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás Minőség visszajelzés - előrejelzés rendszere Minőségirányítási rendszer

3 Globális Gyártási Rendszer
General Motors-Global Manufacturing System


5 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)
The GMS element “In-Process Control & Verification” incorporates the intent and purpose of the BIQ motto: Quality expectations are achieved in each process to ensure defects are not passed on to downstream process.

6 Customer satisfaction achievement
Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification) Customer satisfaction achievement Customer satisfaction is achieved through three sub-elements: Prevention: avoid defects or non-standards occurring Detection: identify when defects or non-standards have occurred Containment: assure defects or non-standards are not passed on

7 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)
Benefits To External customers (people buying our vehicle). Protect Customers from sub-standard vehicle quality. Assure customer satisfaction To Internal customer (downstream operation). Prevent major repair and rework by detecting a non-conformity early in the process. Prevent the flow of defects from department to department and station to station To Internal customer (from supplier). Protect Team Members from non-compliant parts from suppliers through advanced quality planning and prompt containment during spills.

8 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)

9 Process Equipment Capability Reviews (Prevention)
Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification) Process Equipment Capability Reviews (Prevention) Periodic checks (typically monthly), are conducted to identify trends or shifts in capability over periods of time. 1. Identify process equipment with high risk/impact 2. Conduct initial capability confirmation 3. Conduct regular scheduled reviews to confirm capability 4. Implement corrective action as required

10 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)
Detection Purpose of Detection: To make non-standard conditions in the manufacturing process visible - identify when defects or non-standards have occurred. This supports the “Do Not Accept” element of the quality motto: inspection process that confirms quality as soon as possible following manufacture measures the output of the manufacturing process alerts organization to out of standard conditions supports containment and provides input into continuous improvement

11 Quality Check System Update
Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification) Quality Check System Update Internal/external ‘Customers’ are monitored for feedback: Where there is an indication of defect flow-out through the Verification process, a systematic analysis will be conducted; typically for:

12 Inspection Frequencies of Critical Operations
Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification) Inspection Frequencies of Critical Operations The quality check system must be established in consideration of the ‘Supplier-Customer’ relationship. Inspection frequencies must be established by each ‘supplier’ that prevent shipping defects to downstream ‘customers’. This is a requirement for safety & compliance items, key characteristics and for issues that will significantly impact the next process or customer.

13 Independent Repair Confirmation
Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification) Independent Repair Confirmation During a repair, the risk for a discrepancy to occur is increased - many aspects of the repair operation are non-standard: Any documented repair must be verified by Repair Confirmation (both on- and off-line) Repair Confirmation must be conducted independently (e.g. by Quality). Standardized work (non-cyclic) should be used for the confirmation process – quality standards must be available. Appropriate training and knowledge of standards must be developed to conduct or confirm repairs. Repair confirmation should be as close to the repair process as possible. Repair confirmation can be conducted by man or machine.

14 Using Andon To Stop The Process: Work Station
Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification) Using Andon To Stop The Process: Work Station Team has the ability to stop the line and complete standardized work in station. If the Team Member has a quality issue within their standardized work they activate the Andon system to: initiate a call for help through station light, Andon board, and melody empower the Team Member to stop line & organization responds to provide support stop at FPS (Fixed Position Stop) to contain and complete the repair where Andon is not available the principles still apply

15 Alarm & Escalation Processes
Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification) Alarm & Escalation Processes When a defect is detected, feedback to the appropriate team or individual will be given by using a communication system. The alarm is raised by using audio/visual signals (e.g. Andon). The alarm process directs the support functions to: ‘Go and See’ the problem Apply containment to prevent further flow of defects Initiate problem solving

16 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)
Containment Purpose of Containment: •The achievement of customer expectations relies on a method to contain defects within the manufacturing process, and implement corrections to protect the next/downstream customer. •This supports the “Do Not Ship” element of the quality motto: vehicle delivery to the customer Powertrain and MFD plants to vehicle assembly external supplier to the manufacturing plant internal departments (e.g. between body, paint and GA) between work stations within a department

17 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)
Containment Process Overview

18 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)
Summary Standardized work is performed in every process and includes the required quality checks. Process control activities are implemented on equipment to control variation on a daily basis and maintain capability over a period of time. Detection confirms the manufacturing process and ensures both internal (Production Team Members) and External Customers (people who buy our products) are receiving products that meet or exceed the quality standards. A process is in place to contain defects within the manufacturing process and implement permanent corrective actions that are verified as being effective.

19 Kockázatelemzési és hiba-megelőzési módszer, PFMEA (Process Failure and Effect Analysis)
Purpose of this procedure: Investigation, documentation and if necessary reduction of the risk potential (Risk Priority Number-RPN) for all production processes RISK PRIORITY NUMBER S x O x D = RPN S = Severity O = Occurrence D = Detection RPN = Risk Priority Number* * 1 = Lowest 1000 = Highest

20 Kockázatelemzési és hiba-megelőzési módszer, PFMEA (Process Failure and Effect Analysis)
Potential failure mode: What things have gone wrong ? What things could go wrong ? Effects of failure: What does a failure mean to the next operation, the assy plant, the final customer? Potential Cause of failure: Root cause what has gone wrong in the past Brainstorm what could cause failures? Current controls: What do we do today to prevent the defect from occurring and getting to our customer ? Recommended actions: If current controls are not 100% effective, what actions should be taken ?

21 Kockázatelemzési és hiba-megelőzési módszer, PFMEA (Process Failure and Effect Analysis)

22 Kockázatelemzési és hiba-megelőzési módszer, PFMEA (Process Failure and Effect Analysis)

23 A practical example – „with user friendly logistic solution „
Kockázatelemzési és hiba-megelőzési módszer, PFMEA (Process Failure and Effect Analysis) A practical example – „with user friendly logistic solution „ RPN DETECTION PREVENTION OCCURANCE Potential Cause Mechanism of Failure SEVERITY Potential Effects of Failure Potential Failure Mode Process Function and Requirements Current Process Controls Function: Drink cold beer Requirement: Satisfy thirst Still thirsty Dehydration 5 Not enough available 1 Automatic restocking system Daily inventory (layered audit) 6 60 Temperature too high Thermostatically controlled environment -a.k.a. refrigerator Random Sampling - visual inspection 8 160 2 Increased irritability 10 Wrong brand 3 Remove people who don’t like my favorite brand of beer from invitation list Registered complaints - Warning 4 120

24 Minőség visszajelzés - előrejelzés rendszere (Quality Feedback/Feedforward)
Definition The communication of quality expectations and results between customers and suppliers through standardized communication pathways. Purpose: To ensure that information on quality reaches those who need it.

25 Feed Information Forward
Minőség visszajelzés - előrejelzés rendszere (Quality Feedback/Feedforward) Feed Information Forward Internal and external suppliers communicate known/potential problems and/or problem solving status to their customers in a timely manner. This provides the customer with sufficient lead time to react to upcoming changes and take appropriate measures.

26 Minőség visszajelzés - előrejelzés rendszere (Quality Feedback/Feedforward)
Feed Information Back Internal and external customers communicate known/potential problems and/or problem solving resolution to their suppliers in a timely manner. This provides the supplier with sufficient lead time to react to customer issues and take appropriate measures.

27 Example: Inspection Ticket
Minőség visszajelzés - előrejelzés rendszere (Quality Feedback/Feedforward) Example: Inspection Ticket Build and quality status of each vehicle is communicated to downstream processes.

28 Minőség visszajelzés - előrejelzés rendszere (Quality Feedback/Feedforward)
Summary Feedback/Feedforward promotes the communication of quality expectations and results between customers and suppliers through: • Clearly defining customer/supplier communication requirements • Defining timing, content, and format of information • Establishing metrics and the subsequent management process • Effective implementation of the Feedback/Feedforward communication tools • Problem identification, input into the plant problem solving process and countermeasure follow up

29 Who is responsible for Quality?
Minőségirányítási rendszer (Quality System Management) Who is responsible for Quality? • Team work is absolutely essential to deliver world-class quality. Everyone! Quality is a shared responsibility

30 Minőségirányítási rendszer (Quality System Management)
Quality Function Resource Allocation Manufacturing and quality resources are allocated to support the quality system and interface with engineering. Each area requires sufficient resources to properly focus on supporting production and driving continuous improvement through P-D-C-A.

31 Minőségirányítási rendszer (Quality System Management)
Quality Function Resource Allocation Resource allocation needs to consider the quality and production components that are required to support the team member.

32 Minőségirányítási rendszer (Quality System Management)
Role of the Functions Within the Plant Quality Department

33 Summary Minőségirányítási rendszer (Quality System Management)
Quality System Management provides the supporting structure and framework for the implementation of the quality system and ongoing improvement to the quality of our products through: •Establishment and implementation of a strategic quality plan for the organization •Allocation of manufacturing and quality resources to support the quality plan •Development of an organization for quality that incorporates the “Planning”, “Doing” and “Checking” functions into their structure •Identification of requirements for documentation, procedures, practices and assessments •Integration of both quality and manufacturing BPD’s at all levels of the organization

34 Folyamatközi ellenőrzés és folyamat igazolás (In-Process Control and Verification)
Ellenőrző kérdések: Mi a beépített minőségi előírások jelmondat? (What is the motto of the BIQ?) Mi az a három alapelv amivel ki lehet vívni a vevői elégedettséget? (What is the three principle wherewith you can achieve the costumer satisfaction?) Miknek a folyamatos ellenőrzésével és milyen módon lehet a hiba előfordulásának megelőzését támogatni? (What monitoring and what way can you support the prevention with?) Mire használják az Andon rendszert, és mi történik a működtetésekor? (What is the Andon system for and what happen when it is activated?)

35 Kockázatelemzési és hiba-megelőzési módszer, PFMEA (Process Failure and Effect Analysis)
Ellenőrző kérdések: Mi a PFMEA és mit támogat a quality jelmondatban? (What is the PFMEA and what supports in the quality motto?) Mit jelent a súlyosság az RPN szám meghatározásánál? (What is the severity at the calculation of the RPN number?)

36 Minőség visszajelzés - előrejelzés rendszere (Quality Feedback/Feedforward)
Ellenőrző kérdések: Mi a meghatározása a minőség visszajelzés-előrejelzés rendszerének? (What is the definition of the Quality Feedback/Feedforward system?) Milyen információkat kell továbbítania a szállítónak a vevő felé? (What information have to be forwarded to the costumer by supplyer?) Milyen információkat továbbít a vevő a szállító felé? (What information is forwarded back to the supplier?)

37 Minőségirányítási rendszer (Quality System Management)
Ellenőrző kérdések: Milyen fő funkciók vannak a Quality osztályon belül a GMS szerint? (What functions are there in the Quality Department according to the GMS?) Mi a „Quality Engineering” feladata? (What is Quality Engineering responsible for?) Mi a „Quality Confirmation” feladata? (What is Quality Confirmation responsible for?) Mi a „Quality Assurance” feladata? (What is Quality Assurance responsible for?)

38 Thank you for your attention!
Köszönöm a figyelmet! Thank you for your attention!

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