Technological investigation of Early Neolithic pottery from Vörs, South-West Hungary Gherdán, Katalin* - T. Biró, Katalin** - Szakmány, György* - Tóth,

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Az előadások a következő témára: "Technological investigation of Early Neolithic pottery from Vörs, South-West Hungary Gherdán, Katalin* - T. Biró, Katalin** - Szakmány, György* - Tóth,"— Előadás másolata:

1 Technological investigation of Early Neolithic pottery from Vörs, South-West Hungary Gherdán, Katalin* - T. Biró, Katalin** - Szakmány, György* - Tóth, Mária*** - Nagy, Sándor* - Stefán Gábor* * Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest ** Hungarian National Museum *** Geochemical Research Laboratory of the HAS

2 Gherdan et al..., Lisbon 27-31 October 2003






8 ? What do we want to know about pottery, beyond the form? are there differences according to age region technology use... of pottery ?

9 Gherdan et al..., Lisbon 27-31 October 2003 PETROGRAPHY GROUP 1

10 Gherdan et al..., Lisbon 27-31 October 2003 PETROGRAPHY GROUP 2

11 Gherdan et al..., Lisbon 27-31 October 2003 PETROGRAPHY GROUP 2GROUP 1 GROUP 1b

12 Gherdan et al..., Lisbon 27-31 October 2003 PETROGRAPHY GROUP 3

13 Gherdan et al..., Lisbon 27-31 October 2003

Letölteni ppt "Technological investigation of Early Neolithic pottery from Vörs, South-West Hungary Gherdán, Katalin* - T. Biró, Katalin** - Szakmány, György* - Tóth,"

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