EUDOC Database System in the Hungarian National Assembly Eszter Kertészné-Gérecz ECPRD/2006. Vilnius.

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1 EUDOC Database System in the Hungarian National Assembly Eszter Kertészné-Gérecz ECPRD/2006. Vilnius

2 Objectives To develop IT system to process the EU documents according to the following criterias: –„Interim” e-mail document processing –Access based on different security levels for MPs, Committees, employees and Experts –User friendly web platform for queries

3 Legal background 1. Act on the cooperation of the Hungarian National Assembly and the Government regarding EU issues; Modification of the Resolution 46/1994 (IX.30.) OGY on the Standing Orders of the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary.

4 Legal background 2. The EU documents registration by EU Committee contain: –EU legal proposals –Documents and proposals for the Governmental Institution taking part in the decision making process

5 Purpose of creating database Forced to register EU proposals sent by the National Government to the Parliament To provide the structured searching facilities for the users. To support the negotiation: storing, searching all documets issued from the process. To connect these documents to the EU proposals.

6 EU databases EU Council: p?lang=HU&id=549&mode=g&name= p?lang=HU&id=549&mode=g&name EU Committee: eral/regdoc/recherche.cfm?CL=en eral/regdoc/recherche.cfm?CL=en PreLex database: en en

7 Why building a Hungarian database Database for the documents sent to the Hungarian Government only To integrate the results of the negotiations between the Hungarian Government and Parliament instead of projecting the EU decision making process.

8 Principles To store all meta-data (e-mail body content) in order to avoid information loss and to support selective searchability. To store all attachments coming in different formats and languages. Although most documents are written in foreign languages our database creates Hungarian keywords to support easy searching.

9 Milestones of the Project Assessment of the situation Position paper System and database design Major steps of execution: –E-mail processing –Creation code tables –Processing of documents’ content –Creation database –Queries from database






15 Database Access: EUDOC through Intranet Querries: –Simple search –Advanced search

16 Information System of the Parliament 2002- EU documents Simple search of Council documents by Council number, date of publication, title, COM final number, interinstitutional file Advanced search of Council documents by subject code, type of legislation, distribution code EU dossiers all documents of the same interinstitutional procedure Dictionary of terms and acronyms

17 Simple search of Council documents Council number (e.g. 7677/04) Date of publication (e.g. 2004.03.22)- Words in title COM final number (e.g. COM/2004/177) Interinstitutional file no. (e.g. 2004/0065/COD) Only Hungarian language documents Results listed by Council number Date of last revision Title

18 Detailed search 1. Az Intézményközi azonosítóra kattintva további információ nyerhető.

19 Detailed search 2. A linkre kattintva hívható elő maga a dokumentum.

20 Simple search result based on Council ID REVISION: Felülvizsgált, teljes egészében módosított szöveg

21 Simple search result based on date of publication A linkekre kattintva megjelennek a dokumentum részletes adatai. A Tanácsi dokumentumok linkjei színek szerint kódoltak. Kék: nyilvános, Piros: korlátozott hozzáférésű dokumentumok.

22 Title search result Competition Policy, Neighbourhood Policy, Fisheries Policy, Space Policy, equality policy development

23 Advanced search of Council documents Council number (e.g. 7677/04) Date of publication (e.g. 2004.03.22) Words in title COM final number (e.g. COM/2004/177) Interinstitutional file no. (e.g. 2004/0065/COD) Only communications (CM) All but communications Only Hungarian language documents Subject codes Type of legislation Type of publication Status of the document Secrecy classification Date of registration (e.g. 2005.03.22) Results listed byCouncil numberDate of last revision Title

24 Advanced search Tanács által megadott tárgykódok (kb. 200 kategória) Jogszabálytípusokra (pl. rendelet, irányelv stb.) és egyéb publikációkra kereshetünk (pl.: előzetes napirend, többéves közösségi program)

25 Advanced search result based on Council subject code Érkeznek dokumentumok magyar nyelven is, de ezek száma tapasztalataink szerint elenyésző. A linkre kattintva további információkat találunk a dokumentumra vonatkozóan.

26 Further plans Total integration of EUDOC system into PAIR (Parliamentary Information System) Committee subsystem To develop IT System for the Hungarian decision making procedure’s. Extention of the EU dossiers

27 Thank you for attention

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