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KiadtaMargit Ballané Megváltozta több, mint 10 éve
Teachers as key stakeholders of ICT in Hungarian schools http://ulearn.itd.ge.cnr.it/uteacher Andrea Karpati, Eotvos University, Budapest karpatian@axelero.hu
…fewer than 20 % of students attend schools where there are enough workstations …a shortage of computers for students is one of the biggest obstacles to greater ICT use … difficulties in integrating ICT into classroom instruction … teachers’ lack ICT skills and knowledge “Despite the large sums of money spent on ICT …”
Studies on the Efficacy and ICT: Teachers in the Centre Best ICT users, 1999: most innovative schools already in the pre-computer age – innovation over technology Fastest developers of ICT culture, 2003: well- trained teachers, dedicated leadership: professional self at stake(Education, Communication and Information, 2004/2) SITE 2, 2003: teaching not infrastructure effects results Equity Study, 2004: high poverty schools radically improve education through teacher training and ICT - ICT culture adopted to the environmental context
Schoolnet Express Program www.sulinet.hu Main pillars: Methodological renewal: digital pedagogy Digital content development: the Schoolnet Digital Knowledge Base ICT in education: in-service teacher training – EPICT in Hungary Development of school infrastructure
Az SDT rendszer jellemzői teljes körű LCMS funkcionalitás (tananyagszerkesztés, lejátszás) bővíthető logikai struktúra (a metasémák bővíthetőek, módosíthatóak) a kollaboráció teljes körű támogatása (levelezés, fórum, azonnali üzenetküldés a szerkesztés és lejátszás során egyaránt) a tananyagtartalom több lépcsőben történő publikálása (validálás, privát terület, munkacsoport, közkincs, értékes közkincs) SCORM kompatibilitás (importálás, exportálás, külső rendszerek felé)
Structure of SDT
The Hungarian U-Teacher Age and sex do not influence ICT use Most frequent users: language, art and science teachers – least frequent: literature t. Incentives: –ICT head quota –“Computers for Teachers” program –School leadership trained in ICT pedagogy –Digital submission of educational statistics required –Research proved increased learning effects
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