The current Labour Market situation in Hungary and the new service structure of the Employment Service Presentation for the Delegation from Bosnia-Hercegovina.

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Az előadások a következő témára: "The current Labour Market situation in Hungary and the new service structure of the Employment Service Presentation for the Delegation from Bosnia-Hercegovina."— Előadás másolata:

1 The current Labour Market situation in Hungary and the new service structure of the Employment Service Presentation for the Delegation from Bosnia-Hercegovina January 25, 2011 Dr. Borbély-Pecze Tibor Bors

2 The current Hungarian LM in the European context -2.5% HU


4 EU27 & HU main figures EU27 HU Employment rate (15-64) (2010q3) 69.1%56.1% Gap 13% Total unemployment (2010) 10% 10.7% Employment service registry (15-64) 15% Youth unempl. rate (15-24) (2010) 17.5% 26.1% Average unemployment period in HU: 18.9 months 53.8% more than 1 year (according LFS)

5 Changes (employed, employees) Köllő János Foglalkoztatás, munkanélküliség és bérek a válság első évében

6 Bálint Mónika, Cseres-Gergely Zsombor & Scharle Ágota A magyarországi Munkapiac 2009–2010-ben

7 New name & new structure National Employment Service (NES) instead of PES Splitting employment and social & youth policies –National Employment Office after NE_Social_O Labour Centres are part of the County-Level Government Offices (Prefecture) –Two types of LC Country-level organisation only Country-level (&Budapest) organisations and branch offices

8 The new service structure of the Hungarian Employment Service Hungarian Government Ministry of Public Administration and Justice Ministry for National Economy Ministry of National Resources Junior Minister for Employment Policy National Employment Office (NEO) Labour Centres of Government Offices (total: 20, with special authority: 7) Labour Centres of Government Offices (total: 20, with special authority: 7) Branch Offices (total: 170) including service delivery centres (total local administrative units: 174) Branch Offices (total: 170) including service delivery centres (total local administrative units: 174) National level Counties’ level LAU1 / NUTS4 level Gov. Decree 315/2010 (December 27, 2010) Governing Board of the Labour Market Fund National Employment Service (NES)

9 Employment Office lay down the principles and main content requirements of the Labour Centres’ mandatory internal professional policies; determine professional requirements related to service delivery by the Labour Centres, and coordinate the Labour Centres’ tasks linked to outsourcing labour market services help perform administrative and service delivery functions by working out procedures, methodological guidelines and professional recommendations develop labour market services human resources development and professional staff training in the National Employment Service; promote the fulfilment of tasks arising from ILO and EU membership (also EURES) govern and coordinate the accomplishment of labour market programmes and implement labour market programmes approved by the LMF; Responsibel for LM statistics

10 The Labour Centre a county-level organisation only, or county-level (metropolitan) organisation and branch offices.

11 The Labour Centre (1) govern and oversee the activities of the Labour Centre’s branch offices carry out tasks in connection with subsidies for job creation funded from the centralised portions of the LMF’s Employment Sub-Fund and of budget appropriations for public works; cooperate with local authorities (Act III of 1993 on social governance and social benefits)

12 The Labour Centre (2) cooperate with local authorities draw up the Labour Centre’s internal professional policies In respect of private job placement activities, Act LXXVI of 2009 on the general rules of taking up and pursuing service activities licensing the employment of foreign nationals in Hungary imposing fines

13 Branch offices registering jobseekers and to terminating and recovering jobseeker’s allowance and jobseeker’s benefit, as well as those tasks linked to employment promotion subsidies organise and deliver labour market services; keep records of reported collective dismissals carry out job placement register reported vacancies provide information and counselling carry out customer service activities carry out EURES-related information provision tasks liaise with employers engaged in the economic life of the county (capital) or micro-region Service delivery tasks shall be carried out by the Labour Centre’s branch office designated Service delivery tasks… separate legislation as “branch office and service delivery centre”.

14 Labour Centres with Priority Competence and Their Areas of Jurisdiction 1. Metropolitan Labour Centre (Budapest) Budapest Pest County 2. Baranya County Labour Centre (Pécs) Baranya County Somogy County Tolna County 3. Békés County Labour Centre (Békéscsaba) Bács-Kiskun County Békés County Csongrád County 4. Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Labour Centre (Miskolc) Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Heves County Nógrád County 5. Fejér County Labour Centre (Székesfehérvár) Fejér County Komárom-Esztergom County Veszprém County 6. Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Labour Centre (Nyíregyháza) Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Hajdú-Bihar County Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County 7. Vas County Labour Centre (Szombathely) Vas County Zala County Gyır-Moson-Sopron County

15 Resources KSH Foglalkoztatottság és munkanélküliség 2010. szeptember–november Employment in Europe EC 2010 Magyarországi munkaerőpiac MTA KTI 2010 EUROSTAT DATABASE Government Decree 315/2010 (XII. 27.) On the National Employment Service Ö S S Z E F O G L A L Ó Az Állami Foglalkoztatási Szolgálat 2009. évi szakmai tevékenységéről, FSZH

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