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Exchange Server 2010 Architektúra és magas rendelkezésre állás
4/4/2017 2:26 PM Exchange Server 2010 Architektúra és magas rendelkezésre állás Soós Tibor – MCT, PowerShell MVP IQSOFT – John Bryce Oktatóközpont © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Miről lesz szó? Nagyobb postaládák kisebb költséggel
Exchange Server 2010 alapú rendszer felépítése A középső réteg HA architektúra Levéltovábbítás Levéltárolás Adatbázis szerkezeti változtatások
Exchange 2010 vállalati topológia
Vállalati hálózat Telefonrendszer(PBX vagy VOIP) Edge Transport Routing & AV/AS Hub Transport Routing & Policy Külső SMTP kiszolgálók Mailbox Storage of mailbox items Unified Messaging Hangposta & hangvezérlés Mobil telefon Web böngésző Client Access Klienshozzáférés Outlook (távoli felhasználó) Üzleti alkalmazás Outlook (belső felhasználó)
Exchange 2010 középső réteg Mi ez?
4/4/2017 2:26 PM Exchange 2010 középső réteg Mi ez? Outlook Clients Postaláda- és címtárelérés ezen keresztül Elfedi a MBX réteget – on-line postaláda és adatbázis-mozgatás AD írási műveletek – RBAC jogosultságok Terhelés-elfojtás PS rendszergazda műveletek is ezen keresztül Exchange CAS Array MBX GC © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Address Book Service Címtárba írás
Mikor ír a címtárba a kliens Terjesztési-lista tagságának megváltoztatása Megbízottak beállítása Tanúsítvány-kezelés Address Book service fogadja az írási igényt, meghívja a megfelelő cmdlet-et az AD módosításához Cmdlet infrastruktúra figyelembe veszi az RBAC szerepeket Active Directory LDAP Add/Remove-DistributionGroupMember Set-Mailbox -PublicDelegates Set-Mailbox -UserCertificate -UserSMIMECertificate NSPI RPC
Nagy postaládák igénye
Nagy postaláda = 1-10GB+ “Egyesített postaláda” = elsődleges postaláda + archív (beleértve a dumpstert) 1~5 év levelezése Időszak Üzenetek Postaláda (MB) 1 nap 200 10 1 hó 4000 1 év 48,000 2,400 4 év 192,000 9,600 *Intenzív leveleuő = 150 kapott + 50 küldött / naponta, 50KB, nincs törlés Megnövekedett infómunkás igénybevétel Állandó elérhetőség Lecsökkent idő a postaládák karbantartására Többfajta kliens (Outlook/OWA/Mobile) PST fájlok használatának mellőzése Külső gyártó archiváló megoldásának mellőzése
Adattárolási fejlesztések
Megnövelt teljesítmény új lehetőségeket nyújt Exchange 2010 Storage fejlesztések 70% IOPS igény csökkentés Ex 2007-hez képest, 90% Ex 2003-hoz képest Kiegyenlítettebb IO terhelés Meghibásodás elleni védelem Lehetővé vált többfajta tároló alrendszer közül választani: JBOD SATA (RAID nélkül) Storage Area Network (SAN) Situation: Employees wonder why they can’t get large (multi-gigabyte) storage limits for their work like they can for their personal accounts (Hotmail, Yahoo, Google, etc) Exchange Server 2007 enabled organizations to deploy new storage configurations (Direct Attached storage) and offer larger mailboxes to their employees Storage costs still remain a major expense in most Exchange environments Talking Points: Exchange includes improvements to performance, reliability, and high availability that enable a wide range of storage options: Exchange 2010 delivers a 70% reduction in disk IO from Exchange 2007 levels, lowering the bar for minimum disk performance required to run Exchange. IO patterns are optimized so that disk writes are less bursty and more suitable for SATA (desktop class) disks. SATA optimizations is about using cheaper “good enough” disks. Exchange 2010 is more resilient to storage problems. When corruption is caused by minor disk faults, Exchange automatically repairs the affected database pages using one of the database copies configured for high availability. When Exchange 2010 is deployed with 3+ database copies, these low-level performance improvements enable the use of RAID-less / JBOD storage Slide Objective: Emphasize that Exchange 2010 provides administrators unprecedented flexibility in choosing a storage architecture. Közvetlenül csatlakoztatott SAS diszkek Közvetlenül csatlakoztatott SATA diszkek
IOPS csökkentés: ESE változások
Optimalizált új adatbázis-séma Folytonos adatbázis-terület allokálás Folytonosság fenntartása Adatbázis tömörítés IO méret növelése Adatbázis lap méretének növelése: 8KB -> 32KB Lapok egyesített beolvasása Optimalizált előre-olvasás Gyorsító tár hatékonyságának növelése 100MB Checkpoint mélység (HA) DB Cache tömörítés DB Cache prioritás
Exchange IOPS trend +90% csökkenés!
Új lehetőség: JBOD/RAID nélküli tároló
JBOD : 1 diszk = 1 adatbázis/log E2010 HA szükséges hozzá (3+ DB) Éves diszk-meghibásodási ráta = 5% JBOD előnyök Adattároló költségeinek, komplexitásának csökkentése Kiszolgáló és adatbázis redundancia szimmetrikus Csökkentett IO igény, nincs RAID overhead Egyszerűbb adattár tervezés: 1 adatbázis – 1 diszk 1 adatbázishiba csak 1 áttérés, 1 helyreállítás JBOD kihívások Exchange HA-nak kell átvenni RAID funkcionalitását Diszk Stripe többletteljesítménye nem jelentkezik (RAID10) Diszk meghibásodás -> áttérés (kb. 30 mp) Hibatűrés újjáélesztése = Tartalék diszk /partícionálás/formázás/DB újratöltés (szkriptelhető) Soft Disk Errors - rossz blokkok észre kell venni és javítani
Költségek alakulása – nagyvállalati példa
24,000 postaláda 2 szerver / diszk meghibásodás elleni védelem 4 x 2 Node CCR 2 copies (RAID) 6 Node DAG 3 copies (JBOD) 24,000 intenzív Outlook Cache Mode használat, 2GB postaláda méret, rack szekrény/kábelezés nem számítva
A magas rendelkezésre állás és hibatűrés egységesített platformja
Adatbázisok replikálása távoli telephelyekre Mailbox Server Mailbox Server Mailbox Server DB1 DB1 DB1 Gyors helyreállás diszk-megibásodások esetében DB2 DB2 DB2 DB3 DB3 DB3 DB4 DB4 DB4 DB5 DB5 DB5 Budapest Debrecen Continuous Replication technológia továbbfejlesztése Egyesíti a CCR és az SCR előnyeit Egyszerűbben kialakítható, mint a hagyományos fürtözés Minden adatbázisnak maximum 16 másolati példánya lehet Teljes redundancia akár 2 Exchange Serverrel Situation: As the importance of communications in today’s workplace continues to grow, companies count on their IT staff to prevent outages and data loss Traditionally, customers have been required to deploy expensive shared-storage clustering to provide full redundancy of Exchange Server services and data Exchange Server 2007 introduced a built-in data replication technology called Continuous Replication, which significantly reduced the cost of deploying a highly available Exchange infrastructure Running a highly available Exchange infrastructure still requires a great deal of time and expertise, because integration between Exchange Server and Windows Clustering is not seamless Companies want an easier way to replicate their data to a remote location, in order protect their Exchange environment against site-level disasters Talking Points: Exchange uses the same Continuous Replication technology found into Exchange 2007, but unites on-site (CCR) and off-site (SCR) data replication into a one solution The new high availability architecture provides simplified recovery from a variety of failures (disk- level, server-level, and datacenter-level), and can be deployed on a variety of storage types Exchange server now manages all aspects of failover. There is no need to manage failover clustering separately in Windows Server. This results in a system which is easier to manage and reduces the likelihood of operator or admin error. Administrators can add replicated database copies incrementally (up to 16 total), and Exchange switches between these copies automatically as needed to maintain availability. Failover is more granular (database-level rather than server level) Smaller deployments that once required 4 separate servers for redundancy of Exchange server roles now need just 2 servers. Mailbox servers involved in clustering can host other Exchange roles (Client Access, Hub Transport, etc), so full redundancy of Exchange services and data can be achieved with just two servers. Legacy Exchange clustering (Single copy clustering, which was the only clustering option in Exchange 2000 and Exchange 2003) is being retired in favor of Exchange 2007-style clustering. 3rd party replication products will still be supported via a replication API. Slide Objective: Position the new HA model as the evolution of previous HA methods, with significantly less cost and complexity
A kézbesítési folyamat hibatűrése Várakozási sorban álló levelek védelme
Edge Transport Hub Transport X Edge Transport Mailbox Server Situation: As organizations examine their infrastructures to eliminate potential points of failure, they look for ways to protect against data loss beyond just mailbox servers During period of heavy traffic, queues of undelivered messages can build up on transport servers. If a transport server fails with messages in its queue, data may be lost In the past, the only way to guard against the loss of message queues was to replicate the queue with expensive 3rd party replication products Talking Points: Transport servers in Exchange 2010 (both Hub Transport and Edge Transport servers) have built-in redundancy to protect against the loss of messages in transit With shadow redundancy, A “safe copy” of each message is retained until the transport server verifies that all of the next hops for that message have completed delivery. If any of the next hops fail before reporting back successful delivery, the message is resubmitted for delivery to that next hop. Let’s walk through an animation to illustrate how this works: A user composes an message to a business partner, and presses “send” <click> The message moves from their outbox on the mailbox server to a hub transport server Next, it is transferred to an edge transport server at the network perimeter. A “shadow copy” of the message remains on the hub transport server. If a disk drive on the Edge transport server fails before the message can be delivered… …the “shadow copy” is automatically resubmitted through another route The message reaches the business partner successfully, and the shadow copies are removed Previously this level of redundancy would have been expensive to deploy and complicated to manage, but now it is built-in and automatic As an added benefit, in this new redundancy model, transport servers essentially become “stateless,” which makes it easier to take them offline for service. Slide Objective: Explain how transport servers in Exchange 2010 provide protection against messages being lost in transit. Kiszolgálók “árnyék másolatokat” tartanak, amíg a következő állomás nem jelez sikeres kézbesítést Legyeszerűsíti a HUB és az Edge karbantartását
Magas rendelkezésre állás komponensei
Database Availability Group (DAG) Mailbox Servers Mailbox Database Database Copy Active Manager (PAM, SAM) Active Manager Client (RPC Client Access Service, HUB) RPC Client Access Service Active Manager Active Manager Active Manager Talking Points: Database Availability Group – often referred to as a ‘DAG’ - Set of up to 16 Mailbox servers that communicate to manage failures that affect individual databases. Any server in a DAG can host a copy of a mailbox database from any other server in the DAG. Mailbox Servers - When a server is added to a database availability group (DAG), it works with the other servers in the DAG to provide automatic, database-level recovery from database, server, or network failures. Mailbox Databases - Databases are ‘disconnected’ from servers and Exchange 2010 adds support for up to 16 copies of a single database. Only Mailbox databases, not Public Folder databases, can be replicated. Database Copies - Storage groups removed, so log shipping replication now operates at the database level. transaction logs are replicated to one or more other Mailbox servers, and replayed into a copy of a mailbox database that is stored on those servers. Note that you can't replicate outside the DAG (key difference from SCR) Active Manager - DAGs use a new component in Exchange 2010 called Active Manager, which is a process which runs on each Mailbox Server. Active Manager manages which database copies should be active and passive Slide Objective: Exchange 2010 High Availability Solution is made up of a number of components which work together to provide a simplified, unified solution for both high availability and disaster recovery. DB1 DB1 DB1 DB2 DB2 DB2 DB3 DB3 DB3 Database Availability Group
Exchange 2010 HA Fogalmak Database Availability Group (DAG)
Maximum 16 Mailbox Server csoportja Újabb réteg a Windows Failover Cluster szolgáltatás felett Meghatározza a replikáció és az áttérés határát Mailbox Server Kiszolgáló-független – szervezet-szinten egyedi Kezeli az aktív és passzív adatbázis példányt Maximum 100 adatbázis egy kiszolgálón (Enterprise) Talking Points: Database Availability Group When an administrator creates a DAG, it is initially empty, and an object is created in Active Directory that represents the DAG. The directory object is used to store relevant information about the DAG, such as server membership information. When an administrator adds the first server to a DAG, a failover cluster is automatically created for the DAG. DAGs use a subset of Windows Failover Clustering technologies, namely, the cluster heartbeat, cluster networks, and the cluster database (for storing data that changes or can change quickly such as database mount status, replication status, and last mounted location). File Share Witness (FSW) is configured for the cluster, but must be server outside the DAG. Although a Windows Failover Cluster is created, no cluster resources are created and all DAG administration is managed from Exchange. Failover management is also managed entirely within Exchange. Replication of database copies, and failover of those database copies, can only be with servers which are members of the same DAG. Mailbox Servers In Exchange 2007 database server either hosted only active or passive copies of a database. In Exchange 2010, a server within a DAG can hold both Active and passive copies of databases, so the mailbox server needs to service both of these types of databases. Executes Store services on active mailbox database copies. Executes Replication services on passive mailbox database copies. Active definition of health – Is Information Store capable of providing service against it? Passive definition of health – Is Replication Service able to copy logs and play them into the passive copy? Each server can host up to 100 database copies. Because DAGs rely on Windows Failover Clustering, they can only be created on Exchange 2010 Enterprise Edition Mailbox servers that are running Windows Server 2008 Enterprise or Windows Server 2008 Datacenter. In addition, each Mailbox server in the DAG must have at least two network interface cards in order to be supported. Slide Objective:
Exchange 2010 HA Fogalmak Active Manager
Active Manager kiválasztja az adatbázis „legjobb” példányát, amikor az aktív példány elromlik Figyelmen kívül hagyja az elérhetetlen és blokkolt kiszolgálókat A legnaprakészebb példány Magasabb aktivációs preferencia Másolási és index státusz Talking Points: Active Manager controls the selection of the active database copy after a failover. The process is complex, but this is a simplified view. Note: When a mailbox database is added to a DAG for the very first time, the first mailbox database copy added to the DAG is the active until a failover or switchover (*Over). 1) Database copies which are held on servers which is not available on the network, or which has been blocked for activation by the administrator is skipped. 2) The primary sort to determine the best copy is how current the database copy is – based on the log which have been transferred and replayed into the database copy 3) If there is more than on current copy, the Activation Preference number ( set by the administrator ) is used to break the tie 4) Other criteria such as the copy state, and status of Content Indexing etc. are used as final tie breakers. There is no command/process which an administrator can use to determine what database copy will be activated if a failure occurs at given time, as the process is very dependant on how current the database copies are at any given time. Slide Objective: Describe the process which Active Manger uses to select the Active Database Copy
HA tervezési példa Kis cég, telephely
4/4/2017 2:26 PM HA tervezési példa Kis cég, telephely NLB megoldás (HW, ISA) Client Access Hub Transport Mailbox Client Access Hub Transport Mailbox A DAG tagjai még egyéb szerepeket is futtathatnak For upgrading, New CAS can never talk to old Mailbox server Upgrading CAS becomes the driving force for the process CAS farm can not be a mix of old and new versions. UM szerep nem javasolt ezeken a kiszolgálókon DB1 DB1 2 tagú kiszolgálók esetében RAID javasolt DB2 DB2 DB2 DB3 DB3 © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Database Availability Group
4/4/2017 2:26 PM HA tervezési példa Kétszeres védelem – karbantartás + adatbázis meghibásodás 2 kiszolgáló kiesése -> 3. kiszolgáló manuális aktiválása 3 kiszolgálós DAG-ban, quorum elveszik DAG több kiszolgálóval – jobb hibatűrés Egy telephely 3 Node 3 HA példány CAS LB Farm X JBOD -> 3 fizikai példány Mailbox Server 1 Mailbox Server 2 Mailbox Server 3 X DB1 DB2 DB3 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB1 DB2 DB3 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB4 DB5 DB6 DB4 DB5 DB6 Database Availability Group © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
HA tervezési példa 2 node vagy diszk elleni védelem
4/4/2017 2:26 PM HA tervezési példa 2 node vagy diszk elleni védelem Server 1 karbantartása Server 2 elromlik Server 1 újra él 2 kópia elromlik Egy telephely 4 Node 3 HA példány JBOD -> 3 fizikai példány CAS LB Farm X Mailbox Server 1 Mailbox Server 2 Mailbox Server 3 Mailbox Server 4 X DB3 DB5 DB6 DB3 DB4 DB1 DB2 DB7 DB8 DB1 DB7 DB5 DB4 DB5 DB3 DB4 DB6 DB7 DB8 DB6 DB2 DB8 DB1 DB2 Database Availability Group (DAG) © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Hagyományos mentés nélküli architektúra
Telephely/Szerver/Diszk meghibásodás Archiválás/megfelelőség Törölt elemek helyreállítása Exchange 2010 HA Archive Extended / Protected Dumpster Retention Database Availability Group Mailbox Server 1 Mailbox Server 2 Mailbox Server 3 Talking Points: When organizations have deployed multiple database copies for high availability, they can have less need for the data redundancy provided by tape backups. This represents a potential for dramatic cost savings. Customers are now able to consider why they are currently using backups, and if those reasons can now be managed in a different way through the use of the new features in Exchange 2010. Let’s have a look at the environment from our Exchange administrator Tomas and his setup for Contoso … Historically, Tomas has performed full backups <click> of his Exchange databases once per week, and incremental backups daily. Contoso keeps backups for several reasons <click>: First for protection against server failures and disk failures. Since contoso is keeping several of each database <click> for the purposes of high availability, the organization is well-protected against server and disk failures. Second, to satisfy archival, compliance, and regulatory requirements. Recently Tomas implemented the Exchange 2010 archiving solution <click>, which satisfies the compliance and archiving requirement. Third, to protect against accidental deletion on users mail items. To satisfy this requirement, <click> Tomas has extended the deleted items retention period and will take advantage of the improvements in the Exchange dumpster feature. Note: Dumpster 2.0 improvements prevent requirement for single item restore. MSIT did hold backups for 2 weeks, so now that dumpster has 30 days, no backups! In order to eliminate backups entirely, Tomas needs protection against data corruption. Going back in time is a common strategy for recovering from such corruption. Tomas may choose to set a replay lag on the third copy of each database in his mailbox server cluster, so that the third database copy will be 7-14 days <click> behind the others. This gives him a “rewind” option if he catches a problem soon after it happens. By implementing a backupless configuration <click>, Contoso expects to see substantial savings on backup hardware and software, labor, and storage costs. Slide Objective: New features in Exchange 2010 may allow customers to reduce or eliminate their Exchange backups to achieve significant cost savings 7-14 visszajátszási késleltetés DB1 DB1 DB1 DB2 DB2 DB2 X DB3 DB3 DB3
Online postaláda mozgatás
Lecsökkenti a kiesést mozgatás és karbantartás alatt Client Mailbox Server 1 Mailbox Server 2 Client Access Server Felhasználó on-line marad postaláda mozgatás alatt Küldhet levelet Fogadhat levelet Teljes postaláda elérhető Üzemeltetők migrálhatnak és karbantarthatnak normál munkaidőben Migrálás akár Exchange Online-ra Situation: Administrators commonly move mailboxes between servers and databases as part of maintenance activities or when migrating between Exchange versions Currently, when an administrator moves a mailbox, this takes the user offline for the duration of the move, leaving them no access to As mailbox sizes have grown, mailboxes take longer to move, so administrators have been forced to perform mailbox moves at night and on weekends to minimize disruptions for end users Talking Points: In Exchange 2010, mailbox moves can be done in online mode: users remain can send, receive, and read mail while the contents of their mailboxes are moved to a new location Maintenance activities can now be performed during the day, rather than a nighttime or weekend maintenance window Migration to Exchange 2010 (whether Exchange 2010 is deployed on-premise or online) can be accomplished faster and with less end-user disruption Achieving four nine SLA (ie availability) means roughly 50min of downtime per year. In the past, moving a 1GB mailbox takes around 90minutes, so even if all your services were up 100% of the time, if you moved the mailbox once, you will not be able to achieve the four nine SLA. è hence, we want online mailbox moves. Exchange 2007 SP2 allows online moves, while Exchange 2003 enables offline moves. Slide Objective: Describe how give administrators can use the new online move mailbox process to perform Exchange maintenance and migrations without sacrificing their evenings and weekends. Exchange 2010 & Exchange 2007 SP2 Online Exchange 2003 Offline
HA egyéb kiszolgáló szerepekre
4/4/2017 2:26 PM HA egyéb kiszolgáló szerepekre Client Access HW terhelésmegosztó (javasolt) vagy Windows Network Load Balancing (NLB) Hub Transport Nincs szükség semmilyen külön beállításra Edge Transport DNS round robin, vagy több MX bejegyzés Unified Messaging IP átjáró több UM kiszolgálóra mutasson Talking Points: If you want to use separate servers, High availability for the Hub Transport, Edge Transport, Client Access, and Unified Messaging server roles is achieved through a combination of server redundancy, Network Load Balancing, DNS round robin, as well as proactive server, service, and infrastructure management. This is unchanged from Exchange 2007. Client Access All Exchange Server roles can now be installed on the same server which is part of a Database Availability Group – Windows NLB won’t be supported in that topology, so a Hardware load Balancer is required. NLB is also not recommended for larger environments. Slide Objective: Exchange 2010 HA for non-mailbox server roles © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.
Összefoglaló Exchange 2010 High Availability …..
Könnyebb és olcsóbb létrehozni Egyszerűbb felügyelet Failover / helyreállítás kisebb egységekre Magasabb ügyfél rendelkezésre állás Közös technológia magas rendelkezésre állásra és telephelyvédelemre Talking Points: As a result of the Exchange 2010 Availability improvements, companies can spend less effort and less money to keep their mail servers running, leaving them more time and money to dedicate to other aspects of their IT environment. The net result is greater uptime for end users, increased freedom for administrators, and decreased capital and operational costs for the organization.
Demo rendszer DB1 DB1 DB2 DB2 VIP VIP Client1 Client2 Edge DC Exch1
DAG kialakítása Demó On-line postaláda-mozgatás
Adatbázis másolatok létrehozása Adatbázis és szerverátállás Meghibásodás utáni helyreállás Hibatűrő kézbesítés
4/4/2017 2:26 PM © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
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