Course Situation and Event Driven Models for Multilevel Abstraction Based Virtual Engineering Spaces Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics.

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Az előadások a következő témára: "Course Situation and Event Driven Models for Multilevel Abstraction Based Virtual Engineering Spaces Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics."— Előadás másolata:

1 Course Situation and Event Driven Models for Multilevel Abstraction Based Virtual Engineering Spaces Óbuda University John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics Institute of Applied Mathematics Lecture and laboratory 1. Abstraction in product definition László Horváth university professor

2 A prezentációban megjelent képernyő-felvételek a CATIA V5 PLM rendszernek, az Óbudai Egyetem Intelligens Mérnöki Rendszerek Laboratóriumában telepített installációján készültek, valóságos működő modellekről, a rendszer saját eszközeivel. Ez a prezentáció szellemi tulajdon. Hallgatóim számára rendelkezésre áll. Minden más felhasználása és másolása nem megengedett! CATIA V5 PLM rendszer a Dassult Systémes Inc. é s a CAD-Terv Kft segítségével üzemel laboratóriumunkban László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM

3 Short history of engineering modeling Topics in the course DemandSolution Geometry based equipment controlCAD/ CAM Reliable structural analysisFEM/FEA, CAE 1950-1990 Information loss free information exchangeIPIM, product model (ISO 13303), AP Engineering task specific model objectsForm feature driven product definition 1990-2000 Highly integrated product modelFull feature driven contextual model in PLM Corporate knowledge driven product definitionActive knowledge in product model in PLM 2000- Multidisciplinary product informationMultilevel abstraction in RFLP structure Virtual engineering spaceTotal engineering in virtual 2010- László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM

4 Abstraction levels in RFLP structure Requirement Requirements the product has to fulfill Function To fulfill its requirements Logical Structure of logical components. Physical Representations of real world product. László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM

5 Classical modeling of functions László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM

6 Contextual chains of features – the problem László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Part 2Part 1 P1-5 S1 SB1 Eng1 OP1C1 In XY Int1 Ofs XY Tab1 Dir1 CG1 Sbs1 CCL1 RS1 Eng2 PL1PR1 In XY Pr1 Dir1 CG1 Rev1 Dir2 Ln1 Placing1 CF1 PRODUCT1 LN1AX1 Ax1 PRODUCT1 Global coordination system1 PART2 PART1 SOLID1 P1-5 C1 OP1 S1 SB1 CCL1 SOLID2 PL1 PR1 LN1 RS1 Parameters P1 (tab. of S1) Relationships Formula1 (for P1) Rule1 (height of S1) Reaction1 (update P1) PLACING PARTS Placing Part2 on Part1 FUNCTION Part1 carries Part2 AX1 Source: Horvath, L. ; Rudas, I.J. ; Szakal, A.: Shifting the human dialogue to knowledge level at modeling of products, In proc. of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), IEEE, Cape Town, pp. 1398 – 1403.

7 Contextual chains of features – the problem László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM

8 Understanding logical connections László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Laboratory task SEMAL1E1

9 Understanding logical connections László Horváth UÓ-JNFI-IAM Laboratory task SEMAL1E1

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