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E-business: az üzlet online megvalósítása

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1 E-business: az üzlet online megvalósítása
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2 Mi változik? valóságos vagy virtuális üzlet vagy mindkettő
az értékesítési csatornák megváltoztatása a vásárlónak ugyanaz az élmény megmaradjon a kattintás-rendelés infrastruktúra kialakítása az ellátási lánc digitalizálása társulni a versenytársakkal az (e-)költségek csökkentése érdekében

3 Témák 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 Kihívások az e-business-ben.
Szervezetek internetes kommunikációja. Web site-ok hatékonyságának mérésének módszerei. Az e-business galobalitásának magyarázata. 5 1 Az e-business meghatározása. Az az üzleti siker elérésének módja. Céges honlap és kereskedelmi site. E-business üzleti formák - B2B . E-business üzleti formák - B2C . A keresett online termékek. 6 2 7 3 8 4

4 Az e-business értelmezése
1/10. Az e-business értelmezése

5 Mi az e-business? 1 2 3 4 5 Értelmezése (E-commerce) Trendek
E-business tényezők Felépítés E-beszerzés 2 3 4 5

6 Fogalma az elektronikus hálózatokon (Internet, extranet, intranet) keresztül bonyolított gazdasági tevékenységek összessége, ide értve a marketinget, az ügyfél-menedzsmentet (CRM), valamint a beszerzéseket (procurement). Az e-business tágabb fogalom az e-kereskedelemnél, nem csupán a kereskedelmi tevékenységre utal, hanem a fogyasztók számára nyújtott szolgáltatásokat, az üzleti partnerekkel való együttműködést és a szervezeten belüli elektronikus tranzakciókat is magában foglalja.

7 E-commerce Az e-business tágabb fogalom az e-kereskedelemnél, nem csupán a kereskedelmi tevékenységre utal, hanem a fogyasztók számára nyújtott szolgáltatásokat, az üzleti partnerekkel való együttműködést és a szervezeten belüli elektronikus tranzakciókat is magában foglalja.

8 What is E-Business? Electronic business (e-business) - Conducting business via the Internet. E-tailing, or virtual storefronts on Web sites. Online business-to-business transactions. Electronic data interchange (EDI), the business-to-business exchange of data using compatible software. , instant messaging, and other Web-enabled communication tools and their use as media for reaching prospective and existing customers. The gathering and use of demographic, product, and other information through Web contacts.

9 Benefits of E-Business
Capabilities and Benefits of E-Business Global Reach. Goods and services can be sold to customers worldwide. Personalization. Companies can customize products and reduce inventory. Interactivity. Customers and suppliers can negotiate prices online. Right-time and integrated marketing. Online retailers provide products when and where customers want them and promotions can be directed to individual customers. Cost savings. E-business can reduce costs.

10 Some E-Business Successes
University of Phoenix FreshDirect Boston Symphony Orchestra

11 2/10. E-business trendek

12 Facebook, blogok, közösségi site-ok alkalmazása az üzlemenetben külső és belső

13 3/10. E-business tényezők

14 E-business felépítése
4/10. E-business felépítése

15 üzleti - informatikai/technikai


17 5/10. E-beszerzés

18 Online marketing alapok
6/10. Online marketing alapok

19 Online marketing eszközök
7/10. Online marketing eszközök

20 Webáruház

21 Closed-Loop CRM Systems

22 Az online marketing - elemzések
8/10. Az online marketing - elemzések

23 Managing a Website Click-through rate - percentage of people presented with a Web banner ad who click on it. Conversion rate - percentage of visitors to a website who make a purchase.

24 9/10. Üzleti intelligencia

25 10/10. E-business stratéga

26 Házi dolgozat E-business témakörök

27 Témakörök weboldalak/áruházak összehasonlítása
online irodalom gyűjtése (hu, eng, de, ru) a 10 témakör egyikéből, min. 20 fontos egy konkrét (az oktatótól származó) ötletre e-business stratégia, pl. medencéket gyártó kisvállalkozás, webáruház stb. a témakörök egyikéből házi dolgozat

28 Business Web Sites Increase a firm’s visibility, promote its offerings, and provide information to interested parties. Build customer goodwill and assist retailers and other resellers in their marketing efforts. Disseminate financial information to investors. Enable prospective employees to apply online for jobs. Provide communication. . Web sites are frequently used for marketing to attract visitors/customers.

29 Business-to-Business (B2B)
Business-to-business e-business (B2B) Electronic business transactions between businesses using the Internet. B2B transactions total $2.5 trillion. By some estimates, account for 90% of all e-commerce activities. Can reduce cost of B2B transactions by almost 25 percent.

30 Electronic Data Interchanges, Extranets, & Private Exchanges
Electronic data interchange (EDI) is a computer-to-computer exchange of invoices, purchase orders, price quotations and other sales information. Extranets offer an efficient way for business to collaborate with vendors, partners and customers. Private Exchanges are the next generation of extranets where all types of data related to e-business is shared.

31 Online Shopping and B2C Business-to-consumer (B2C)
E-tailing accounts for 4% of all U.S sales. Growing at a rate of 18%. Services like banking and brokerage are key aspects of e-tailing Many retailers have electronic storefronts. Growth of broadband is aiding e-tailing.

32 E-business: online marketing
10 tanóra E-business: online marketing

33 Who are online buyers and sellers?
Typical user is young, highly educated, urban or suburban, and affluent. Demographics are shifting; there is decreasing difference in Internet purchasing habits among groups.

34 Benefits of B2C E-Business
Lower Prices Many products cost less online. Internet allows customers to easily compare prices from multiple sellers. Convenience Can order products from around the world anytime, day or night. Can register customer information to streamline transactions. Personalization Emphasis on personalized, one-on-one marketing to increase repeat purchases.

35 Developing Safe Online Payment Systems
Through encryption, data is encoded for security purposes. Many companies use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to encrypt information and verify senders and receivers. An electronic wallet contains credit card and identification information. Customers can avoid retyping purchase information.

36 E-Business Challenges (privacy)
Privacy is among the top concerns of Internet users. E-business sites often require passwords and use electronic signatures, an electronic form of identity verification. Companies can track customers’ shopping and viewing habits through cookies. Customers usually prefer that companies do not share their personal information. Merchants have responded by joining privacy organizations. Privacy protections may soon become legally required. Employees also have concerns that employers are monitoring their Internet behavior. Companies worry about data theft.

37 E-Business Challenges (Internet Fraud)
Internet Crime Complaint Center logs more than 200,000 complaints annually. 50% of the complaints referred to law enforcement agencies deal with online auctions. Phishing is a growing form of Internet fraud that uses e- mail or pop-up messages to get unsuspecting victims to disclose personal information. Vishing, or voice phishing, involves phone calls to credit card customers to obtain personal and banking information. Payment fraud is growing.

38 E-Business Challenges (poor website design)
50% of shopping carts are abandoned before any purchase is made. Lack of Information Inability to find the information they need Feeling overwhelmed by too much information Companies that have brick-and-mortar experience often have better success satisfying customers than Internet- only retailers. Online sales can compete with business partners such as retailers and distributors causing disputes called channel conflict.

39 Using the Web’s Communication Function
Web has four main functions: e-business, entertainment, information, and communication. Communication is Web’s most popular function. Firms use to communicate with customers, suppliers, and other partners. Online Communities: Internet forums, newsgroups, electronic bulletin boards, and Web communities that appeal to people who share common interests. Spam is junk .

40 Web Communication Blogs
Blog - short for Web log, an online journal written by a blogger. May incorporate wikis, a Web page that anyone can edit. Some incorporate podcasts, video & audio recordings. Feedburner services more than 200,000 podcasts. Corporate blogs can help build brand trust. Example: Apple’s iLounge builds the iPod brand and gives Apple ideas for product improvement. Employee blogs may present ethical issues.

41 Web Communication Web Based Promotion
Banner Ads – messages placed on frequently visited websites Pop-up Ads – ads that appear in separate windows Pre-roll Video Ads – advertisements that roll as soon as a page is loaded Search marketing – companies pay for top visibility in search results Some companies, such as ValPak Marketing Systems, offer virtual, searchable coupons.

42 Global Environment of E-Business
Future growth of many companies is linked to a global strategy that incorporates e-business. U.S. leads world in Internet users but ranks only 5th in Internet penetration. E-Bay may dominate most markets, but Chinese company has 83% of the auction business in China. Three of four Web pages are written in English. E-business can heighten competition in the global marketplace...

43 World Internet Statistics

44 Developing a Successful Website
It is easier to create a bad website than a good one. Organizations must think about: Planning and Preparation Content and Connections Costs and Maintenance

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