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2 Periférikus elemek: modulációs eszközök

3 Ebben az esetben a rendszerben a 420-as hibakód jelenik meg.
Bus BridgeNet® – túl sok bus jel Ha 3 vagy több bus csatlakoztatás van egy rendszerben, akkor hibák fordulhatnak elő ( kommnunikációs) Ebben az esetben a rendszerben a 420-as hibakód jelenik meg. Ebben az esetben az egyik bus vezérelt periférikus elemet el kell távolítani a rendszerből, hogy 3-nál kevesebb legyen. Kikapcsolni a bus vezérlést például a Friss víz állomáson, elég az1-es deep kapcsolót átkapcsolni ( jobb oldalon a csatlakozásnál)


5 Villamos csatlakozás ATTENTION: The bus connection is polarized, respect the connection “B” and “T”.

Villamos feszültség BE VILLOG Villamos feszültség BE, de manuális üzemmódban ZÖLD LED (KÖZÉPEN) Nincs bus kommunikáció Bus kommunikáció ok kereseés (bus kapcsolat keresése bekapcsoláskor) PIROS LED (JOBBRA) Normál üzemmód Szolár menedzser hiba

7 Sensys - méretek MEGNEVEZÉS 1 “Esc” gomb 3 “OK” gomb 2 Tekerő gomb 4

8 User interface- Icons Boiler Low tank sensor Boiler on
High tank sensor Heating system Heating return sensor Tank single coil Tank overheat Tank dual coil Solar collector overheat Tank electro solar Solar collector antifreeze function in progress Solar collector Anti-legionella function in progress Pump Recoiling function in progress Heat exchanger Digital Diverter valve Analogical Collector sensor Configurable device

9 User menu Programmation / Manual Complete menu

10 User menu– Programmation / Manual
It is possible enabled or disabled the timer for the integration (with boiler or other heat source) of the tank.

11 User menu – Complete menu
ICON LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 NOTE DHW settings DHW set point temperature DHW reduced temperature Time program Free time programming Time programming of the tank integration (with boiler or generic heat source). Pre-set programs Comfort Disabled Tank integration off Time based Tank integration with time programming Always active Tank integration always on System performance Active sources Energy production kWh Energy produced in the last 24h Energy produced in the last week Energy produced in the last month CO2 saved Showers n° Report Reset Screen settings Language Time & Date Home screen Brightness Backlight Home screen timing

12 Technician menu Push at the same time the buttons “esc” end “OK” for 5 sec. Access code- Turn the knob and set 234 and push “OK” Language, data and time. Installation wizard Remote control (No zone set, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3) Solar manager (solar manager configuration) Configuration wizard Service Parameter Solar PCB replacement – (Parameters ) Errors – (Last 10 errors). Complete menu

13 Complete menu Menu Sub-Menu Parameters Function Regulation range
Default 2 NETWORK Network presence (only visualization) / 3 SYSTEM INTERFACE Zone number 0: no zone allocation, only visualization 1: zone 1 2: zone 2 3: zone 3 1 Room temperature correction -3 ÷ 3 Interface software version

14 Complete menu Menu Sub-Menu Parameters Function Regulation range
Default 3 GENERAL Storage set point temperature 36 ÷ 60 / 2 Storage reduced temperature 10 ÷ 60 1 SOLAR STATISTICS Solar energy produced (MWh) (only visualization) Solar pump run time (h) Collector overheat time (h)

15 Complete menu 3 2 SOLA SETTINGS 1 Anti-legionella function 0: disabled
Anti-legionella function 0: disabled 1: enabled 1 Hydraulic scheme 0: Not defined 1: Basic single coil 2: Basic double coil 3: Electrosolar 4: Heating support Electric resistance setting 0: EDF (France) 1: Timed ΔT solar collector/low tank sensor for solar pump on 0 ÷ 30 8 4 ΔT solar collector/low tank sensor for solar pump off 6 Collector kick 0: Off 1: On 7 Recoiling function Storage set-point with heating integration 36 ÷ 80 60 9 Antifreeze collector temperature -20 ÷ 5 -5

16 Complete menu 3 SOLAR SETTINGS 2 1
Digital pump group (whit flow sensor) 0: Off 1: On 2 Pressure sensor Pro-Tech anode activation 4 AUX output setting 0: Integration request (for generic boiler) 1: Alarm 2: De-stratification pump (It works during anti-legionella function to manage one external pump to have the temperature inside the tank homogeneous) 5 ΔT target for pump modulation (Not active) /

17 Complete menu 3 4 MANUAL MODE Manual mode activation 0: Off 1: On 1
Manual mode activation 0: Off 1: On 1 Solar pump activation (set parameter 340 =1) 1: On (timed 10 min) 2 Diverter valve activation 0: Close 1: Open (timed 10 min) AUX output activation Out activation 5 Mixing valve activation 2: Close (timed 10 min)

18 Complete menu 3 5 SOLAR DIAGNOSTICS 1 Sola collector temperature(°C)
Sola collector temperature(°C) (only visualization) / 1 Low tank sensor temperature (°C) 2 High tank sensor temperature(°C) Return heating temperature(°C) 4 Solar coil inlet temperature (°C) Solar coil outlet temperature(°C)

19 Complete menu 3 6 SOLAR DIAGNOSTICS 2 Solar circuit flow rate(l/min)
Solar circuit flow rate(l/min) (only visualization) / 1 Solar circuit pressure (bar) 2 Tank capacity 0: Not defined 1: 150 liters 2: 200 liters 3: 300 liters Showers number available (estimation of the shower number available at 45°C, 50 liters for each shower). Enable if tank capacity set on parameter 362. 4 Tank fill rate (%) (estimation of the percentage of tank fill with flow rate temperature at 45°CEnable if tank capacity set on parameter 362. 8 ERROR HISTORY Last 10 errors Reset error list YES: push button “OK” NO: push button “ESC” 9 RESET MENU Reset menu 3 factory setting YES: press button “OK” NO: press button “ESC”

20 Errors Display Descrizption Restart 2 02
Open or short circuit low tank sensor No Reset 2 04 Open or short circuit solar collector sensor 2 07 Solar collector overheating 2 08 Sola collector frost protection 2 09 Tank overheating Warning 2 10 Open or short circuit high tank sensor 2 11 Open or short circuit low return heating sensor 2 12 Open or short circuit inlet coil sensor 2 13 Open or short circuit outlet coil sensor 2 14 Hydraulic scheme not defined 2 15 Pressure sensor damaged 2 16 Solar circuit low water pressure 2 17 Anode error 2 P1 Solar circuit low water pressure warning

21 Működés Szolár tároló vezérlés:
A szolár szivattyú ΔT- hőmrésklet különbség alapján működik a kollektor érzékelő és a tároló érzékelő között (par. 323 és 324) A tárolót 70°C-ig fűti Ha a kollektornál túlfűtés van, akkor a szivattyú bekapcsol és85°C-ig fűti a tárolót

22 Digitális szivattyú egység
1. Séma – Egyspirálos tároló KOMBI KAZÁN (par. 321 = 1) Új ariston kazán (EVO) Idegen kazán (vagy régi ariston) Parameter 321 331 332 333 362 Parameter neve Hidraulikus ábra Digitális szivattyú egység Nyomás érzékelő Pro-Tech anód Tároló méret beállítás 1 0: Off 1: On 0: Nincs 1: 150 liters 2: 200 liters 3: 300 liters

23 1. Séma – Egyspirálos tároló
KOMBI KAZÁN (par. 321 = 1)

24 1. Séma- egyspirálos tároló
KOMBI KAZÁN (par. 321 = 1) CSATLAKOZTATÁS EVO KAZÁNNAL: Ha még nincs keverő szelep a kazán bejövő oldalán, megóvni a kazánt attól, hogy a visszatérő hőmérséklet nagyobb legyen, mint 60°C. MŰKÖDÉS IDEGEN VAGY RÉGI ARISTON KAZÁNNAL A váltószelep a tároló előremenő oldalon ,akkor használjuk, ha a víz hőmérséklete nem megfeleő és akkor átküldjük a kazánon, a vezérlés a következő A kazán bemenő: mért magas tároló hőmérséklet (S3) < (0,75 x T hmv beállított) + 9 Felhasználó felé: mért magas tároló hőmérséklet(S3) > (0,75 x T hmv beállított) + 10

25 Digitális szivattyú egység
2. Séma- két spirálos tároló CSAK FŰTŐ KAZÁN (par. 321 = 2) Parameter 321 331 332 333 362 Parameter neve Hidraulikus ábra Digitális szivattyú egység Nyomás érzékelő Pro-Tech anód Tároló méret beállítás 2 1 0: Off 1: On 0: Nincs 1: 150 liters 2: 200 liters 3: 300 liters Parameter 321 331 332 333 362 Parameter name Hydraulic scheme Digital pump group Pressure sensor Pro-Tech anode Tank capacity Setting 2 1 0: Off 1: On 0: Not defined 1: 150 liters 2: 200 liters 3: 300 liters

26 2. Séma- két spirálos tároló
CSAK FŰTŐ KAZÁN (par. 321 = 2)

27 2. Séma- két spirálos tároló
CSAK FŰTŐ KAZÁN (par. 321 = 2) CSATLAKOZTATÁS EVO KAZÁNNAL: A tároló felső érzékelőt (S3) a szolár menedzserhez kell csatlakoztatni és nem a kazánhoz, mert a szolár menedzser vezérli teljesen a tárolót és ezen keresztül a bus csatlakoztatás van összekötve a kazánnal. MŰKÖDÉS IDEGEN VAGY RÉGI ARISTON KAZÁNNAL Az AUX csatlakoztatás az idegen kazán vezérlésére való, ha a szolár energia nem elég a tároló felfűtésére. A vezérlés a következő: Kontakt zár (kazán indul): mért tároló felső hőmérséklet (S3) < T beálított hmv. – [(T beállított hmv. / 10) +3] + 2 Kontakt nyit: mért tároló felső hőmérséklet(S3) > T beállított hmv + 2

28 3. Séma – Electrosolar csak a franciáknál!!!
(par. 321 = 3)

29 4. Séma – fűtés rásegítés (par. 321 = 4)
Kizárólag EVO kazánnal működik Kombi kazán Csak fűtő kazán Parameter 321 331 332 333 362 Parameter neve Hidraulikus ábra Digitális szivattyú egység Nyomás érzékelő Pro-Tech anód Tároló méret beállítás 4 1 0: Off 1: On 0: Nincs 1: 150 liters 2: 200 liters 3: 300 liters Parameter 321 331 332 333 362 Parameter name Hydraulic scheme Digital pump group Pressure sensor Pro-Tech anode Tank capacity Setting 4 1 0: Off 1: On 0: Not defined 1: 150 liters 2: 200 liters 3: 300 liters

30 4. Séma – fűtés rásegítés (par. 321 = 4)

31 4. Séma – Fűtés rásegítés (par. 321 = 4)
FŰTÉSI VISSZATÉRŐ VÁLTÓSZELEP MŰKÖDÉSE A fűtési visszatérő ágban lévő váltószelep feladata, hogy növelje a fűtési visszatérő víz hőmérsékletét, ha a tároló hőmérséklete magasabb, mint a fűtés visszatérő. Ez a V1-re van csatlakoztatva. Vezérlés a következő: Fűtés visszatérő tárolón belül: mért alsó tároló hőmérséklet (S2) > visszatérő hőmérséklet (S4) + 6 Fűtés visszatérő direktbe a kazánon keresztül: mért alsó tároló hőmérséklet (S2) < tároló visszatérő (S4) + 3 Ha az alsó tároló hőmérséklet (S2) magasabb mint 70°C a váltószelep állandóan a tároló pozíción. CSAK FŰTŐ KAZÁN : MŰKÖDÉS ELŐREMENŐ ÁGBAN LÉVŐ VÁLTÓSZELEPEN KERESUZTÜL A váltószelep a fűtés előremenő ágban helyezkedik el. A cirkuláció megakadályozása miatt. Ez az AUX pontra van csatlakoztatva. Ugyan akkor működik, mint a kazánban lévő váltószelep. - Fűtés kérés: váltószelep fűtési pozícióban; HMV kérés (tároló kérés): váltószelep a tároló pozíción

32 Solar manager  Pump group

33 Solar manager  Pump group
CAPTION 1 System interface connection 2 Solar manager 3 Delivery tap 4 Return tap 5 Delivery sensor temperature 6 Air valve 7 Drain air valve 8 Manometer 9 Pipe connection for drain and filling 10 Regulation flow valve 12 Inspection window 13 Filling tap 14 Flow sensor 15 Return sensor temperature 16 Pump 17 Expansion vessel connection 18 Pressure sensor 19 Safety valve drain 20 Safety valve 21 Wall hung braket

34 Solar manager  Pump group

35 Solar manager  Easy solar II

36 Solar manager  Easy solar II


38 Dimention

39 Detailed description 1 Tank delivery 2
Plate heat exchanger washing connection 3 Plate heat exchanger 4 System interface 5 Control group 6 7 Plate heat exchanger support 8 Tank return sensor 9 Tank return 10 Sanitary inlet sensor 11 Sanitary inlet 12 Sanitary outlet 13 Recirculation return (Optional) 14 Outlet sanitary sensor 15 Recirculation pump (optional) 16 Modulating pump primary circuit 17 Mixing valve 18 Tank delivery sensor

40 Hydraulic schema PERFORMANCE ΔT = 30°C DHW flow rate = 32 l/min
Tank delivery temperature = 70°C A Sanitary inlet B Sanitary outlet C Recirculation return (optional) D Tank delivery E Tank return

41 Mixing valve management Modulating pump management
Operation SANITARY TAP Sanitary tap > 2,5 l/min The pump is supplied Pump ON The mixing valve is managed to have the correct outlet sanitary temperature. Mixing valve management The pump is managed to have the mixing valve in the optimal working condition, to have an high speed temperature control. Modulating pump management

42 Electric schema ATTENTION: The bus connection is polarized, respect the connection “B” and “T”.

43 Led diagnostic GREEN LED (left) Off Electrical power supply OFF Fix
Electrical power supply ON Blinking Electrical power supply ON, but in manual mode GREEN LED (centre) No bus communication Bus communication ok Initialization (bus device search) RED LED (right) Normal working Solar manager error

44 User interface- Dimention
CAPTION 1 “Esc” button 3 “OK” button 2 Knob 4 Display

45 User interface- Icons Boiler Low tank sensor Boiler on
High tank sensor Heating system Heating return sensor Tank single coil Tank overheat Tank dual coil Solar collector overheat Tank electro solar Solar collector antifreeze function in progress Solar collector Anti-legionella function in progress Pump Recoiling function in progress Heat exchanger Digital Diverter valve Analogical Collector sensor Configurable device

46 User menu Programmation / Manual Complete menu

47 User menu– Programmation / Manual
It is possible enabled or disabled the timer for the integration (with boiler or other heat source) of the tank.

48 User menu– Complete menu
ICON LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 NOTE DHW settins DHW set point temperature DHW reduced temperature Not used Time program Free time programming DHW :Not used EXTRA: Timing for recirculation pump Pre-set programs Comfort System performance Active sources Energy production kWh Energy produced in the last 24h Energy produced in the last week Energy produced in the last month CO2 saved Showers n° Report Reset Screen settings Language Time & Date Home screen Brightness Backlight Home screen timing

49 Technician menu Push at the same time for 5 sec the buttons “Esc” and “OK”. Access code – Through the know set 234 and push OK Language, date and time. Installation wizard Remote control (No zone set, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3) Fresh Water Station Configuration wizard Complete menu

50 Interface software version
Complete menu Menu Sub-Menu Parameters Function Regulation range Default 2 NETWORK Network presence (only visualization) / 3 SYSTEM INTERFACE Interface software version

51 Complete menu Menu Sub-Menu Parameters Function Regulation range
Default 10 USER PARAMETERS Storage set point temperature 36 ÷ 60 / 1 MANUAL MODE Manual mode activation 0: Off 1: On Pump activation (set parameter 1010 =1) 1: On (timed 10 min) 2 Diverter valve activation 1: On (timed 10 min) 3 AUX activation 4 Stepper mixing valve control 1: Open (timed 10 min) 2: Close (timed10 min)

52 Complete menu 10 2 FRESH WATER STATION SETTINGS Hydraulic scheme
Hydraulic scheme 0: Not defined 1: Without recirculation pump 2: With recirculation pump FRESH WATER STATION DIAGNOSTICS 3 Outlet sanitary temperature (°C) (only visualization) / 1 Inlet sanitary temperature (°C) Tank delivery temperature(°C) Tank return temperature (°C) 4 Sanitary flow rate (l/min) 5 Low tank temperature (°C) 6 Sanitary energy consumption (MW/h) 7 Pump on time

53 Errors Display Description Restart 2 50 Hydraulic scheme not defined
No Reset 2 51 Open or short circuit outlet sanitary sensor 2 52 Open or short circuit return tank sensor 2 53 Open or short circuit delivery tank sensor 2 54 Open or short circuit inlet sanitary sensor

54 Scheme possible only with boiler Galileo Evolution
(par = 1 o 2) Scheme possible only with boiler Galileo Evolution Combi boiler Tank Boiler Parameter 321 331 332 333 362 Parameter name Hydraulic scheme Digital pump group Pressure sensor Pro-Tech anode Tank capacity Setting 4 1 0: Off 1: On 0: Not defined 1: 150 liters 2: 200 liters 3: 300 liters

55 Scheme – Heating integration
(par = 1 o 2)


57 Dimention MGM MGZ

58 Detailed description - MGM
CAPTION 1 Air valve 2 Boiler delivery 3 Boiler return 4 Hydraulic header 5 Zone 1 modulating pump 6 Zone 1 no back flow valve 7 Drain tap 8 Zones hydraulic connection 9 PCB (Zone manager) 10 Zone 2 modulating pump 11 Zone 3 modulating pump 12 Zone 2 mixing valve 13 Zone 3 mixing valve

59 Detailed description - MGZ
CAPTION 1 Air valve 2 Boiler delivery 3 Hydraulic header 4 Zone 1 modulating pump 5 Zone 2 modulating pump 6 Zones hydraulic connection 7 Zone 1 no back flow valve 8 PCB (Zone manager) 9 Zone 3 modulating pump 10 Zone 2 no back flow valve 11 Zone 3 no back flow valve 12 Boiler return

60 Hydraulic scheme- MGM

61 Hydraulic scheme- MGZ

62 Electric scheme- MGM - Galileo Evo Boiler
ATTENTION: The bus connection is polarized, respect the connection “B” and “T”.

63 Electric scheme- MGM – Generic Boiler
ATTENTION: The bus connection is polarized, respect the connection “B” and “T”.

64 Electric scheme- MGZ - Galileo Evo Boiler
ATTENTION: The bus connection is polarized, respect the connection “B” and “T”.

65 Electric scheme- MGZ - Generic Boiler
ATTENTION: The bus connection is polarized, respect the connection “B” and “T”.

66 Led diagnostic GREEN LED (left) Off Electrical power supply OFF Fix
Electrical power supply ON Blinking Electrical power supply ON, but in manual mode GREEN LED (centre) No bus communication Bus communication ok Initialization (bus device search) RED LED (right) Normal working Solar manager error

67 User interface- Dimention
CAPTION 1 “Esc” button 3 “OK” button 2 Knob 4 Display

68 System interface - Visualization

69 User menu Programmation / Manual Complete menu

70 User menu– Programmation / Manual
It is possible enabled or disabled the timer for the zone managed by the System interface.

71 User menu – Complete menu
ICON LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 NOTE CH settings CH setpoint temp T set Z1 Settable also with the button “+” e “-“ on the right of the display. With “Auto” function enabled set the thermoregulation slope. T set Z2 T set Z3 Time program Free time programming Time program in each of the 3 zones or in all zone at the same time. Wizard time programming Pre-set programs Time program / Manual mode Enabled or disabled the time program in each of the 3 zones or in all zone at the same time. Holiday function

72 User menu – Complete menu
03/04/2017 ICON LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 NOTE System performance Active sources Energy production kWh Energy produced in the last 24h Energy produced in the last week Energy produced in the last month CO2 saved Showers n° Report Reset Screen settings Language Time & Date Home screen Schermata base Brightness Backlight Home screen timing

73 Technician menu Push at the same time the buttons “esc” end “OK” for 5 sec. Access code- Turn the knob and set 234 and push “OK” Language, data and time. Installation wizard Remote control (No zone set, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3) Zone manager Configuration wizard Service Errors – (Last 10 errors). Complete menu

74 Technician menu Push at the same time the buttons “esc” end “OK” for 5 sec. Access code- Turn the knob and set 234 and push “OK” Language, data and time. Installation wizard Remote control (No zone set, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3) Solar manager (solar manager configuration) Configuration wizard Service Parameter Solar PCB replacement – (Parameters ) Errors – (Last 10 errors). Complete menu

75 Complete menu Menu Sub-Menu Parameters Function Regulation range
Default 2 NETWORK Network presence (only visualization) / 3 SYSTEM INTERFACE Zone number 0: no zone allocate to the system interface 1: zone 1 2: zone 2 3: zone 3 1 Room temperature correction -3 ÷ 3 Interface software version

76 Complete menu Zone 1  Menu 4 Zone 2  Menu 5 Zone 3  Menu 6 Menu
Sub-Menu Parameters Function Regulation range Default 4 SETPOINT Day temperature (°C) 10 ÷ 30 / 1 Night temperature (°C) 2 Zone 1 temperature set point (°C) Par 425 ÷ Par 426 ZONE 1 SETTINGS Zone 1 temperature range 0: low temperature 1: high temperature 5 Zone 1 maximum temperature (°C) 20 ÷ 45 (par. 420=0) 35 ÷ 82 (par. 420=1) 45 (par. 420=0) 82 (par =1) 6 Zone 1 minimum temperature (°C) 20 (par. 420=0) 35 (par =1)

77 Complete menu Zona 1  Menu 4 Zona 2  Menu 5 Zona 3  Menu 6 4 3
DIAGNOSTICS Zone 1 room temperature (°C) (only visualization) / 1 Zone 1 room temperature set point (°C) 2 Zone 1 delivery temperature (°C) Zone 1 return temperature (°C) Zone 1 heat request OFF: no ON: yes 5 Zone 1 pump status OFF: off ON: on ZONE MODULE SETTINGS Zone 1 pump modulation 0: Fix 1: Modulating (ΔT) 2 : Modulating (pressure) ΔT target for pump modulation 4 ÷ 25 7 (par. 420=0) 20 (par =1) Pump fixed speed (with par. 440 = 0) 20 ÷ 100 100

78 Complete menu Menu Sub-Menu Parameters Function Regulation range
Default 7 1 MANUAL MODE Manual mode activation 0: Off 1: On Zone 1 pump activation (set parameter 710 =1) 1: On (timed 10 min) 2 Zone 2 pump activation 3 Zone 3 pump activation 4 Zone 2 mixing valve control (set parameter 710 =1) 1: Open (timed 10 min) 2: Close (timed 10 min) 5 Zone 3 mixing valve control

79 Complete menu 7 2 GENERAL ZONE MODULE Hydraulic scheme 0: not defined
Hydraulic scheme 0: not defined 1: MCD 2: MGM II 3: MGM III 4: MGZ I 5: MGZ II 6: MGZ III 1 ΔT between zone delivery and boiler delivery (°C) 0 ÷ 40 (0= ΔT variable depending the number of zone that are doing the request; HT = +7°C for each zone; LT = +5°C for each zone) Auxiliary output setting 0: Heat request (to do a heat request to a generic boiler) 1: External pump management 2: Alarm (The contact closes if there is an error in the zone module) 3 External temperature correction -3 ÷ 3 8 RESET MENU’ Reset menu 7 factory setting YES: press button “OK” NO: press button “ESC” /

80 Errors Display Description Restart 7 01
Open or short circuit delivery sensor zone 1 No Reset 7 02 Open or short circuit delivery sensor zone 2 7 03 Open or short circuit delivery sensor zone 3 7 11 Open or short circuit return sensor zone 1 7 12 Open or short circuit return sensor zone 2 7 13 Open or short circuit return sensor zone 3 7 22 Overheating zone 2 7 23 Overheating zone 3 7 50 Hydraulic scheme not defined



83 MŰKÖDÉSE 3 direkt kör Differential thermostat (Ex.: Base Solar)
On/Off Thermostat (Ex.: Wood boilers management) Lookout and reset interface Timed contact (Ex.: Recirculation pump)


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