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MSP Workshop Szabó Illés Budapest,
IBM MSP Workshop Mai program 08:30 – 09:00 Érkezés, regisztráció
09:00 – 09: Bevezető, köszöntő Szabó Illés – IBM, Mid Market Client Representative, MSP Focal Point Technikai oktatás: 09:05 –11:45 - PureFlex for MSP Farkas Miklós – IBM, Client Technical Specialist IBM System x Kávészünet - PureFlex for MSP és a hardverhez tartozó Smart szoftverek Kósa Gábor – IBM, Brand Specialist, Solution Representativ 11:45 – 12: Ebéd Sales/Business: 12:30 –13:55 - Szolgáltatási újdonságok, az IBM piaci előrejelzései az MSP területre, elemzések - „Pay as you grow” - fizess használatarányosan IBM finanszírozási ajánlatok Dr. Kováts Dénes – IBM, IBM Global Financing Country Leader of Hungary - Szoftverbérlés Pikéthy Árpád – IBM, ASL Manager for CEE 13:55 – 14:30 Kérdések, válaszok
Technikai rész 09:05 –11:45 - PureFlex for MSP
Farkas Miklós – IBM, Client Technical Specialist IBM System x Kávészünet - PureFlex for MSP és a hardverhez tartozó Smart szoftverek Kósa Gábor – IBM, Brand Specialist, Solution Representativ 11:45 – 12: Ebéd
Mi az: Managed Service Provider?
Menedzselt Szolgáltatások Szolgáltató: A Menedzselt Szolgáltatások Solgáltató (MSP) tipikusan olyan információs technológiai (IT) szolgáltató, amely kezeli és vállalja, hogy meghatározott szolgáltatásokat biztosít az ügyfeleknek amelyek szükésgesek. A legtöbb MSP állandó vagy közel fix havi díjat ajánl, ami előnyös az ügyfeleknek, mert kiszámítható az informatikai támogatás költségük. Wikipedia.com, 2012 Mit szolgáltatnak az MSP-k? Top ajánlatok az ügyfeleknek: Source: MSP Mentor 100 Global Report , 2012 4
Az MSP-k egyszerre: BP-k and “Clients”
Mivel eladunk nekik ezért a klienseik.Például eladunk Storage eszközöket egy MSP-nek, hogy bővíthesse szolgáltatásait. A technológiánkkal épített infrasturktúrával szolgáltat ügyfeleiknek. Az MSP-k viszonteladók is IBM portfóliót kínálnak az ügyfeleiknek. Például, SmartCloud Engage „újra-cimkézésével” kínálnak szolgáltatásokat az ügyfeleiknek. IBM MSP Solution Framework – capabilities IBM delivers to MSP’s Sell-to and Sell-through Sell-to Source: MSP Mentor 100 Global Report , 2012
Channel Partners are leaving the traditional Product Sales …
Today Planned 2 years from now 46% 36% 25% 13% 19% 11% 3% 6% Traditional Product Sales Professional Services Managed Services Maintenance Application Hosting Source: Forrester Channel partner survey 2011 24% Channel Partners are leaving the traditional Product Sales … 13% … and getting into higher margin Managed Services
IBM PartnerWorld MSP Program
IBM PartnerWorld® is an award-winning, global program designed to help IBM Business Partners increase demand, grow their businesses and improve profitability. Marketing Selling Technical Training Collaboration Access trend data, build plans and campaigns, generate demand. Create proposals, access valuable incentives, improve close rates, publicize success. Access tools for product development and support. Build skills, access certifications and webcasts, workshops and discounts. Use forums, social media, network with other Business Partners and IBM. 8
Example: PartnerWorld levels for MSP’s
Greater engagement and success leads to greater benefits. Assigned IBM Business Development Executive Premier Use of IBM Business Partner Emblem MSP Achievement Mark Access to demo equipment Loaner program MSP Showcase Co-Marketing Center Marketing Launch Pad Advanced MSP Center of Excellence MSP Virtual Briefing Center MSP Business Partner Locator Marketing support – MSP Concierge Education and training Member 9
Third-party hosted and operated
IBM Midmarket Marketing Az IT szolgálttaások a kliens eszközökről a Felhő alapú eszközök felé mozognak. Client Site/Private Public Cloud Hybrid IT is provided “as a service,” over an intranet, within the client and behind the firewall IT activities / functions are provided “as a service,” over the Internet Client A Client B Users Client data center Client Client Site A B Managed IT Managed private cloud Hosted private cloud Shared cloud services Public cloud services Third-party operated Third-party hosted and operated 10
Piaci előrejelzések Az IDC „ 2013 End-User Software Trends in Europe” 2013-ra készített felmérése és előrejelzése alapján összeállított néhány slide.
2013 Top Business Priorities
Q. Please rate the importance of the following business priorities to your organization for the next 12 months. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 700)
2013 Top IT Priorities Q. Please rate the importance of the following IT priorities to your organization for the next 12 months. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 700)
2013 Top IT Priorities #1: Support Business Innovation
Q. Please rate the importance of these granular IT priorities to your organization for the next 12 months. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 37)
2013 Top IT Priorities #2: Improvement of IT Security
Q. Please rate the importance of these granular IT priorities to your organization for the next 12 months. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 89)
2013 Top IT Priorities #3: Reduction of overall IT costs
Q. Please rate the importance of these granular IT priorities to your organization for the next 12 months. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 62)
2013 Top IT Priorities #4: Improvement of End-User Service
Q. Please rate the importance of these granular IT priorities to your organization for the next 12 months. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 70)
2013 Top IT Priorities #5: Improvement of IT Processes
Q. Please rate the importance of these granular IT priorities to your organization for the next 12 months. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 32)
Use of Mobile Software Q. Which of the following solutions at your organization can be used by employees via an interface designed for smartphones or tablet mobile devices? Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 700)
Public Cloud Usage Q. In which software areas are you considering, evaluating or already using cloud services? Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 700)
Big Data in Europe 2013 versus 2012
Q. Please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements about your understanding of how your organization is using or could use Big Data. Source: IDC's 2013 European Software Survey (n = 700)
Western European 2012 IT and BPO Services Market and 2013–2017 Forecast
Western European 2012 IT and BPO Services Market and 2013–2017 Forecast
Despite the fact that the CEMA key horizontal BPO services market is expected to outperform Western Europe in terms of growth over the forecast period (CEMA's BPO services market will grow at 12.6% CAGR over the forecast period), the CEMA's BPO services market is still much smaller in absolute value compared with the Western European market. The BPO market in the CEMA region is forecast to grow by $1 billion to $2.3 billion between 2012 and 2017 while the Western European market will increase by $6 billion.
Flex Solution Bundles Detail – Poland, Central, Turkey, SEE
Getting started with IBM Flex has never been more affordable! Entry Bundle Starts < US$25K* Advanced Bundle Starts < US$50K* Performance Bundle Starts < US$80K* 1 Flex System Enterprise Chassis 2x CN Gb Converged Scalable Switch with 3x 8Gb SFP+ SW Optic Transceiver each N+1 red. PS and red. CMM 2 Flex System x220 Compute Nodes 2x INTEL 6c E GHz CPU 48GB Memory (6x 8GB) CN4054 Virtual Fabric Adapter with advanced upgrade 1 Flex System Enterprise Chassis 2x CN Gb Converged Scalable Switch with 3x 8Gb SFP+ SW Optic Transceiver each N+1 red. PS and red. CMM 1 Flex System Manager FSM included in starter pack only 4 Flex System x240 Compute Nodes 2x INTEL 8c E GHz CPU 64GB Memory (8x 8GB) embedded Virtual Fabric Adapter with advanced upgrade 1 Flex System Enterprise Chassis 2x CN Gb Converged Scalable Switch with 3x 8Gb SFP+ SW Optic Transceiver each N+1 red. PS and red. CMM 1 Flex System Manager FSM included in starter pack only 4 Flex System x240 Compute Nodes 2x INTEL 8c E GHz CPU 256GB Memory (16x 16GB) embedded Virtual Fabric Adapter with advanced upgrade up to 10 Expansion Nodes per Bundle* up to 10 Expansion Nodes per Bundle* up to 10 Expansion Nodes per Bundle* Client Value Proposition: Affordable entry points for promotional price through your preferred IBM reseller, proven config. Choose YOUR solution fitting best YOUR workload and requirements. Combine with switches, storage, UPS, and rack for a complete solution. *if more than 10 slots per chassis used, additional Fan Modul Pair needed for cooling
Resources Please attend the webcast February 5th reply: Managed Service Providers Briefing: IBM PureFlex MSP Edition and Flex System MSP Edition today. Review sales materials available IBM PartnerWorld Program for MSPs Contact your IBM Representative for more information Szabó Illés
Köszönöm a figyelmet.
Official Notice – Do not delete this slide
The following Financing Options are available only for MSP’s and require enrollment in the IBM PartnerWorld MSP Program Official Notice – Do not delete this slide The financing options herein are AVAILABLE ONLY FOR IBM BUSINESS PARTNERS THAT ARE MANAGED SERVICE PROVIDERS. These MSP's must be registered in IBM PartnerWorld as a MSP and must have signed the Managed Services Attachment (US Z ; Canada 0983). For the purpose of this offering, it is a requirement that the MSP only utilize a Flex System or PureFlex system that is designed, located, and used for multi-tenancy hosting. IBM Global Financing offerings are provided through IBM Credit LLC in the United States and other IBM subsidiaries and divisions worldwide to qualified commercial and government customers. Minimum transaction size $5,000, rates are based on a customer's credit rating, financing terms, offering type, equipment type and options, and may vary by country. Other restrictions may apply. Rates and offerings are subject to change, extension or withdrawal without notice. 27
IBM Pay As You Grow for MSP’s
IBM PureFlex System “Pay As You GROW” Purchase System X Typical MSP Purchase Price POWER Paid as used over time Storage PAYG Amount Network Up Front Street Price Flex Systems Manager Up Front Price Note: This offering is available only to Managed Service Providers that are registered members of the IBM Partnerworld Initiative for MSPs. 28
System Cores used determines the RATE at which Usage is paid
How is Usage Calculated? System Cores used determines the RATE at which Usage is paid IBM PureFlex MSP Edition Quarterly Usage Expense System Cores x Core Use Rate System Cores Used More Cores used = Larger Quarterly Usage Expense Less Cores used = Smaller Quarterly Usage Expense *Usage is tracked automatically and reported to IBM quarterly 29
Quarterly Usage Payments
How is Usage Paid? Usage is Paid by purchasing a Billing Feature Code through IBM Business Partner Remaining Balance PAYG Amount ($225K used here as an example) Quarterly Usage Payments Until Remaining Balance is $0 30
Low Up Front Investment
Pay as you Grow Summary Proven Technology Low Up Front Investment IBM PureFlex Managed Service Provider Edition System X, Power and Storage Fully Integrated Industry Leading TCA/TCO Full Configuration IGF Financing Options Pay For Use Capped Amount Automatic Tracking Easy Payment Process 31
PureFlex for MSP Edition Reference Configuration Examples
Express, Standard or Enterprise Configurations with optional extensions Small (128 VMs), Medium (640 VMs) and Large (2176 VMs) reference configurations Management Node (Standard or Advanced FSM); Base Networking (10GB, HA, FC); V7000 Storage System x or Power Compute Nodes w/ AIX, Linux, IBM i or Windows OS and w/ PowerVM, VMware, KVM, or Hyper- STG Lab or BP Services PureFlex System Remote Monitoring / Cloud Service Delivery Help Desk Managed Storage, Backup, Recovery Services VDI Patch Management Build and manage cloud service delivery and monitor infrastructure for performance and usage Deliver data protection and recovery services through Backup as a Service Desktop Virtualization Patch the virtual and cloud environment Deliver help desk service *** Managed IT Solutions IBM SmartCloud Provisioning IBM SmartCloud Monitoring IBM SmartCloud Cost Management ISV solutions Tivoli Storage Manager Suite for Unified Recovery Entry ISV solutions Citrix XenDesktop VMware View Virtual Bridges Verde ISV solutions IBM SmartCloud Patch Management ISV solutions IBM SmartCloud Control Desk ISV solutions 32 32 32
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