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b b' Alap Védelem Gáz töltésű tárak (GDT) Tár 2/10
“gyújtás” “lehülés” “égés”
‘A’ ér (1) (2) (3) ‘Föld’ ‘B’ ér V a “gyújtás” V bo “lehülés” 180 V gl GDT - Basic Functionality Figure (1) shows the GDT in its ‘cold state’ whereby the resistance between the electrodes is very high (typically > 100MOhm), and the device is transparent to the operation of the network. Figure (2) shows that as the voltage on the line rises to the D.C. sparkover voltage of the device, the gas contained within the device becomes charged with electrons, and eventually discharges to the earth electrode of the GDT. At this point the GDT enters its ‘burning’ phase, reducing the interfering voltage to approximately Volts Figure (3) Finally, the GDT ‘quenches’ and resets to its ‘cold state’. With sustained interference this cycle would be repeated until either the fail-safe is activated (when fitted), or the GDT fails. VDC “égés”
Sérült patronok, biztonsági levezetés nélkül
Gáztöltésű patron (GDT) Fail-Safe levezetővel
‘A’ ér ‘B’ ér ‘föld’ Átvezető sín bimetál (1) (1) GDT és Fail-safe hidegen (3) Melegedéskor Fellépő kontakt (3) Fail-safe aktiválódik (2) (2) GDT felmelegedéskor GDT - Fail-safe Function When a GDT discharges it generates heat. If the time period between discharges is long enough for the heat to dissipate no damage is caused. However should the interfering voltage be sustained, the GDT will fire continuously, resulting in a build-up of thermal energy, which ultimately would destroy the GDT if a fail-safe device is not fitted. The fail-safe show in this example consists of a spring-clip which is connected to the earth electrode. The clip is separated from the a’ and b’ wires of the cable pair by a solder pill (thermal switch). Once the body of the GDT reaches the melt temperature of the thermal switch, the thermal switch melts and the spring clip shorts the incoming voltage to earth, thereby isolating the protected equipment from the interference. This type of fail-safe cannot be replaced or repaired once it has been activated. To recover service the GDT must be replaced.
b a a' b' Megszakításos patron ComProtect sorozat 2/1 CP HGB180A1
Elektronikus túlfeszvédelem
b a a' b' Elektronikus túlfeszvédelem ComProtect sorozat 2/1 CP BI180A1
Protection level Piros - Gáztöltésű patron Zöld - Elektronikus patron
Karbantartás mentes patron
ComProtect sorozat 2/1 CP BOD180A1
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