
Hasonló előadás

Az előadások a következő témára: "Hungary."— Előadás másolata:

1 Hungary


3 The capital city: Budapest
Where is it? Hungary

4 Kecskemét The biggest cities Budapest Sopron Debrecen Pécs Győr Szeged

5 Beautiful places Balaton Citadel Aggtelek Stalactite Cave Buda Castle

6 Famous Hungarians Petőfi Sándor Bíró László József
Poet ( ) Bíró László József Inventor ( ) Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar Painter ( )

7 Neumann János Rubik Ernő Hosszú Katinka Mathematician (1903-1957)
Inventor (1944- ) Hosszú Katinka Swimmer (1989- )

8 Hungarian cuisine Fish Soup Stew Dobos Cake Gulasch Red Pepper
Charged Cabbage

9 Education in Hungary We have the following stages of education:
Nursery Kindergarden Primary School Grammar School/ Vocational School University/ College Matura exam is the most important part of education in Hungary. Each students must pass Maths, History, Hungarian, an optional foregin language and in an optinal subject.

10 Welcome to Hungary in February 2018

Letölteni ppt "Hungary."

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