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Meeting of Young Geoscientists
Determination of reservoir parameters with the application of extended elastic impedance inversion Meeting of Young Geoscientists Supervisors: Dr. habul Ormos Tamás, University of Miskolc Prof. Karl Millahn, Montanuniversität Leoben Péter Zahuczki, MOL Ltd. Holló Dávid Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Table of contents Introduction Wave theory Elastic Impedance
Extended Elastic Impedance Correlations EEI Inversion Applications Summary References Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Introduction HC is one of the most important source of energy
AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) Impedance from seismic (recursive inversion) What is the connection with the layer parameters? Inpedance from well log compare with porosity etc. Elastic Impedances (P. Connolly: Elastic Impedance, The Leading Edge, 1999) Aim of the presentation: Correlation with adaptation of field data, EEI parameter field Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Wave theory Aki & Richards (1980): Shuey (1985): Zoeppritz (1919):
Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Elastic Impedance (EI) Extenden Elastic Impedance (EEI)
EI cannot be measured in a rock, can be used to generate synthetic offset seismograms in a similar way to zero-offset seismograms from AI. Connolly (1999): Conolly and Whitcombe (2002): sin2θ = tanχ max. 40° angular range [-90° +90°] angular range EI is an incidence angle-dependent value corresponding to the zero-offset AI value. Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Extended Elastic Impedances
Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
0°EEI – Acoustic Impedance
Correlations EEI 0 Zp 0°EEI – Acoustic Impedance Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
EEI 49 EEI -50 EEI 16 EEI 30 Correlations Poisson’s ratio
Young’s modulus Young’s modulus EEI 16 EEI 30 Porosity Density Porosity Density Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
EEI Inversion Dávid Holló ISZA 2013. Density Impedance Reflection
coefficient Synthetic channel seizmic P-wave vel. S-wave vel. Wavelet Superposition of wavelet Seizmic minimalize D.S. Macpherson Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
RMS velocity field + horizons
EEI Inversion Pre-stack seismic data (angle) Pre-stack seismic data (offset) Stack 5°-10° Initial guess model Stacked seismic data EE Impedance log RMS velocity field + horizons Inversion Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Poisson’s ratio section & P-Impedance log
Applications 1212 ms 1248 ms 1332 ms Poisson’s ratio section & P-Impedance log Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Applications Poisson’s ratio EEI_49 P-Impedance EEI_0 Gamma Ray EEI_12
1212 ms 1248 ms 1332 ms Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Surface 1248 ms (well) P-Impedance Z-slice P-Impedance Z-slice
Applications 1248 ms 1248 ms Surface 1248 ms (well) P-Impedance Z-slice P-Impedance Z-slice 1252 ms 1252 ms 1256 ms 1256 ms Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Summary The extended elastic impedance curves [-90°,+90°] were calculated from real field data. These were compared with real well logging data. Good correlation: Acoustic Impedance, Gradient Impedance, Shear Impedance, Poisson’s ratio, Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus, Lambda-Rho, Mhu-Rho, Shear modulus, vp/vs ratio Can estimate well log parameters of the exploration area at any positions. Can provide important information for reservoir modelling projects. HC (gas) presence Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
References Meskó A.: Rugalmas hullámok a földben
Akadémia Kiadó. Budapest Kis K.: Általános geofizikai alapismeretek ELTE Eötvös Kiadó. Budapest R.E. Sheriff, L.P. Geldart: Exploration Seismology Second edition Takács E.: Az AVO analízis alkalmazási lehetőségeinek vizsgálata Doktori (PhD) értekezés. Miskolc Dr. Csókás J.: Fúrómagok dinamikus és statikus rugalmassági állandiónak összehasonlítása Földtani közlöny (1980) Turai E.: Spektrális adat- és információfeldolgozás Egyetemi jegyzet. Miskolci Egyetem P. Connolly (BP Amoco, Houston, Texas, US): Elastic impedance The Leading Edge. (1999. April) volt. 18. No. 4. p D.N. Whitcombe, P.A. Connolly et al: Extended elastic impedance for fluid and lithology prediction. Geophysics 67,63 (2002) P. Connolly (BP London): Robust workflows for seismic reservoir characterisation SEG DL Handout v Spring Hampson-Russell Assistant A CGG Veritas Hampson-Russel programcsomagjához mellékelt digitális segédlet. Zahuczki P.: Impedancia inverzió Előadás Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
Thank You for your attention!
Dávid Holló ISZA 2013.
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