Animal assistance in our school Érdligeti Primary School Hungary
"A pet is an island of sanity in what appears to be an insane world. Friendship retains its traditional values and securities in one's relationship with one's pet. Whether a dog, cat, bird, fish, turtle, or what have you, one can rely upon the fact that one's pet will always remain a faithful, intimate, non-competitive friend, regardless of the good or ill fortune life brings us." Boris M. Levinson
Education Great help for children with learning and behaviour problems. - students get motivation for learning - a great opportunity to increase motivation - it reduces children’s anxiety - increases their self- confidence - children become open- minded - the therapy develops their speaking skills and attention
Rabbit therapy
Pitypang at work
Why dogs are suitable for therapy? During domestication, their social system, attachment and communication skills evolved. During coexistence with humans dogs changed their behaviour and genetics too.
Inroduction of the dogs involved: Kemi and Lencsi
We use dog therapy in three different ways: In morning lessons Individual catching up activities for fall behind children Development classes for children who need special education and treatment in small groups
In morning lessons
Individual catching up activities for fall behind children
Development classes for children who need special education and treatment in small groups
Conclusion Dogs are a great help in motivating in lower grade classes. They can help teachers to touch students’ souls. Our students look forward to lessons with the animals very much. Dogs calm children, they learn more easily, their mood is better.
Thank you for your attention!
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