Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Forrás: The Global Standard for Electronic Business Dale Waldt Program Development, OASIS


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Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Forrás: The Global Standard for Electronic Business Dale Waldt Program Development, OASIS Rik Drummond Chief Scientist, Drummond Group Inc. 1

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Az Internet és a World Wide Web drámaian megváltoztatta a társaságok közötti kereskedés módját. XML (Extensible Markup Language) szabvány család. Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language (ebXML) az UN/CEFACT és az OASIS közös projektje. United Nations (Egyesült Nemzetek Szervezete) CEFACT (Center for the Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business, Központ a kereskedelem elősegítésére és az elektronikus üzletelésért) OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards, Szervezet a struktúrált információs szabványok előmozdításáért) Az elektronikus kereskedelem jövője Mi is az az ebXML ? 2001 májusában, Bécsben, Ausztria, véglegesítették az ebXML specifikációját. 2

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Egy újabb betűszó “leves”? Vertical Market Vocabularies WSDL The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is an XML-based language used to describe the services a business offers and to provide a way for individuals and other businesses to access those services electronically. WSDL is the cornerstone of the Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) initiative spearheaded by Microsoft, IBM, and Ariba. UDDI is an XML-based registry for businesses worldwide, which enables businesses to list themselves and their services on the Internet. WSDL is the language used to do this. WSDL is derived from Microsoft's Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and IBM's Network Accessible Service Specification Language (NASSL). WSDL replaces both NASSL and SOAP as the means of expressing business services in the UDDI registry.XMLUDDISOAP 3

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies FPML Financial Products Markup Language (FpML) is a business information exchange standard based on Extensible Markup Language (XML) that enables business-to-business over-the-counter (OTC) financial derivative transactions using the Internet. FpML is used between participating companies for communicating OTC transaction details, within a company for the purpose of sharing OTC transaction information, and between a participating company and an outside firm offering a service related to the OTC transaction. FpML is freely licensed and, because it is independent of the software or hardware used by participating companies, ensures interoperability. FpML focuses on interest rate swaps and Forward Rate Agreements (FRA) but will eventually be used for all aspects of OTC transactions. OTC contracts shared between two companies are highly customized based on the needs of the parties involved.XMLbusiness-to-businessInternetinteroperability 4

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies FPML (folyt) For this reason, prior to the arrival of the Internet and XML, it was not feasible to efficiently carry out the OTC contract process online. Today, companies can electronically structure and negotiate the terms of an OTC contract, execute and confirm the contract, communicate settlement details, and analyze risks using FpML. Chase Manhattan Bank has reviewed and adopted FpML for their OTC Interest Rate Derivative applications. Fuji Capital Markets Corporation used the FpML definition to design their XML-based FRA confirmation prototype. And J.P. Morgan developed an FpML interest rate swap prototype application. Organizations participating in the development and application of FpML include Bank of America, Citigroup, Deutsche Bank, IBM, PricewaterhouseCoopers, J.P. Morgan, Reuters, and UBS Warburg. 5

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies HRXML The HR-XML Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of a standard suite of XML specifications to enable e-business and the automation of human resources- related data exchanges. Human resources-related e-business — or any inter-company exchange of HR data — requires an agreement among participants about how the transaction or data exchange will be accomplished. The mission of the HR-XML Consortium is to spare employers and vendors the risk and expense of having to negotiate and agree upon data interchange mechanisms on an ad-hoc basis. By developing and publishing open data exchange standards based on Extensible Markup Language ("XML"), the Consortium provides the means for any company to transact with other companies without having to establish, engineer, and implement many separate interchange mechanisms. 6

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies HRXML (folyt) The HR-XML Consortium is driven by the needs and priorities of its members. Any member can propose that the Consortium undertake a standards activity. Proposals are subject to a review process and must include the names of at least three sponsor organizations as well as satisfy other pre-requisites. 7

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies BPML Business Process Modeling Language (BPML) is an Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based metalanguage developed by the Business Process Management Initiative (BPMI) as a means of modeling business processes, much as XML is, itself, a metalanguage with the ability to model enterprise data. BPML 0.4 is BPMI's first release, and includes specifications for transactions and compensating transactions, dataflow, messages and scheduled events, business rules, security roles, and exceptions. BPMI has identified three crucial aspects of BPML capability: because it will be used for mission critical applications, it must support both synchronous and asynchronous distributed transactions; because it will model business processes deployed over the Internet, it must offer reliable security mechanisms; and because it will be used throughout integrated development environments, it must encompass project management capabilities. An associated query language, Business Process Query Language (BPQL) has been developed by Initiative members as a standard management interface that can be used to deploy and execute defined business processes.XML transactionmessagesynchronous asynchronousdistributedquery 8

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies BPML (folyt) According to BPMI, BPML and BPQL will be used to establish a standardized means of managing e-business processes through Business Process Management Systems, similarly to the way that SQL established a standardized means of managing business data through packaged database management systems (DBMSs). Both BPML and BPQL are open specifications. The first draft of the BPML specification was submitted to BPMI members in August of 2000, and subsequently made publicly available in March 2001; the first BPQL draft is to be be made available by the end of The organization intends to continue to develop and promote open standards specific to particular e-business needs.SQLDBMSe-business 9

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies WML WML (Wireless Markup Language), formerly called HDML (Handheld Devices Markup Languages), is a language that allows the text portions of Web pages to be presented on cellular telephones and personal digital assistants (PDAs) via wireless access. WML is part of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) that is being proposed by several vendors to standards bodies. The Wireless Application Protocol works on top of standard data link protocols, such as Global System for Mobile communication, code-division multiple access, and time division multiple access, and provides a complete set of network communication programs comparable to and supportive of the Internet set of protocols. WML is an open language offered royalty-free. Specifications are available at's Web site. According to, any programmer with working knowledge of HTML, common gateway interface, and Structured Query Language should be able to write a presentation layer using WML. A filter program can be written or may be available from a vendor that will translate HTML pages into WML pages.wirelessWAPGlobal System for Mobile communicationcode-division multiple accesstime division multiple accessHTMLcommon gateway interfaceStructured Query Language filter 10

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies XFRML XFRML (Extensible Financial Reporting Markup Language) "will be the digital language of business. XFRML is a framework that will allow the financial community (companies, accountants, investors, bankers, industry analysts, regulators, and others) a standards-based method to prepare, publish in a variety of formats, exchange and analyze financial reports and the information they contain. XFRML, which will be free licensed, will also permit the automatic exchange and reliable extraction of financial information among various software applications. The XFRML working group was begun by the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants). The XFRML working group is part of the Electronic Business Task Force of the AICPA."AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) 11

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies XFRML (folyt.) XFRML is designed as "a framework of XML DTDs (document type definitions) which take advantage of XML for accounting - the language of business. This framework will allow development of many, many accounting and business related electronic tools. The first use the AICPA will make of XFRML framework is to develop XFRML for Financial Reporting, a specification for the creation periodic financial statements using XML." Potential XFRML applications include: "(1) XFRML for Financial Statements - financial statements of all sorts used to exchange financial information. (2) XFRML for Authoritative Literature - a standard way for describing accounting related authoritative literature published by the AICPA, FASB, ASB, and others to make using these resources easier, 'drill downs' into literature from financials possible. (3) XFRML for Assurance Services - schedules which are used to transfer information from a client to their auditor/third party. (4) XFRML for General Ledger Transactions - general ledger transactions so that these transactions can be exchanged between disparate systems. 12

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies XFRML (folyt.) (5) XFRML for Taxes - a specification for tax returns which are filed and information exchanged for items which end up on tax returns. (6) XFRML for Accounting and Business Reports - management and accounting reporting such as all the reports that are created by your accounting system rendered in XML to make re-using them possible." "The following organizations have already [ ] joined this important effort: Arthur Andersen LLP, Deloitte & Touche LLP, Ernst & Young LLP, KPMG LLP, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, FRx Software Corporation, Great Plains, e-content (a division of Interleaf, Inc.),, Inc., EDGAR Online, Inc., The Woodburn Group, and Microsoft Corporation." 13

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies NEWSML Based on the Extensible Markup Language (XML), NewsML is a standard way to describe news information content so that it can distributed and reused widely on Web sites and other media. The use of NewsML could, for example, allow a news editor to search for, find, and download various forms of content (photographic images, text, video) from different Web sites and then easily combine them for presentation on the news site. NewsML and similar XML-based standards, such as Extensible Public Relations Language (XPRL) and Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), are designed to make it easier to format and present information related to their specific business sectors. Because NewsML, XBRL, and XPRL are all based on XML and support other XML standards, such as XML Schema Definition (XSD), they enable interexchange of data. News content, for example, may often overlap with business or public relations content.XMLXPRLXBRLXSD 14

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies NEWSML (folyt.) Because each of the languages complies with W3C's established XML- related specifications, it will be possible for publishers of any of the three types of content to access the other two types as well. The idea for NewsML was conceived at Reuters, the global news organization, in Reuters collaborated with WAVO, a developer of news-related software programs, to create a NewsML Toolkit. The toolkit is an interface that allows developers who may not have XML expertise to use Java-based processing for NewsML content Java 15

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Vertical Market Vocabularies FINML 16

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Industry Initiatives UDDI Rosetta Net OTA SOAP ebXML many others... XAML OASIS 17

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa Core XML Standards (W3C) XML XQuery Reg/Rep SAX XLink DTD's DOM XSL Schema XSLT 18

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa OASIS szabvány modell Jelenlegi technológia Az ebXML kifejlesztése a globális kereskedelem megkönnyítésére Az ebXML-t az OASIS és a UN/CEFACT koordinálta és a világ minden részéről emberek, szervezetek, társaságok és konzorciumok százainak részvételével fejlesztették ki. Az ebXML nyílt és könnyű implementálni. Az ebXML alapelvei Az ebXL szabvány áttekintése Az ebXML infrastruktúra elemek a következőek: Együttműködési Protokoll Profil (Collaborative Protocol Profil, CPP), Regiszter és tárház (Registry and Repository), Üzenetváltás (Messaging). Hogyan hozták létre az ebXML-t? Az alapelv helyességének bemutatása 19

Az elektronikus üzletelés globális szabványa További fejlesztések és karbantartások További információk ebXML: OASIS: XML: ahol az XML összes vetülete megtalálható és amelyet az OASIS tart fenn. 20