Public relation at our school


Hasonló előadás
LDV Project  Szeretettel köszönjük Önöket Egerben a Leonardo Projekt Workshopján  We welcome - with much love - our dear guests!

Parkolás Parking management
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COMENIUS school partnership Together for our planet! project OROSHÁZA, HUNGARY Orosháza Város Általános Iskolája és Pedagógiai Szolgáltató Intézménye.
„21. századi közoktatás – fejlesztés, koordináció” TÁMOP / számú kiemelt projekt eTwinning: a digital touch in teacher training Klaudia.
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Az IKT szerepe a kompetencia alapú oktatásban. THE EDUCATION INFRASTURCTURE IN HUNGARY I. The number of personal computers and users in educational institutions.
Simple Past Egyszerű múlt idő.
Szeged – Novi Sad Winter School 2015: Non-Standard Forms of Teaching Mathematics and Physics Szeged Winter Training 2015: Mobile Tools and Dynamic Modeling.
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The official language of our country is Hungarian.
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Egészség határok nélkül
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„Animal Integration in the Educational Programme „ZORO”
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Survey on competitiveness
"Shoes on the Danube Bank”
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Indicators for climate sensitivity studies
(Резьба по яичной скорлупе)
Divat- és stílustervező szakképesítés
ENEREA - Észak –Alföld Regional Energy Agency
FAZEKAS ANDRÁS ISTVÁN PhD c. egyetemi docens
„Animal Integration in the Educational Programme „ZORO”
Equality and solidarity in school practice
Social Renewal Operational Programme
Multiplikációs rendezvény – Békéscsaba
Polymer Theory Why are we looking at polymer theory?
Magnetic Miskolc Gergely Virág
A nem állami, nem önkormányzati iskolák helyzete Magyarországon
Csurgalékvíz tisztítás
„Networking and participation – for the more effective representation of the interest of people experiencing poverty Getting funding from the European.
Microsoft eszközpályázat
(Резьба по яичной скорлупе)
Kerámia és Polimermérnöki Intézet
Social Renewal Operational Programme
Volunteering in Hollókő
O5 AgroTeach 4.0 further training program for VET teachers
Gazdasági mediáció Economic mediation „Mi a legfontosabb kérdés
Előadás másolata:

Public relation at our school ESzC Bornemissza Gergely Szakközépiskolája, Szakiskolája és Kollégiuma Ruda Slaska, Poland 2016 A projektet az Európai Bizottság támogatta. A kiadványban (közleményben) megjelentek nem szükségszerűen tükrözik az Európai Bizottság nézeteit.

Relationship between our school and civil organizations Civil Festival present great varieties of carpentry and crafts welding simulator a power generation with a stationary bicycle


School of the Year competition our school awarded the trophy for the third time

Hospital renovation painting, plumbing, wallpapering and carpentry works

School’s drama group There are15 members in our school’s drama club School’s drama group There are15 members in our school’s drama club. It makes performances every important event such as national holidays, school events, teachers’ day, gallery opening ceremony etc.

Kátai Art Gallery There is an art gallery part in our school where two artists exhibit their work every year. This exhibition is open for public.

Night of Researchers Career choice program with interactive elements was held in Eger organized by Aventics Hungary Ltd. and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Heves County. Visitors could learn about the operation of hybrid cars, could watch modern building electricity network and a CNC teaching machine during operation at the display of our school.

Night of Trades Night of Trades as a national program was held in April, which our school joined as well.

Thank you very much for your attention!