Way to become an entrepreneur


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Way to become an entrepreneur How to be your own boss Way to become an entrepreneur A projektet az Európai Bizottság támogatta. A kiadványban (közleményben) megjelentek nem szükségszerűen tükrözik az Európai Bizottság nézeteit.

Pros and Cons Control. Excitement. Flexibility. Freedom. Rational salary. Administration. Competition. Loneliness. Schedule. Salary. Pros and Cons “First of all some of you may already experienced this question. “What difference would it make if I were an entrepreneur?” What are the advantages and disadvantages, or as we call them in this presentation: The Pros and and Cons. First start the positive side. Egyébként itt esetleg lehetne olyat, hogy megkérdezni a közönséget, hogy nekik mi a véleményük, szerintük mi a legnagyobb előnye annak, hogy egyéni vállalkozó vagy. Aztán 1-2 válasz után elmondani azt az ötöt, ami itt van. Aztán ugyanígy a negatív oldallal is. CONTROL. You choose the work you like to do and that makes the most of your strengths and skills. The result can be more job satisfaction. EXCITEMENT. Entrepreneurship can be exciting and many entrepreneurs consider their work highly enjoyable. Each day is filled with new opportunities to challenge your abilities, skills, and determination. FLEXIBILITY. Entrepreneurs can schedule their work hours around other commitments, including spending quality time with their families. FREEDOM. Freedom to work whenever they want, wherever they want, and however they want draws many to entrepreneurship. Most entrepreneurs don’t consider their work actual work because they are doing something they love. RATIONAL SALARY. As an entrepreneur, your income is directly related to your efforts and the success of your business. ADMINISTRATION. While making all the decisions can be a benefit, it can also be a burden. Being an entrepreneur comes with a lot of paperwork that can take up time and energy. COMPETITION. Staying competitive is critical as a small business owner. You will need to differentiate your business from others like yours in order to build a solid customer base and be profitable. LONELINESS. It can be lonely and scary to be completely responsible for the success or failure of your business. NO REGULAR SALARY. Being an entrepreneur often means giving up the security of a regular paycheck. If business slows down, your personal income can be at risk. WORK SCHEDULE. The work schedule of an entrepreneur can be unpredictable. A major disadvantage to being an entrepreneur is that it requires more work and longer hours than being an employee.

Obtain licenses to legally operate Build the know-how Business plan Obtain licenses to legally operate Build the know-how Measure the demand Satisfy Steps Now let’s move to see what steps are needed in order strive as an entrepreneur. We came together and wrote up 5 really needed steps if you want to rule. These are the following in order. First you will need a business plan, then the legal licenses, the know-how, the market opportunities and the way to achieve satisfaction.

1. Business plan Your target Name of the company Their needs Demographic analysis Psychographic analysis “What business am I in?” Where you are located When you were formed What is your legal entity Already achieved success Name of the company Contact information Company logo Operation date Document number What your company does What market it solves Whose needs it satisfies Company background Object: Get an investor like your company Details about your market How large Competitors Affective trends COVER PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMPANY OVERVIEW INDUSTRY ANALYSIS CUSTOMER ANALYSIS Üzleti terv 5 részből áll, amelyek fentebb is fel vannak sorolva. A Forbes oldalán van egy cikk, amely nagyjából összefoglalja, hogy miről is kell szólnia minden egyes részletnek. A cikk: http://www.forbes.com/sites/davelavinsky/2013/07/18/business-plan-template-what-to-include/#15eef70d7bdb

2. Obtain the licenses Entrepreneurship Company HUNGARY Depends on Private business licence Find accountant Adequacy to conditions Filling in and sending electronic form Memorandum of Association Articles of Association Itt el kell mondani, hogy: “Even though we were talking about entrepreneurship from the beginning of the presentation we have to take a look at forming a company in Hungary. Because not only you can be own boss as an entrepreneur, but if you establish a company yourself.” “Two basic documents are needed for setting up a company: The memorandum of Association (Alapító okirat) and the Articles of Association (Alapszabályok). They have to be drawn up and signed by the founder / founding members of the business organisation. These documents are then sent to the Registrar of Companies (Cégbíróság). After the documents are filed with the registrar, a certificate of registration or incorporation is given out, which allows the company to start its operation. The general public can have a look into these documents.” – EZ egyébként UK-ban való cégregisztráció, de nagyjából hasonló itthon is, csak kell adóhatósághoz még bejelenteni, kötelező bankszámla nyitása, meg ilyesmik. Max azokat bele lehet még szövegezni, de a tömör lényeg az nagyjából az, amit leírtam angolul. Have to drawn up and signed by the founders Send to the Registrar of Companies

3. Build the know-how Innovation New product / service Leginkább arról kellene itt beszélni, hogy ugye kétféleképpen lehet kialakítani a vállalat tevékenységét. Vagy innoválunk egy már jelenlévő, piacon meglévő terméket / szolgáltatást, vagy pedig egy teljesen újat hozunk be a piacra, és akarunk részesedést szerezni. Amikor innovációról van szó, akkor muszáj megnézni, hogy hogyan tennénk azt, mi lenne az újdonság egy adott, jelen lévő piaci szegmensben. Viszont amikor új termékről / szolgáltatásról van szó, akkor vagy egy meglévő piaci szegmensre szeretnénk egy új terméket bevinni vagy pedig egy teljesen új piacot alakítunk ki. És van a kettőnek a kombinációja, egy új termék, ami innovatív. El lehetne ide mondani, hogy mint a drónoknak a piacra. Innovatív volt, nem volt egyáltalán jelen, így új piaci szegmenst jelentett az első kialakítónak. A példákat minden előadáson nagyon szeretik! New product / service

4. Measure the demand What? How? When? Where? Primary data sources vs. Secondary data sources How? Made by us vs. Made by some else When? The seasonality effect WHAT – What kind of analysis should be use in order the measure the market. Primary data sources or secondary data sources. Primary is a totally new research carried out to answer a specific question. Just like the demand for our product / service. Secondary data sources are publicly available datas from which we could work out the demand somehow. HOW – How we should do it? Should we execute it or we should hire someone in order to measure. WHEN – It does matter when the market is measured. Seasonality affects greatly the graphs. Just like at Coca Cola, more people will drink at summer. WHERE – Which region should be measure? We have to specify our main geographic target. Like if we are producing drones, third world countries may not be able to purchase it due to the prices. Where? Regions, geographic locations

5. Satisfy “We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.” - Jeff Bezos “I think everybody knows what satisfaction means for a customers, as we, individually are customers too. So for the last point, the fifth as “Satisfy” I would like to say a quote from Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com and an investor. He says that we, as a company are the hosts and the customers are the guests. We need to make sure every inch of that party is more and more perfect from time to time, in order to satisfy, just like that title says.”

Behind the scenes

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