29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in „Óbuda” and „Margaret” islands.


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29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in „Óbuda” and „Margaret” islands (Budapest, Hungary) tested by different mosses and ICP-OES Ágnes BÁLINT1, Lőrinc Komlós2, Albert SZANISZLÓ1 1Óbuda University, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Doberdó u. 6. , Budapest, H-1034 Hungary 2Szent István University, Páter K. u. 1., Gödöllő, H-2100 Hungary First of all I would like to express my gratitude to Marina Frontasyeva for allowing me to present our results on ICP Vegetation meeting.

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The term heavy metal Metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density and is toxic or poisonous even at low concentrations. The most significant environmental pollutant heavy metals are: cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn), in large amount the iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) are pollutants, too. These heavy metals are present in the environment due to weathering of soil-forming rocks and minerals, and by the emission of chemical fertilizers, soil improving materials, pesticides, organic fertilizers, waste water, waste water slobs, due to industrial and mining activity and due to traffic (Hegedűs, 2002). Sources: http:// www.windows2universe.org/glossary/density_defn.html; http://www.eoearth.org/view/article/153463/

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The way of heavy metals from the first step of pollution to the final step in human body In the picture we can observe the way that follows the havy metals from the first step of the pollution to the final step in the human body by menas the food. Source: http://www.biosensing.net/HTML/pollutants.html

The scheme of heavy metal behaviour in atmosphere 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The scheme of heavy metal behaviour in atmosphere Source:https://books.google.hu/books?id=HCMOAN_xmnIC&pg=PA179&lpg=PA179&dq=The+scheme+of+heavy+metal+behaviour+in+atmosphere&source=bl&ots=2r15Myo6va&sig=4gMEEWXuBuOCrsIxjV3LoRytCmg&hl=hu&sa=X&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=The%20scheme%20of%20heavy%20metal%20behaviour%20in%20atmosphere&f=false

The next ones are consequences of the human activity: 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The next ones are consequences of the human activity: Heavy metals: biological essential (e.g. Cu, Ni, Fe, Zn) Heavy metals: non biological essential (e.g. Pb, Hg, Cd, Sn) Sensitive equilibrium of nature is changed ecological and human health problems

The aim of investigation 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The aim of investigation Because of the environmental pollution there is an increased attention on the potentially toxic elements and on the dangers related to heavy metals. Detailed and intensive examinations are necessary in order to avoid extensive contaminations. A lot of information is needed about different environmental elements to understand the fast changes in environment and to control the environmental laws. Therefore, it is important to evaluate different studies in the environment the deposition of heavy metals. Some plants, can be very useful as bioindicators in order to obtain information about heavy metal concentration data derived from the air pollution monitoring.

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The sampling places

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The sampling places Source: https://www.google.com/maps/@47.4970588,19.0463769,607a,20y,81.85t/data=!3m1!1e3

The sampling place 1: Control Margaret island 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The sampling place 1: Control Margaret island It was always a recreation park Source: budapestcity.org

The sampling place 1: Control Margaret island 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The sampling place 1: Control Margaret island Source: https://www.google.com/maps/

The sampling place 2: Óbuda island 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The sampling place 2: Óbuda island Earlier: Shipyard in Óbuda island Nowadays: it is a recreation park Source: budapestcity.org (In 1910 source: Magyar Folyam és Tengerhajózási Rt., 1916) http://egykor.hu/budapest-iii--kerulet/obudai-hajogyar/3016

The sampling place 2: Óbuda island 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation The sampling place 2: Óbuda island Source: https://www.google.com/maps/

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Studied moss samples Campylium calcareum (Margit-island: 5 pieces, Óbuda-island: 15 pieces) Samples: H3, H4, H6, H8, H9, H10, H13, H14, H16, H17, H18, H20, H21, H22, H24, M1, M4, M5, M6, M7 Source: www.swissbryophytes.ch

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Studied moss samples Campylium stellatum (Margit-island: 1 piece, Óbudai-island: 1 piece) Samples: H2, M3 Source: www.biopix-foto.de

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Studied moss samples Neckera crispa (Margit-island: 1 piece, Óbuda-island: 8 pices) Samples: H1, H5, H7, H11, H12, H15, H19, H23, M2 Source: www.analternativenaturalhistoryofsussex.blogspot.hu

Pretreatment of the moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Pretreatment of the moss samples Deliver into the lab cleaning  drying (72 hours at 70oC)grindsieve (0.2mm) Microwave Digestion (Milestone 1200 Mega): ≈ 0.5 g dry matter sample 5 cm3 HNO3 + 2 cm3 H2O2 Digestion program (Baranowska & Srogi, 2000) : Steps Time [min.] Efficiency [W] 1. 0:06:00 400 2. 0:02:00 3. 0:07:00 250 4. 550 5. 650 Ventillation: 00:10:00 Rotorctrl: on Twist: on Felhasználásig hűtve tárolt minták Szennyeződésektől való megtisztítás a szárítás előtt Szárítás szárítószekrényben 72 órán át 70 °C-on, tömegállandóságig Minták ledarálása

Measurement of the heavy metal concentration 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Measurement of the heavy metal concentration Jobin-Yvon, ACTIVA M ICP-OES (Szent István University) Measured heavy metals: Cd, Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn

Results and discussion 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Results and discussion

Cd concentration in different samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Cd concentration in different samples In all cases the concentrations of Cd were under detection limit.

Concentration of Al in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Al in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Concentration of Cr in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Cr in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Concentration of Cu in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Cu in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Concentration of Fe in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Fe in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Concentration of Mn in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Mn in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Concentration of Ni in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Ni in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Concentration of Pb in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Pb in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Concentration of Zn in moss samples 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Concentration of Zn in moss samples Óbuda island Margaret island

Wind conditions in Hungary 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Wind conditions in Hungary Magyarország szél viszonyai Magyarország szélviszonyainak kialakításában két lényeges tényező játszik szerepet, az általános cirkuláció által meghatározott alapáramlás, valamint a domborzat módosító hatása. A szélnek irányát és sebességét szoktuk megkülönböztetni. A szél irányán mindig azt az égtájat értjük, amerről fúj. 1. ábra Az évi átlagos szélsebességek [m/s] és az uralkodó szélirányok Magyarországon (2000-2009) A mérsékelt éghajlati övben a nagyobb magasságokban a nyugatias szelek az uralkodóak, de alacsonyabb szinteken a domborzat ezt jelentősen befolyásolja. Magyarország területén elhelyezkedéséből következően az uralkodó szél, más szóval leggyakoribb szélirány az északnyugati, míg a délies szeleknek másodmaximuma van. Az általános cirkuláció északnyugatias irányú fő áramlása a Dunántúl keleti felén és a Duna-Tisza közén érvényesül legjobban, míg a Tiszántúlon északkeleti az uralkodó szélirány. A mérsékelt öv szelei azonban a cirkuláció különböző fázisai következtében nem állandók, nálunk a leggyakoribb szélirány relatív gyakorisága általában csak 15-35% között ingadozik. Az esetek 65-85%-ában tehát nem az uralkodó irányból fúj a szél. A szélsebesség aktuális értékét nagymértékben a lokális tényezők határozzák meg. A szélsebesség a makroléptékű tényezőkön kívül a domborzattól, a felszínborítottságtól és az adott hely környezetében levő egyéb akadályoktól (épületek, fák, fasorok stb.) függ. Az átlagos szélsebesség alapján hazánkat a mérsékleten szeles vidékek közé sorolhatjuk, a szélsebesség évi átlagai Magyarországon 2-4 m/s között változnak, de a fentiek miatt lokálisan ettől jelentősen eltérő értékek is megfigyelhetőek. A szélsebességnek jellegzetes évi menete van, legszelesebb időszakunk a tavasz első fele, míg a legkisebb szélsebességek általában ősz elején tapasztalhatók. Hazánkban országos átlagban évente 122 szeles nap fordul elő (vagyis amikor a szél legerősebb lökésének sebessége eléri vagy meghaladja a 10 m/s-t), és ,ezek közül 35 nap viharos (vagyis ennyi alkalommal nagyobb a széllökés 15 m/s-nál is). Source: http://www.met.hu/eghajlat/magyarorszag_eghajlata/altalanos_eghajlati_jellemzes/szel/

Wind conditions in Budapest, Hungary 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Wind conditions in Budapest, Hungary %

29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Conclusions The studied heavy metal concentrations are above detection limits except of Cd The concetrations of measured heavy metals have significant differences at different places Presumable source of contaminations are: former industry and traffic

The authors acknowledge for ICP measurement to M. Horváth. 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Acknowledgement The authors thank for L. Fülöp his help in the determination of mosses. The authors acknowledge for ICP measurement to M. Horváth.

Thank you for your kind attention! 29h Task Force Meeting, 29th February – 4th March 2016, Dubna, Russian Federation Thank you for your kind attention!