Measurement of PSyCHologiCal stress by EGIG system


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Measurement of PSyCHologiCal stress by EGIG system Projektcím:  A sportolók felkészítésénél jelentkező stressz hatás mélyrehatóbb vizsgálatához egy metodika és mérőrendszer kidolgozása a gasztrointesztinális motilitás (EGIG) és a kardiális változások alapján. Kedvezményezett: Szegedi Tudományegyetem Web: PIAC_13-1-2013-0201 Measurement of PSyCHologiCal stress by EGIG system Dr. Balogh László Dr. Mikulán Rita Dr. Molnár Andor Hajdúné dr. Petrovszki Zita

As Selye describes, stressors can be perceived by an individual as positive or negative. Stressors perceived as being disruptive or upsetting can lead to negative feelings, or distress, while those stressors perceived as being motivating or enjoyable can lead to positive feelings, or eustress. Hull drive theory that proposes a linear relationship between arousal and performance where as arousal increases so does the quality of performance. As stress increases, so does performance, but only to a certain point, after which performance begins to decline. This relationship is known as the Yerkes-Dodson Law.

Hanin believes that each athlete has one’s own optimal anxiety level and zones of intensity which are always individual and could be either low, or moderate, or even high

Innovation: EGIG investigation procedure Paper-and-pencil test, the most common type of tests, however, the small number of new research that may provide an opportunity to measure arousal in an objective manner. EGG examination. An electrogastrogram is similar to an EKG of the heart. It is a recording of the electrical signals that travel through the muscles of the stomach and control the muscles' contraction. Innovation: EGIG investigation procedure Stress – anxiety – objective measurement of zone We would like to develop a new device, based on earlier pre-clinical studies and research to measure the optimal zone (stress and anxiety level).

How is EGIG done? EGIG is a non-invasive test, relatively inexpensive, and easy to perform. Electrodes are placed cutaniously on the abdominal skin over the GI. While the patient is lying down relaxing, the electrodes record the electrical activity of the GI.  3D human gastroenterogramm. On a vertical axis a spectrum of signal from GI smooth muscle in µV. Frequency ranges from left to right: large intestine, stomach, ileum, jejunum, duodenum

Application areas Eating Human diagnostics Research The electrodes of EGIG sense the myoelectrical signals coming from the GI's muscles, and the signals are recorded on a computer for analysis. It is based that different organs of a GI tract give different slow wave frequency. The EGG Diagnostics is possible to capture normal, or different activities of GI organs. The EGG diagnostic procedure can provide all-round assistance in the area of nutritional science in a way that makes it objectively examined was lifted each gastric bodies (primarily the stomach) in response to nutrient intake. The most common answers: Normal operation early sense of fullness distension / bloating nausea Eating The EGIG diagnosis is preferably matched many research area of different diseases. Such areas are psychological and physical stress, pathological changes of gastric area (Crohn's, colitis etc) in preclinical and clinical research. Research Human diagnostics

EGIG Examination time (min) Pilot Study young adult athletes (n=18) empty stomach in the supine position EGIG Examination time (min) 20 40 1. period 2. period sound stimulus EGIG system: Experimetria (Hungary) University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education Institute of Physical Education and Sports Science 2014 july

Results evaluation of the data by Adware Research Kft com . CPM mean complete CPM mean for 20 min CPM max between 20-30 CPM mean from 30 min Mean of cycles per minute (CPM) complete stomach small intestine colon com . During the preliminary tests clear differences were detected between 20 minutes and 20 to 30 minutes and the results after 30 minutes. Regarding the different phases the largest differences can be detected due to sound stimuli in the colon.

EGIG+EKG Examination time (min) Present Research Evaluation of the data is still in progress Initial measurements Final measurements Milk Athlete - Milk drinker (n=29) Athlete - Control (n=10) Non - Athlete - Milk drinker (n=3) Non - Athlete – Control (n=2) Milk A Konzorcium által benyújtott pályázat címe: „A sportolók felkészítésénél jelentkező stressz hatás mélyrehatóbb vizsgálatához egy metodika és mérőrendszer kidolgozása a gasztrointesztinális motilitás (EGIG) és a kardiális változások alapján.” Ennek megfelelően a projekt célja egy objektív mérő- és kiértékelő rendszer létrehozása, amely elemzi a stressz-hatásoknak a sportolók (vagy más olyan foglalkozási ágakban, ahol szellemi és fizikai terhelés egyidejűleg van jelen) teljesítményére kifejtett befolyásoló tényezőit. Week 1 2 3 4 EGIG+EKG Examination time (min) 10 20 1. period 2. period Measurement method Omega 3 enriched milk by ADEXGO Kft. sound stimulus

In the lab…

Presentations Arnold Nagy : Measurement of Stress Level through Elite MX Athletes Hungarian National Congress Student Research Groups Pécs Hungary, 08-10. April 2015 Dóra Almási: The zone and sport talent Zoltán Brezovai: Football referee and stress 22nd International Student Congress on Sport Sciences, Budapest, 28-30 April 2016 László Balogh: To Be in the Zone – Measurement of Stress Level with EGIG through Elite MX Athletes Annual Congress of European College of Sport Science, Malmö, Sweden,  24-27 June 2015

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